History. There have been multiple documentaries about his support for communism. Sympathizer at the very least. Yeah I grew up watching him every evening too. He started the slide of the media in to blatant politicization of “the news”. Ironically I believe Tom Brokaw was probably the most honest of all the anchors back in the day. He’s a friend of several old friends. Yankton SD grad.
Good ol tom broken jaw. 😁
I’m surprised no one has mentioned it but especially after seeing the files I think it was very likely Zionist Israel and Mossad. Gaddafi said the same before he was unalived.

The real giveaway is Jack Ruby and the horseshit excuse the media gave for him. The Israeli mafia member killed Lee Harvey Oswald while the media floated it was “because Jack really loved JFK”. So the guy who loved JFK so much that he killed for him, was in Dallas the day JFK was there and didn’t even attend the event…Sure.

JFK didn’t want Israel having nukes and decided to inspect a nuclear plant over there. I think the federal reserve and CIA enemies didn’t help either. LBJ takes over and all those of things went back to status quo, Israel got their nukes. Happily ever after.

Speaking of conspiracy theories, what does anyone think about the timing of the news on Musk being briefed by the Pentagon about China invasion plans? Release of the JFK files would be the perfect distraction.
Always makes one wonder "what if" in this case. What if LHO missed? What if JFK survives that car ride? Always has made me wonder what/how the USA would look today if the timeline shifted. I'm as red a Republican as there is too, so this isn't a left sympathizing post either.
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Speaking of conspiracy theories, what does anyone think about the timing of the news on Musk being briefed by the Pentagon about China invasion plans? Release of the JFK files would be the perfect distraction.
Yeah right, the source is the New York times. 🤪 🤣
Another iowa troll you probably have front seats on the view
No. Went to my first game in 1976 with my dad. Vince Ferragamo was the quarterback, had just transferred from California IIRC.

Who could forget Anthony “slick” Steels. Von Shepherd-who blew out both his knees. I. M. Hipp. Jarvis Redwine running away from the OU defensive backs and pointing at them and getting a personal foul for it. Broderick “the Sandman” Thomas. Turner, “the burner” Gill. Irving “the flyer” fryer? Kelly Phelps getting knocked out, returning a kick against us and getting called down. Then, Billy Sims fumbling on the seven and us recovering on the two. I was 60 rows up in that end of the stadium sitting next to my dad. Pandemonium ensued. Then next week same end zone, our quarterback (Humm?) just missing Junior Miller for an easy TD in the fourth quarter.
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No. Went to my first game in 1976 with my dad. Vince Ferragamo was the quarterback, had just transferred from California IIRC.

Who could forget Anthony “slick” Steels. Von Shepherd-who blew out both his knees. I. M. Hipp. Jarvis Redwine running away from the OU defensive backs and pointing at them and getting a personal foul for it. Broderick “the Sandman” Thomas. Turner, “the burner” Gill. Irving “the flyer” fryer? Kelly Phelps getting knocked out, returning a kick against us and getting called down. Then, Billy Sims fumbling on the seven and us recovering on the two. I was 60 rows up in that end of the stadium sitting next to my dad. Pandemonium ensued. Then next week same end zone, our quarterback (Humm?) just missing Junior Miller for an easy TD in the fourth quarter.
^never been more sold that you’re an Iowa fan. Thank you.

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