A quick google search will bring up a number of sources, feel free to judge them yourself.
Also this article looked at UK government figures and the number of people injured or killed by guns rose 104% in a ten year period between 1998/99 to 2008. During that time there were multiple gun legislation reforms, including a handgun ban.
Here's an article written about the divide and conquer tactic from the BIG BAD NRA OH NO!!!! Just read it because the facts in it are actual, accurate facts. Here is a pull quote, which itself is a pull quote from a government leader in England that looks at a smaller window than the aforementioned 10-year period: "In 2007, opposition Home Secretary David Davis made clear that U.K. gun policies had failed, citing the government’s own figures showing that gun-related killings and injuries had risen more than 400 percent since the handgun ban."
All of the dates and figures given in the article can be checked by UK government figures and dates, again easily accessed by the internet.
Ok, now the rest...
-No, I don't believe a Civil War is going to break out and I never said there was going to be.
-No civilian army will ever beat the army of the U.S. Never said it would, c'mon.
-I don't live in fear, and I'm not afraid of guns. But when it comes to protecting my family you damn right I'm going to pack heat. I don't need to prove I'm a "tough guy" by voluntarily surrendering my 2nd amendment rights.
Here's what you're misunderstanding: I'm not talking about full-scale war with the government or nation, stop trying to dismiss my views by making me look crazy. The 2nd amendment rights will protect me from the government, however, because as long as I have my pistols, shotguns, and Armalite rifle, no police officer is going to follow the order from some suit-wearing polititian to storm my house or property for any reason. This has been proven by the cop on our message board already.
Let's also not forget that more cops and military personal are supportive of the 2nd amendment than are not. They, too, are not going to go after civilians as long as the populace is armed. And we have to have updated weapons that can match at least some of what an infantry can bring; muzzleloaders can't. Government officials will never be able to get anyone to do their dirty-work for them, whatever it is (the rights being taken don't have to be regarding guns--it could be anything, including property and treasure).
Sound crazy? It is crazy. Because it will never happen in America. Because we have an armed civilian militia at all times. The government isn't going to send in the fighter jets on the public, if they did no one would fly.
Look at every case of every government disarming the people in the last 100 years. They all start the same way: small and then grow. And they all result in one of two things: Government takes away people's rights and even kills people (more than just Hitler btw), or gun crime rates go up. I don't like the thought of either happening, but maybe you do.
I don't blame anyone for having this type of reaction to terrible things such as this. I don't blame civilians for wanting gun control (I will always question and not trust government officials because they have too much power over me for me to not care and blindly trust them). I do, however, feel that those wanting gun control aren't looking at the big picture and are avoiding the obvious: gun laws aren't going to stop murders or mass killings, or even decrease them. Sounds awful, but our world is an awful place. Facts matter more than intent. It's time to rely on fact instead of emotion--something man has never been good with. And time to rely on yourself. Given the choice between the store with a shooter and no concealed carrier and a store with a shooter and 1 or more concealed carrier and I will gladly take the concealed carry option every day of the week.