Please Be Smart. Wear a helmet.

Can always count on the "cyclists are second class citizens" crowd to chime in whenever and wherever they can. Worse than trying to have a conversation with vegans. Look, it isn't my fault you look like an over stuffed sausage casing with hail damage when you put on tighter fitting clothes, but the law says I have the same right to the road you do...and for the "ride on the sidewalk" crowd, I've been hit in the sidewalk by a car to. It broke my helmet in 3 places. Now what??

How bout this....put your phone down and watch what you're doing hear me out....lift on the ole gas pedal for a few seconds and wait for a good opportunity to pass me safely when you see me. Your overweight wife you have no interest in seeing naked anymore can wait an extra minute for you to get home.

...having said all that 90% of my rides now are mountain bike... to approx. 10% road biking, and even then I start 15mi out in the country and head even further out for the actual road ride because I'm no fan of riding on busy roads either.
I’m against cars driving on sidewalks
You do have the same right. The problem is, like I said, when a car and a bike collide, one is fine, the other is not. Why put yourself in that position if you don't have to? I know, I know "my rights"

It is my right to swim in the ocean but I don't want a shark to eat me, so I don't go in the ocean and I find other ways to get my swim game on.

Also, if you got hit on the sidewalk it sounds like it was intentional, I would look into that.

I do like your fat rant though! Haha! Wives LOVE to pack on the pounds and why anyone would rush home to see their "best friend" wife is beyond me.

I've been hit by 3 cars, I know how it ends. I lost every time. How bout ya'll just stop hitting me with your fvcking cars and blaming me for having the audicity for riding a bike...i'm lol'ing as I type I promise. We're fine...just accept we have the same rights and be careful.

I also don't think 16 y/o girls should be allowed to drive either but you know what I don't do? Hit em with my car, then blame them for driving there.
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Can always count on the "cyclists are second class citizens" crowd to chime in whenever and wherever they can. Worse than trying to have a conversation with vegans. Look, it isn't my fault you look like an over stuffed sausage casing with hail damage when you put on tighter fitting clothes, but the law says I have the same right to the road you do...and for the "ride on the sidewalk" crowd, I've been hit in the sidewalk by a car to. It broke my helmet in 3 places. Now what??

How bout this....put your phone down and watch what you're doing hear me out....lift on the ole gas pedal for a few seconds and wait for a good opportunity to pass me safely when you see me. Your overweight wife you have no interest in seeing naked anymore can wait an extra minute for you to get home.

...having said all that 90% of my rides now are mountain bike... to approx. 10% road biking, and even then I start 15mi out in the country and head even further out for the actual road ride because I'm no fan of riding on busy roads either.
The law allows for a lot of things that I don't advise people do. Like driving exactly 55 down the interstate while traffic going 75 or 80 goes by. Or people that walk along rural highways with a tiny shoulder at dusk or dawn. It's always a tragedy when people get hit, but some of these aren't hard to see coming.
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Can always count on the "cyclists are second class citizens" crowd to chime in whenever and wherever they can. Worse than trying to have a conversation with vegans. Look, it isn't my fault you look like an over stuffed sausage casing with hail damage when you put on tighter fitting clothes, but the law says I have the same right to the road you do...and for the "ride on the sidewalk" crowd, I've been hit in the sidewalk by a car to. It broke my helmet in 3 places. Now what??

How bout this....put your phone down and watch what you're doing hear me out....lift on the ole gas pedal for a few seconds and wait for a good opportunity to pass me safely when you see me. Your overweight wife you have no interest in seeing naked anymore can wait an extra minute for you to get home.

...having said all that 90% of my rides now are mountain bike... to approx. 10% road biking, and even then I start 15mi out in the country and head even further out for the actual road ride because I'm no fan of riding on busy roads either.
While there are plenty of technically challenging mountain bike trails, including ones with significant cliff exposure, none are as scary as riding on flat paved road that you share with drivers armed with 8,000 pound vehicles and a smart phone.
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I've been hit by 3 cars, I know how it ends. I lost every time. How bout ya'll just stop hitting me with your fvcking cars and blaming me for hav8ng the audicity for riding a bike...i'm lol'ing as I type I promise. We're fine...just accept we have the same rights and be careful.

I also don't think 16 y/o girls should be allowed to drive either bit you know what I don't do? Hit em with my car, then blame them for driving there.
Dude, it is not even 16 anymore!

14 year olds can drive with a school permit! What the hell is that???
The law allows for a lot of things that I don't advise people do. Like driving exactly 55 down the interstate while traffic going 75 or 80 goes by. Or people that walk along rural highways with a tiny shoulder at dusk or dawn. It's always a tragedy when people get hit, but some of these aren't hard to see coming.
Is this a pun about the topic :)

  • Haha
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Dude, it is not even 16 anymore!

14 year olds can drive with a school permit! What the hell is that???
It has been this way forever. With that in mind when my kids start driving I’m going to start them with manual transmissions in hopes it keeps them more engaged on the road and away from phones.
Can always count on the "cyclists are second class citizens" crowd to chime in whenever and wherever they can. Worse than trying to have a conversation with vegans. Look, it isn't my fault you look like an over stuffed sausage casing with hail damage when you put on tighter fitting clothes, but the law says I have the same right to the road you do...and for the "ride on the sidewalk" crowd, I've been hit in the sidewalk by a car to. It broke my helmet in 3 places. Now what??

How bout this....put your phone down and watch what you're doing hear me out....lift on the ole gas pedal for a few seconds and wait for a good opportunity to pass me safely when you see me. Your overweight wife you have no interest in seeing naked anymore can wait an extra minute for you to get home.

...having said all that 90% of my rides now are mountain bike... to approx. 10% road biking, and even then I start 15mi out in the country and head even further out for the actual road ride because I'm no fan of riding on busy roads either.
A big problem is the Omaha metro is not bike friendly, primarily because the roads are already so narrow there is no room for bike lanes. In newer cities and suburbs in warmer climates (like in Arizona) there are bike lanes everywhere and signage about the lanes and not only is there more room for cars to pass bikes safely, but seeing the road features about bikes makes people much more aware of sharing the road with bikes.
It has been this way forever. With that in mind when my kids start driving I’m going to start them with manual transmissions in hopes it keeps them more engaged on the road and away from phones.
Not a bad idea!
A big problem is the Omaha metro is not bike friendly, primarily because the roads are already so narrow there is no room for bike lanes. In newer cities and suburbs in warmer climates (like in Arizona) there are bike lanes everywhere and signage about the lanes and not only is there more room for cars to pass bikes safely, but seeing the road features about bikes makes people much more aware of sharing the road with bikes.

West Omaha is downright scary on a bike. All the road should have been built twice as wide 10 years ago...yet here we are, years later making do with two lane roads everywhere while they build 4 thousand more homes on the same street that's already to small.

DesMoines is a great example of a midwest community that does it right. They like cyclists, West Omahan's consider us target practice.
West Omaha is downright scary on a bike. All the road should have been built twice as wide 10 years ago...yet here we are, years later making do with two lane roads everywhere while they build 4 thousand more homes on the same street that's already to small.

DesMoines is a great example of a midwest community that does it right. They like cyclists, West Omahan's consider us target practice.
I 100% believe that Fort Street was designed with the intent of making the Omaha population smaller by killing pedestrians and bike riders.
Cyclists have every right to ride on the road so long as they obey traffic laws (many don’t).

Any cyclist that insists on exercising their right to ride on the road is a moron. Exercising your right to ride shouldn’t be a higher priority than self preservation. And yet I see cyclists on busy, no shoulder winding roads in New England all the time. I just shake my head. Living>being right.
Fine. No disagreement. Doesn’t make it intelligent. Why that’s the hill cyclists will literally decide to die on is mind boggling. Go find a trail. Get off the road. Not because you are a nuisance, but for your own safety. There will always be traffic accidents. Cyclists are gambling with their life riding on the streets. Your right to be there doesn’t affect your ability to survive is someone hits you. It’s not worth it.
it boils down to small percentages of both car/truck and bicycle/motorcycle folks screwing it up for the rest. I routinely have bicycle traffic on my trips to and from work and although somewhat tricky on shoulder-less 2 lane roads, there is very little difficulty with sharing the road. But often time I see cars refuse to give any space when passing.

However, there is a large number daily (like 4-6 individuals) that do not signal turns whatsoever, nor do they stop very often at lights or signs before just rolling through.

I ride enough (not on streets) on my bicycle to appreciate the feeling of vulnerability.

On the other hand, motorcycles, I don't wish anyone any true harm, but if you are splitting lanes through a fully red light while doing a wheelie...then you deserve whatever happens to you. I have seen this twice in the last 3 weeks on Hwy 2 in Lincoln (now called Nebraska PKWY)
I've been hit by 3 cars, I know how it ends. I lost every time. How bout ya'll just stop hitting me with your fvcking cars and blaming me for having the audicity for riding a bike...i'm lol'ing as I type I promise. We're fine...just accept we have the same rights and be careful.

I also don't think 16 y/o girls should be allowed to drive either but you know what I don't do? Hit em with my car, then blame them for driving there.
Think of how many lives would be saved if women weren’t allowed to drive 🤔
Can always count on the "cyclists are second class citizens" crowd to chime in whenever and wherever they can. Worse than trying to have a conversation with vegans. Look, it isn't my fault you look like an over stuffed sausage casing with hail damage when you put on tighter fitting clothes, but the law says I have the same right to the road you do...and for the "ride on the sidewalk" crowd, I've been hit in the sidewalk by a car to. It broke my helmet in 3 places. Now what??

How bout this....put your phone down and watch what you're doing hear me out....lift on the ole gas pedal for a few seconds and wait for a good opportunity to pass me safely when you see me. Your overweight wife you have no interest in seeing naked anymore can wait an extra minute for you to get home.

...having said all that 90% of my rides now are mountain bike... to approx. 10% road biking, and even then I start 15mi out in the country and head even further out for the actual road ride because I'm no fan of riding on busy roads either.
For me road bikers need to find places that aren't busy. My biggest issue with them is when they are on very busy roads maybe riding 20mph in a 45. Get the F off that road and go find somewhere less busy or go earlier in the morning when you aren't causing traffic jams to occur. That is what pisses me off as a motorist
For me road bikers need to find places that aren't busy. My biggest issue with them is when they are on very busy roads maybe riding 20mph in a 45. Get the F off that road and go find somewhere less busy or go earlier in the morning when you aren't causing traffic jams to occur. That is what pisses me off as a motorist

Ahhh yes...another motorist who cannot spare a few seconds of grace for somebody who has a right to be there. Nice talk.
Ahh another biker who thinks everyone should be on there time and pace. Nice talk

I don't think cyclists are asking to much that you abide by the law, and not run them over, because they slowed you down from getting to the next red light by a few seconds. That is a super weird reply.
I'm more worried about all the kids I see on e-bikes everywhere. Several kids in my neighborhood are zipping around on those everywhere and they are NOT in control. I shit you not, one little girl cannot be older than 3 or maybe 4 and is all over on that thing - sidewalk, middle of the road, running onto parked cars...all with no helmet!
Exactly. Get the **** out of the road. There is no reason you need to be in traffic during rush hour and you won't convince me otherwise. Glad you are primarily on your Mtn. Bike

That's not your call to make and you look angry amd unhinged when you talk like that. Betting all the delays cyclists have cost you combined in your entire life is less than 60 seconds....and if you need to get to that next red light faster, leave the house 4 seconds sooner.
I'm more worried about all the kids I see on e-bikes everywhere. Several kids in my neighborhood are zipping around on those everywhere and they are NOT in control. I shit you not, one little girl cannot be older than 3 or maybe 4 and is all over on that thing - sidewalk, middle of the road, running onto parked cars...all with no helmet!
If the little girl in your neighborhood lives, here she is in 20 years.

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That's not your call to make and you look angry amd unhinged when you talk like that. Betting all the delays cyclists have cost you combined in your entire life is less than 60 seconds....and if you need to get to that next red light faster, leave the house 4 seconds sooner.
Wrong. I’ve lived in Portland Oregon, world capital of clueless road bikers.
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That's not your call to make and you look angry amd unhinged when you talk like that. Betting all the delays cyclists have cost you combined in your entire life is less than 60 seconds....and if you need to get to that next red light faster, leave the house 4 seconds sooner.
Generally fine with the cyclists on the side, as long as they are single file. Every now and then, you get that pair who are side by side that are a little much.
That's not your call to make and you look angry amd unhinged when you talk like that. Betting all the delays cyclists have cost you combined in your entire life is less than 60 seconds....and if you need to get to that next red light faster, leave the house 4 seconds sooner.
Cars can get ticketed for impeading the normal flow of traffic in good conditions, so why can't bicyclists as well?
I'm all for cycling. But many cities just aren't set up for it on the road.
I would be all for more bike paths all over cities.
I love that the answer is "Just be careful and look out for bikes"

I get it, I do, but there are over 30,000 car accidents a day in America. I am guessing 95% of them were not intentional. Meaning pretty much everyone is NOT trying to hit other cars/bikes

And, I get the "just slow down" but if the speed limit is 40 and you are going about 15...well maybe the problem is not the cars.
I'm all for bikes on the side walks, municipalities should widen every single one of those and then call them ride walks. I'm about to start riding my bike to work and I am riding the sidewalks. No one actually walks those things where I live.