OT: Oh no, Grumpy Cat passed away.

Gone, but not forgotten. Memes never truly die, so grumpy cat will live on for eternity.
this was the first thing I told my wife when she woke up today
I have a friend who has a bumper sticker that in very large print says, "I love cats". Below that in smaller print it says "dead ones".

Boy that's a real hum dinger. What a brilliant sonofabitch that guy is. Works at NASA, right? What is this fixation with killing animals? This is how serial killers get their start.

I'm sure you probably recently read of the guy that kept adopting cats...because he was killing them. Tell me, was this your f'd up friend doing his daily work?
Don't get me wrong. I like them both. I just have a very strong preference for dogs. Winking

I got ya. I like them both for their different personalities. If I'm out and about walking a dog, they are really fun to be around. Dog parks are a ball. Cats are more sedate obviously and are easier to take care of.

My ex and I had 4 cats and 2 dogs and also fostered dogs, so sometimes we had 7 or 8 animals in the house at a time. Craziness...but loved it. Then she had to screw it up and be difficult to live with. :D
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Anger issues. Relationship issues. Off the deep end are serial killers. Pick your typecast, for any loser that puts that bumper sticker on their car, depending on how extreme their psychological problems. They got em.

Or any farmer that has had to deal with how destructive 900 feral cats can be at their farms... its a triggered world we live in these days
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Or any farmer that has had to deal with how destructive 900 feral cats can be at their farms... its a triggered world we live in these days

900? Lol. Animal control will come in and take care of that...900?

Let's make a bad argument ridiculous.
Well Grumpy died rich for sure - she was reportedly worth $100 million although her owner disputed that exact figure.
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Boy that's a real hum dinger. What a brilliant sonofabitch that guy is. Works at NASA, right? What is this fixation with killing animals? This is how serial killers get their start.

I'm sure you probably recently read of the guy that kept adopting cats...because he was killing them. Tell me, was this your f'd up friend doing his daily work?
At the time he was a hog farmer and the cats were carrying in communicable diseases that made his hogs ill. One outbreak cost him thousands of dollars. In other words, those cats took food off of his table at a time when farm families couldn't afford another economic hit.
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Love animals. Hate people.:mad:
One of my favorite sayings is "the more I'm around people, the more I like my cows". I use it frequently. The great thing about cows as pets is if they behave badly you can either eat them or sell them so somebody else can eat them. No cow obedience schools needed. Unlike people wasting thousands of dollars on some unappreciative worthless food disposal that craps on the carpet in their house.... I've had a cat or two and lots of dogs I've loved over the years, but man their are some pet train wrecks out there that people put themselves through hell over. More food, time and money is wasted on pets that could be spent on kids who need it. The best one is the people who visit the vet's office to fix Bowser when the kids with them obviously aren't getting what they need at home.
My question can people not like both dogs and cats? They are both a tremendous gift from God, IMO.
Are you sure that cats aren't a gift from oh I don't know say.....SATAN? They are evil killing machines who watch you when you sleep just trying to figure out how they can kill you so they can eat you....:p True story, a friend told me of a neighbor who had a large constrictor of some sort. A snake expert was alarmed when they said that the snake had started liking to lie lengthwise next to their grade schooler. The herpetologist told them that the snake was sizing the child up for it's next meal and to immediately get rid of it.
Are you sure that cats aren't a gift from oh I don't know say.....SATAN? They are evil killing machines who watch you when you sleep just trying to figure out how they can kill you so they can eat you....:p True story, a friend told me of a neighbor who had a large constrictor of some sort. A snake expert was alarmed when they said that the snake had started liking to lie lengthwise next to their grade schooler. The herpetologist told them that the snake was sizing the child up for it's next meal and to immediately get rid of it.

That is true...cats are killing machines. It's why they can stay alive in the wild by themselves and dogs generally can't.
Dogs are good trash diggers and scavengers when they need to be.

They are pack hunters. Cats have always been able to live in the wild much better than dogs because there will always be prey to kill.
Yes. We don't have anywhere to put these unbelievable creatures.

People who kill cats can kiss my American Indian ass. GBR
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That is true...cats are killing machines. It's why they can stay alive in the wild by themselves and dogs generally can't.

Agreed. Think of the billions of birds these things slaughter annually simply because we want to have a pet Mr. Grumpy cat for personal entertainment and enjoyment.

I think we have a responsibility of being stewards of the world we live in. That should include the choices we make of pets.
Are you sure that cats aren't a gift from oh I don't know say.....SATAN? They are evil killing machines who watch you when you sleep just trying to figure out how they can kill you so they can eat you....:p True story, a friend told me of a neighbor who had a large constrictor of some sort. A snake expert was alarmed when they said that the snake had started liking to lie lengthwise next to their grade schooler. The herpetologist told them that the snake was sizing the child up for it's next meal and to immediately get rid of it.

I've had large constrictors. They are not for everyone, but as long as you know what you're doing...
I've had large constrictors. They are not for everyone, but as long as you know what you're doing...
Had? Hopefully you didn't "set them free" like some morons in Florida did when they got too big for them to handle. I've never understood the attraction of snakes as pets but I have a nephew who raises and sells them. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Personally I don't care for them but appreciate the good that native bull and Garter snakes do in my area. I brake for or swerve to miss the bull snakes sunning themselves on the road near my farm.
Was in a pet shot in Pittsburgh a couple months ago. Huge selection of fish. In the back was a massive aquarium. Inside: a "nile crocodile". Can't remember the price tag but it was high.

Written all over the outside of the aquarium were nile crocodile facts; how big it got, how much it will eat as an adult etc.

In Pittsburgh. A northern climate. I asked the guy in there "who buys these things", he just shrugged his shoulders.
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Was in a pet shot in Pittsburgh a couple months ago. Huge selection of fish. In the back was a massive aquarium. Inside: a "nile crocodile". Can't remember the price tag but it was high.

Written all over the outside of the aquarium were nile crocodile facts; how big it got, how much it will eat as an adult etc.

In Pittsburgh. A northern climate. I asked the guy in there "who buys these things", he just shrugged his shoulders.
his answer should have been "idiots buy these things". I'm sure they'll eventually end up in the river.
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Agreed. Think of the billions of birds these things slaughter annually simply because we want to have a pet Mr. Grumpy cat for personal entertainment and enjoyment.

I think we have a responsibility of being stewards of the world we live in. That should include the choices we make of pets.

Cats: Keeping the bird population in check for centuries..
Had? Hopefully you didn't "set them free" like some morons in Florida did when they got too big for them to handle. I've never understood the attraction of snakes as pets but I have a nephew who raises and sells them. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Personally I don't care for them but appreciate the good that native bull and Garter snakes do in my area. I brake for or swerve to miss the bull snakes sunning themselves on the road near my farm.

It is funny. I played a golf course one time out in pasture land. This older lady was wanting to kill a huge bull snake that was sunning itself on the green. Her husband (a board member) was like no way. We paid good money for bull snakes as they supposedly keep the rattlesnakes away. Not sure if true, but it was pretty funny watching this guy get on his wife about wanting to kill that snake.
Had? Hopefully you didn't "set them free" like some morons in Florida did when they got too big for them to handle. I've never understood the attraction of snakes as pets but I have a nephew who raises and sells them. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Personally I don't care for them but appreciate the good that native bull and Garter snakes do in my area. I brake for or swerve to miss the bull snakes sunning themselves on the road near my farm.

Aren't all creatures meant to be free? o_O