OT: Why is Warren Buffet always ahead of the game?

I thought your point was you are taking on too much debt, which makes you dumber than a fry cook. Not that I mean to offend fry cooks.
Oh boy. No we didn’t take the loan for 2m home. I was simply saying that banks are letting people become way over leveraged.

Let me give you an example you can grasp.. Say when you’re frying a basket of fires. A safe level would be to only to fill said basket 2/3rds full. But big fry bank comes along and says nah man.. fill that basket up so fries are coming out the top
My mom worked their for 40 years, she did their stock option program. I don't know how many shares she has now, but I know she has done very well for herself.
I bet. Plus a $5/share annual dividend. I'm sure she is killing it.
Probably wouldn't do that great. Internet is full of crazy, conspiracy theorists.
Scene One: Burger King, ordering a coffee

"I noticed that worker did NOT give me a receipt, I suppose that means I don't actually own this coffee and they might have access to my personal information...only two things to do now. Burn that BK down to the ground and get in the bunker!"
Scene One: Burger King, ordering a coffee

"I noticed that worker did NOT give me a receipt, I suppose that means I don't actually own this coffee and they might have access to my personal information...only two things to do now. Burn that BK down to the ground and get in the bunker!"
Who orders coffee at BK?
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I would but I’ll get bant. You know where I’m heading with this
Assumptions usually get me in trouble, but I'll bite. I'll assume that you assume I fit in a box. What I would say to that is all these people thinking everyone has to fall lockstep with other groups of people are crazy. I don't blindly agree with something just because it came from a certain group or blindly disagree with something because it came from a certain group.

The mob mentality these days is what's wrong with this country and why we don't have many moderates.

I bet you would find I'm a lot more conservative than a lot of the outspoken people in "your group".
Assumptions usually get me in trouble, but I'll bite. I'll assume that you assume I fit in a box. What I would say to that is all these people thinking everyone has to fall lockstep with other groups of people are crazy. I don't blindly agree with something just because it came from a certain group or blindly disagree with something because it came from a certain group.

The mob mentality these days is what's wrong with this country and why we don't have many moderates.

I bet you would find I'm a lot more conservative than a lot of the outspoken people in "your group".
Talk is cheap. What you do at the ballot is whats important.

If you vote for a candidate that is pro taxing unrealized gains then one of the below must be true:

A) You agree with it
B) You disagree with it, but it’s not important to you
It’s literally insane and there are certain people who want to do it.
I look at it like any other stupid proposal. Not gonna happen. If they tax the unrealized gains then you would have to write off any unrealized losses. Someone would figure how to game the system and it would be a net wash.
Talk is cheap. What you do at the ballot is whats important.

If you vote for a candidate that is pro taxing unrealized gains then one of the below must be true:

A) You agree with it
B) You disagree with it, but it’s not important to you
Well it actually isn't important to me because I don't think it will happen. Politicians say a lot of things. As long as congress is split I don't see it happening. Even with a blue majority I don't see it happening.
Well it actually isn't important to me because I don't think it will happen. Politicians say a lot of things. As long as congress is split I don't see it happening. Even with a blue majority I don't see it happening.
Ok so B.
My mom worked their for 40 years, she did their stock option program. I don't know how many shares she has now, but I know she has done very well for herself.
I've said many times, there are many that have done well with the market. See how it plays out in the future.
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Oh boy. No we didn’t take the loan for 2m home. I was simply saying that banks are letting people become way over leveraged.

Let me give you an example you can grasp.. Say when you’re frying a basket of fires. A safe level would be to only to fill said basket 2/3rds full. But big fry bank comes along and says nah man.. fill that basket up so fries are coming out the top
Why is 61bigredfan the only guy who couldn't understand what you said in the first place?
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Scene One: Burger King, ordering a coffee

"I noticed that worker did NOT give me a receipt, I suppose that means I don't actually own this coffee and they might have access to my personal information...only two things to do now. Burn that BK down to the ground and get in the bunker!"
First of all. Waste of time. Stick to your booze and whores and teaching kids.
Obviously not directed at you Pelini, and why would I when I still have your wife in play for when things go bad?
There's no financial answer to an unstainable debt and deficit problem. It's easy to use perjoratives and opining you have answers or solutions, based on the example you use,
to which there are none.

Choosing a select group, such as elderly/disabled/veterans doesn't begin to repair anything.

If you want to discuss "groups" I can give you a lengthy list of "groups" that should all share in the financial pain, you and I as well as those similarly situated would be among those "groups."

I'm happy to absorb real financial pain as long as I can extract that same level of financial pain from you.

Wanna give it a go? Let's see what type of Draconian measures we end up with.
Sure the entire spectrum of Americans receive some sort of govt cheese, but for 99% of groups identified, it's a rounding error in the overall financial situation.

I don't have the numbers in front of me but I suspect we could axe most if not all discretionary spending and still be borderline in deficit terroritory. You certainly could entirely axe all the normal "bogeyman" in foreign nation handouts, SNAP/WIC/Welfare, and the like, and still end up in the hole.

That's what's funny about politics, politicians have us fighting about mostly things that don't matter, and the core tens and hundreds of trillions that are set to sink us, are talked about basically not at all. In that regard, Trump has moved conservative America further left than any prior GOP president, having taken the platform that he will protect govt bennies where as the previous 100 years of conservative effort was to reform/remove them. The last time this was seriously debated was nearly 30 years ago in the Dubya Bush/Gore campaign of the late 90's.
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