OT: Measles info.


Nebraska Legend
Jan 14, 2011
FWIW the child who died from measles in Texas didn’t have any underlying health issues. Please wait until your baby is at least a month old but for the love of God get them vaccinated. It’s a potentially deadly virus that can cause brain damage, blindness and death. Couldn’t find the old thread where we were assured by our resident antivaxxer that the child was immunocompromised.
Vaccines are the biggest health scam that has ever existed. Autism, allergies, learning disabilities, cancers etc are all partially due to vaccines. If they were so great they wouldn't need to be protected when they kill/injure.
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FWIW the child who died from measles in Texas didn’t have any underlying health issues. Please wait until your baby is at least a month old but for the love of God get them vaccinated. It’s a potentially deadly virus that can cause brain damage, blindness and death. Couldn’t find the old thread where we were assured by our resident antivaxxer that the child was immunocompromised.
Just never give them the Covid shot.. Does more harm with younger adults and kids than does good.
Vaccines are the biggest health scam that has ever existed. Autism, allergies, learning disabilities, cancers etc are all partially due to vaccines. If they were so great they wouldn't need to be protected when they kill/injure.
Must never have known someone with polio.
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Must never have known someone with polio.
Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
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Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
Bad reaction? Lol. How about crippled for life. I must have really beat the odds because I don't have any family members with autism but had a relative with polio.
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And small pox. Thankfully, none of us remember how awful that disease was since the last case in the US was 1948, but it killed upwards of half a billion people in the century before it was eradicated in the 1970s.
Yeah..... but think about the immunity! People dying and being crippled or disfigured isn't really that big of deal. They just needed immunity!
The rise in autism and peanut allergies are clearly due to vaccines in children. There aren't enough studies because they know what they'll find.

The question is about trade offs. There are no solutions, only trade offs.

Just because there is a rise in autism and some other negative side effects does not mean the vaccines are worth it, or not worth it.

Also, vaccines should not be lumped together as one. There are diseases more deadly than others, vaccines more effective and safe than others.

I wish the medical community would give realistic studies so people could make more educated decisions, but alas, they won't.
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Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
where did you get your medical degree from? Joe Rogan doesnt count
Do we really need a thread touting the benefits of the measles vax? Really? Did somebody reach the end of the internet?