So, you're in agreement with me then.Sure the entire spectrum of Americans receive some sort of govt cheese, but for 99% of groups identified, it's a rounding error in the overall financial situation.
I don't have the numbers in front of me but I suspect we could axe most if not all discretionary spending and still be borderline in deficit terroritory. You certainly could entirely axe all the normal "bogeyman" in foreign nation handouts, SNAP/WIC/Welfare, and the like, and still end up in the hole.
That's what's funny about politics, politicians have us fighting about mostly things that don't matter, and the core tens and hundreds of trillions that are set to sink us, are talked about basically not at all. In that regard, Trump has moved conservative America further left than any prior GOP president, having taken the platform that he will protect govt bennies where as the previous 100 years of conservative effort was to reform/remove them. The last time this was seriously debated was nearly 30 years ago in the Dubya Bush/Gore campaign of the late 90's.
There is no solution to the math issue this country has created, If you think one candidate moved the country left, just wait till you get a dose of his opponent.
Anyone talking about eliminating this or that from this monstrocity of a deficit can be tamed is living in lala land. Having to borrow $1 Trillion dollars every 100 days with an already existing
$ 35 Trillion deficit, not including $ 2 Quadrillion dollars in Derivatives, all pegged to the USD.
Just trying to keep the lights on and the Ponzi Scheme in effect is not a policy that could ever work.
I don't disregard what you said in either post, you and I both know that dreaming about reducing the debt or decreasing the deficit is a non-starter. The only solution is for this country to formally declare bankruptcy since its been in bankruptcy since 1933 anyway.
Please understand, if this country did declare bankruptcy, it would NOT benefit me one penny. As I am 100% debt free, there would nothing for me to "write off." It would benefit those who were unable, and chose to live above their means and give them a chance to get out from under their current of course, they course repeat the same stupid effing financial moves they did to get in trouble in the first place.
There is no viable solution to the financial mess this country has become. Why do you think all except Japan and England have abandoned buying our Treasuries? They don't trust us and they know we are operating with a worthless currency which is soon to go extinct like the
Zimbabwe $ 1 Trillion Dollar bill.
Be happy to further exchange thoughts as long as we can stay away from politics as much as possible.
For the Moderators: This is not a political discussion, this is a financial/philosophical discussion.
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