OT Hurricane Milton

@cavalot won't be able to interpret this, but it might be good for some others.

Did the tools really change that much or has it been the messaging and panic which gets the most attention?
When The Weather Channel started, what, 40 years ago? That changed it all. People became so fascinated with "the weather", so of course, the media and now social media, glommed on and realized their was profit in it.

For the love of God, in the last 30 years just think about how many stupid (and fun) weather related movies their are...Twister(s), earthquake stuff, you name it.
You’re such a goon. Get a life.

He’s a good leader and helping to keep Floridians safe. Arranged a program with Uber to give free rides to shelters, setup pet friendly shelters to keep our pets safe.

You’re injecting your politics then saying should be a politic free zone.
There you go again. Losing your cool and making things personal. Once again, one of us will be an adult and not resort to name calling. If you perceive that I'm injecting politics, fine, whatever. Newsflash. This is a message board. I was saying that politicians (not anonymous message board posters) need to chill with conspiracy sh*t and playing the blame game. The hurricane damage is going to be a mess. It always is. Leaders need to bring out the best in people and not appeal to the worst.
There you go again. Losing your cool and making things personal. Once again, one of us will be an adult and not resort to name calling. If you perceive that I'm injecting politics, fine, whatever. Newsflash. This is a message board. I was saying that politicians (not anonymous message board posters) need to chill with conspiracy sh*t and playing the blame game. The hurricane damage is going to be a mess. It always is. Leaders need to bring out the best in people and not appeal to the worst.
There you go again.. being a goon.

Tell your girl to quit making it political.

Floridians will help each other out. Always do, but thanks for your word salad response.
Global warming doesn’t necessarily bring more hurricanes, but does increase their average intensity. Also, hurricanes tend to intensify much more rapidly than before.
False. If you're truly interested in the truth, you'll find no better source of info than Just Facts.

False. If you're truly interested in the truth, you'll find no better source of info than Just Facts.

So intensity is well within one standard deviation of the mean. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy when posters use facts instead of feelings.
@cavalot won't be able to interpret this, but it might be good for some others.

Cav is a good dude. I don't agree with the world views of several posters on here but they're good Husker fans and people I would probably love to have a drink with and discuss our differences of other stuff. Husker fandom transcends all the other nonsense that the elites want to foist on us.
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False. If you're truly interested in the truth, you'll find no better source of info than Just Facts.

The question becomes "who is fact checking the facts". The idea that CNN or CBS can "fact check" anyone is beyond belief. They were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to have zero credibility when it came to determining and reporting the "facts". Meanwhile they conveniently overlook the "facts" that don't fit their narrative.
There you go again.. being a goon.

Tell your girl to quit making it political.

Floridians will help each other out. Always do, but thanks for your word salad response.
Snappy comeback and quite original! But seriously, disregard my comments. I wish I could take them back and not commented at all. My distain for politicians rubs people the wrong way. I hope you and your neighbors are safe with minimal property damage.
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The question becomes "who is fact checking the facts". The idea that CNN or CBS can "fact check" anyone is beyond belief. They were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to have zero credibility when it came to determining and reporting the "facts". Meanwhile they conveniently overlook the "facts" that don't fit their narrative.
I like fact checkers. I believe a lot of it is bipartisan and accurate, but I agree with you that the networks don't always fact check everything. And it would be nice if we check our sources. Not just with fact checkers but news sites in general. There's still accurate sources out there, but the bias persists.
Why would we not use Weather Modification for good? I mean...think about the possibilities!!
No more droughts, no more rainouts in baseball...

****...did the US Government get Frost's first game as coach at NU cancelled? HOW DEEP DOES THIS GO!?!?!?!
I think the B1G bioengineered that storm after looking into their mystical crystal balls where they saw Frost wanted to play football during Covid.
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I like fact checkers. I believe a lot of it is bipartisan and accurate, but I agree with you that the networks don't always fact check everything. And it would be nice if we check our sources. Not just with fact checkers but news sites in general. There's still accurate sources out there, but the bias persists.
Doesn’t surprise me you love fact checkers and fema 🤣🤣🤣
Looked like the power was on in the pic. I bet this guy figures out a way keep his phone charged so he can keep posting on social media.
A chainsaw uses about 120x the amount of power of a smart phone…Odd choice to pass out anyway, more useful would be solar panels, batteries, and inverters and they’d have plenty of OUR money to do that if, well, you already know.

Obviously the gross amount of “aid” we are sending to other countries is not even a debate. Wish I didn’t know how or why anyone would bother defending that, but it’s pretty clear and pathetic.
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I like fact checkers. I believe a lot of it is bipartisan and accurate, but I agree with you that the networks don't always fact check everything. And it would be nice if we check our sources. Not just with fact checkers but news sites in general. There's still accurate sources out there, but the bias persists.
Who checks the “fact checkers”? A moderator in a debate should ask the questions then keep their mouths shut. What happened most recently was complete bullsh##.
It's all performance anyway. Literally not ONE person who is going to vote hasn't made up their mind already. It's entertainment for the masses.
I’ve always said “watch what they do not what they say”. The choice is wildly different. Are you a capitalist or big government socialist? Do you want law and order or chaos like we saw with the politically motivated Floyd riots? Do you want unchecked illegal immigration and drug flow or a secure border?
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A chainsaw uses about 120x the amount of power of a smart phone…Odd choice to pass out anyway, more useful would be solar panels, batteries, and inverters and they’d have plenty of OUR money to do that if, well, you already know.

Obviously the gross amount of “aid” we are sending to other countries is not even a debate. Wish I didn’t know how or why anyone would bother defending that, but it’s pretty clear and pathetic.
The point was this guy obviously does have power. We'll assume from what must be a decent sized generator if they have the lights on in that room/building. If he's running lights in a shed? Trailer? hes likely got a decent sized generator.

Obviously gas powered chainsaws with supplied gas would be the correct choice. I just find it amusing how quick people go to social media to bitch when they clearly weren't prepared in the first place.
The remedy to the climate crisis is tax. That should be all anyone with a modicum of reason would need to see that this is nonsense. How many times does the populace need to be duped?
Especially when the giant majority of that tax is used for buying/operating those climate friendly missiles with convenient expiration dates.

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