Political but not political

Political, but not political… 😏 lol

Crazy times we live in. One party calls for a “do-over” in the 11th hour once they can no longer hide their candidate’s decline. Now having just a few weeks to introduce a new candidate/ticket and message. All while the other has survived political/media slander, accusations of being a Russian operative, impeachment over unprecedented standards, legal and financial attacks that cost him millions of dollars and a felony conviction and sadly an attempt on his life.

This shit is crazier then any political novel or movie I’ve ever witnessed 😳
Here is my question.

If he is basically admitting (without coming out and saying it) that he is not well enough to run again and that he is unfit to run again

Why is he still President??
Never was. Strings
Political, but not political… 😏 lol

Crazy times we live in. One party calls for a “do-over” in the 11th hour once they can no longer hide their candidate’s decline. Now having just a few weeks to introduce a new candidate/ticket and message. All while the other has survived political/media slander, accusations of being a Russian operative, impeachment over unprecedented standards, legal and financial attacks that cost him millions of dollars and a felony conviction and sadly an attempt on his life.

This shit is crazier then any political novel or movie I’ve ever witnessed 😳
Veep meets game of thrones.
Here is my question.

If he is basically admitting (without coming out and saying it) that he is not well enough to run again and that he is unfit to run again

Why is he still President??
I could understand the argument of "i can last the next 6 months, but I couldn't last 54 months."

It's all a cope. If you were so great and got the most votes ever it wouldn't matter.
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He is just as fit mentally as he was when he ran last time. He is just admitting he can't win.
I think there's been significant deterioration. And it wasn't great before. It's getting beyond the point where the lesbo mop head can explain it away. Even the "journalists" arent holding the line.
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I honestly don’t think he knows, or remembers.

He has to pardon his crackhead son first.RollingLaugh
Now is about the time this country needs to get its shit together.

First up, no Presidential pardons.

No Executive Orders since they appear nowhere in the Constitution.

If you're not a legal citizen you get zero vote and zero taxpayer money.

Zero foreign aid. You don't borrow $ 43B from China so you can pay them $ 43B in foreign aid.

If the USA is supplying defense for countries, they pay for all expenses us taxpayers incur.

If you commit anarchy during an uprising and cause damage, no effing free passes without charges.

There's not one thing on here that doesn't benefit the greater good.

And that's just the warmup.

(Somehow I managed to link to 2 separate posters. Oh well.)
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I don't blame the common man for not knowing what's going on. These neanderthals don't have the education, experience, or sources like those who are on the inside (me). Send me their home addresses and I will add them to my newsletter. Most on this board will vouch for me, I even told them of this news the week prior to Plan A.
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Now is about the time this country needs to get its shit together.

First up, no Presidential pardons.

No Executive Orders since they appear nowhere in the Constitution.

If you're not a legal citizen you get zero vote and zero taxpayer money.

Zero foreign aid.

If the USA is supplying defense for countries, they pay for all expenses us taxpayers incur.

If you commit anarchy during an uprising and cause damage, no effing free passes without charges.

And that's just the warmup.
Omg, what is this old due rambling on about? Sorry Pal, no one likes Biden!
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I don't blame the common man for not knowing what's going on. These neanderthals don't have the education, experience, or sources like those who are on the inside (me). Send me their home addresses and I will add them to my newsletter. Most on this board will vouch for me, I even told them of this news the week prior to Plan A.
The "common man"

I leave for 30 minutes and come back to find these buds writing erotic homosexual fan typical. Sorry buds, neither Power Top Pete nor I are getting anything shoved in our rear ends!
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