Even if you waived a magic wand and got rid of all the guns in this country, there'd still be guns. There are plenty of people in this country who'd manufacture their own.
There's enough people in this country with the knowledge to produce ammunition.
The bad people in this country would pay whatever it took to get those with the knowedge to make guns and ammo to do it.
Military stockpiles of weapons would be targeted by thieves and supplies would be stolen from within and sold for huge profit.
This country tried to outlaw boose and it was a complete failure. Trying to outlaw guns would be an even bigger failure. Meth is illegal, and we've passed laws to limit pseudo ephedrine sales, which decreased meth labs in this country, but Mexican drug cartels have little trouble getting meth into this country, despite laws against possession, transportation, and distribution of meth.
Don't get me wrong, I own many guns, but I do as a member of law enforcement feel it is too easy to get them, and too difficult to track them. However, pass all the laws you want about guns, criminals don't care.
If the 45 caliber this psycho was given is the murder weapon, was never given to him, he appears deranged enough that he would have done whatever he needed to legally or illegally to get another gun.
Bad guys all over the country who are convicted felons are prohibited from possessing a gun. Great law, but it doesn't stop them. If bad guys have a gun and think they are about to get caught with it, they drop the gun and run. Then they go get another.
You say lock them up and throw away the key. Sorry. Did you see that this weekend Nebraska will release a man involved in 2 murders after 10 years?
This country's history is tied to guns good and bad. It is ingrained in our society. They will not disappear and you can't make them. No amount of laws will keep guns out of the hands of a criminal hell bent on doing wrong.
The day that this country tries to sieze all guns from the citizens, is the day I will no longer want to be in law enforcement. Lots of people will refuse to turn their guns over. There will be Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents all over the country. Law enforcement officers trying to take the guns will be killed in large numbers. Some will be targeted and ambushed just so the gun on their hip can be taken.
Oh, and if that day ever comes, I'm not turning mine over either.