This may be a TLDR post for many. Feel free to enjoy someone else's post.
JOHNNY N, just a suggestion. Look at your Social Security statement where it shows how much you draw at 62 vs. 65/67/70 etc.
Example, and this is just for illustration purposes only. Say at age 62 you are scheduled to get 1,500.00 a month, and at age 65 you will get 2,000.00 a month. So, prior to you turning 65 you would receive $ 54,000.00 than you wouldn't if you retire at 65.
How many months of drawing that extra $ 500.00 a month will it take to recoup that 54K that you didn't receive? Do the math.
Look at was is the total amount you would receive by age 70, doing it both ways. At age 62, you get 1,500.00 a month for 36 months, and 2,000.00 a month for 60 months. Total by age 70 is $ 174,000.00.
If you wait till 65 at 2,000.00 a month, for 60 months (age 65,66,67,68,69) you would get $ 120,000.00, not including monies you would have earned by working those extra 3 years. Clearly you would make way more than those
$ 54,000.00 by working in years 62, 63, 64.
That's when things such as debt owed, your health and happiness, having to pay for health insurance unless your spouse can carry you on her insurance for an acceptable cost, but not having to pay much, if any, income tax, state and local taxes, the cost of going to and from work, etc all come into play. Lot of guys can pick up a part-time gig they like to fill in any gaps.
Every relative and person that asked me to look at their situation was different, as Im sure yours is. A few were better off financially to retire at 62, others were not.
Hell, my brother in law is Superintendent of the Water Department in a 50,000 plus city. And LOVES his job, Makes really good money, has great, affordable insurance and decided to work till he's 70 and have 50 years in the business. It made all the sense in the world for him, financially, to just keep working. Some people are just burned out from the daily grind year after year.
I went through this pretty quick, and I may have screwed up the numbers. LOL If I