Well, I do live in a world, as do you, where the system is rigged against anyone with a conservative opinion and a microphone loud enough for anyone to hear. Not dangerous in an anonymous forum, but definitely so in a commercialized forum that employs folks to seek and destroy anything opposing the activist Lib narrative.
My businesses could be shut down by my states’ DHHS for disseminating ‘misinformation’ by any patient who might take offense to some political viewpoint might try and espouse. Which is why, as an even minimally-known ‘public figure’ I’d be insane for doing so.
Every DHHS in every state has a QUOTA they’re required to meet in fining, disciplining and penalizing medical professionals per year, or they lose federal funding. Truth.
Am curious as to whether the mods who elected to shut down TOS were advised to do so by some Outside Party suggesting the site might otherwise be liable for permitting ‘disinformation’. It’s not as if there isn’t an entire new federal bureaucracy tasked with accomplishing EXACTLY THIS (probably paid for with ‘Stimulus Money’).
Our country is LOST, and it’s dangerous to talk openly about it, if you have something tangible to lose.