What won’t go “poof” in your eyes Easy? Gold, bitcoin?
With dips in the market … 2009 or so - was that a time when they went poof or has it ever happened in the history of the stockmarket? Do we have to go back to 1929 or so? Trying to understand the thought process?
First of all RBigMax, looks like you have a great plan that you've developed and hope to execute in the coming years. Kudos.
Gold will NOT go poof, its been a form of money for thousands of years and you can go anywhere in the world and its recognized as a Tier 1 asset. If gold were not real money, Central Banks around the world would not be buying it hand over fist for the last two years. They know more than you or I. Bitcoin, could go poof, but won't. If it does, my wife and I still are debt free and have lots of physical metals to rely on for whatever we might need.
I have an agreement with a longtime local friend who can supply all the meat, dairy, eggs, chicken, pork, and as much good drinking water as we will ever need. If you have a farmer friend who has that type of operation, you would do well to try to develop a working agreement with him, in the event, and 100% likelihood that food, etc will be scarce at some point.
Hell, the only reason we don't see long lines of people around the block looking for a government handout of food is because we have Food Stamps and other giveaways. Otherwise, you'd see those long ass lines TODAY.
Well, we've had many more "dips" in the stock market besides 2008-9 or 1929. There have been many black Mondays in our nations history. The one we have coming up, will dwarf those in comparison. In fact, more than all of them put together.
Remember, everything is tied into derivatives and the US has about 2 Quadrillion in Derivates, not to mention, many times that amount world wide. When one thing starts to unravel, it can become a contagion overnight, or in a few hours.
I do not believe in the stock market, its nothing more than high frequency trading, and I'm friends with the guy who invented that system, so I know the pitfalls involved. I've said before, I own 3,000 shares in a junior gold mining company and thats the only exposure I have to things (other than Bitcoin) that are outside my control.
If the mining shares go away, its no big deal since its 25% each for my son, wife and 2 youngest grandsons. Three of the 4 don't even know they own those 750 shares. LOL, plus I'm only talking $ 1,000.00 total invested.
I don't want or expect anyone to follow my lead. We all have different levels of comfort in various investments. I know there is a lot of money to be made in the stock market, but I'm not worried about growth, only protecting what I already own. If I wanted a "guarantee" in the stock market I would have bought Barrick Gold or Trackphone. Why? At its core, the Bushs' own Barrick Gold regardless of what the white paper says, and along with the billionaire from Mexico, Trackphone is owned by Jeb Bush. What you think the chance are either of those two are ever gonna fail?
Don't forget, no foreign countries are participating in the Bond Auctions. Nobody wants our US debt anymore, so that leaves the Central Bank as the only buyer, and they are in the red and bankrupt. You think this whole system can't have a hard landing? More like a crash landing, just a matter of how long it can be papered over.
The silver market has been very strong for awhile now. At one point, JP Morgan was the manipulator of silver prices, then they were hit with massive fines, and lost that "privilege." So, then China became the manipulator and things were going just fine until India began to start up thousands of plants that produce solar panels. So now, China, who wants the silver price to be depressed, is finding the amount of product need by India has countered that. There is always a cause and effect.