No. Went to my first game in 1976 with my dad. Vince Ferragamo was the quarterback, had just transferred from California IIRC.
Who could forget Anthony “slick” Steels. Von Shepherd-who blew out both his knees. I. M. Hipp. Jarvis Redwine running away from the OU defensive backs and pointing at them and getting a personal foul for it. Broderick “the Sandman” Thomas. Turner, “the burner” Gill. Irving “the flyer” fryer? Kelly Phelps getting knocked out, returning a kick against us and getting called down. Then, Billy Sims fumbling on the seven and us recovering on the two. I was 60 rows up in that end of the stadium sitting next to my dad. Pandemonium ensued. Then next week same end zone, our quarterback (Humm?) just missing Junior Miller for an easy TD in the fourth quarter.