OT: ext...

I'm feeling great with my zero shots!!!
Feeling Season 9 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm
Same here. Never even took a garbage test for covid. Got to seriously wonder about those who do.
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Same here. Never even took a garbage test for covid. Got to seriously wonder about those who do.
Again–you know what I do (though you ignore it), what do you do as a profession? Just so everyone can put what you are saying in context. Or are you afraid to say it?
Again–you know what I do (though you ignore it), what do you do as a profession? Just so everyone can put what you are saying in context. Or are you afraid to say it?
You got promoted to head fry cook at a hospital and ran out and got an experimental gene therapy that they bend over backwards to call not a gene therapy. And it works so well you got 5 shots and you're still not considered "fully vaccinated" and you think a mask at a conference would provide protection against a respiratory virus and you want to try to put what I say into context?
You got promoted to head fry cook at a hospital and ran out and got an experimental gene therapy that they bend over backwards to call not a gene therapy. And it works so well you got 5 shots and you're still not considered "fully vaccinated" and you think a mask at a conference would provide protection against a respiratory virus and you want to try to put what I say into context?
So you really are afraid of telling everyone what you do for a living. Thanks for confirming it. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Thanks for confirming that also.
Weak sauce. Tell me more about how the vaccine is gene therapy, since you know so much about the subject. BTW, what is your job again? Collecting unemployment?
What is your infatuation with what people do for a living? Are you that insecure that you feel the need to continue to brag about something that you are unable to prove? I guess if you want to void the board rule and provide everyone your actual identity, it can be proven. The point is, no one really cares what you do for a living, bragging about being a doctor or fry cook at the hospital, just makes you look desperate for attention and thirsty for some sort of admiration.
What is your infatuation with what people do for a living? Are you that insecure that you feel the need to continue to brag about something that you are unable to prove? I guess if you want to void the board rule and provide everyone your actual identity, it can be proven. The point is, no one really cares what you do for a living, bragging about being a doctor or fry cook at the hospital, just makes you look desperate for attention and thirsty for some sort of admiration.
They made claims about Covid/Covid vaccination that have no basis in fact. Their claims are dangerous to those in high risk groups. I responded as a member of the medical community who has cared for people who have died of it. When questioned, I disclosed what I did to confirm that I am part of that community. The responses have, thus far, been disappointing as to Their sources and credentials.
I apologize if I have offended you.
They made claims about Covid/Covid vaccination that have no basis in fact. Their claims are dangerous to those in high risk groups. I responded as a member of the medical community who has cared for people who have died of it. When questioned, I disclosed what I did to confirm that I am part of that community. The responses have, thus far, been disappointing as to Their sources and credentials.
I apologize if I have offended you.
But you can’t prove you’re a doctor. In fact, I know you’re not by the verbiage you use. You are a fat fry cook that spends too much time getting dunked on in the Ext thread
They made claims about Covid/Covid vaccination that have no basis in fact. Their claims are dangerous to those in high risk groups. I responded as a member of the medical community who has cared for people who have died of it. When questioned, I disclosed what I did to confirm that I am part of that community. The responses have, thus far, been disappointing as to Their sources and credentials.
I apologize if I have offended you.
Who cares? This is a football message board with a bit of political banter mixed in, when allowed.

People died with COVID from heart disease and strokes, diabetes and countless other ailments. The number of COVID deaths has been greatly exaggerated to include people who died from other ailments who had COVID.

You disclosed what you did, that doesn't confirm you are anything. No offense, but I truly do not care if you are a doctor or a fry cook.
Who cares? This is a football message board with a bit of political banter mixed in, when allowed.

People died with COVID from heart disease and strokes, diabetes and countless other ailments. The number of COVID deaths has been greatly exaggerated to include people who died from other ailments who had COVID.

You disclosed what you did, that doesn't confirm you are anything. No offense, but I truly do not care if you are a doctor or a fry cook.
I would not be a reliable source of information about something in your field.

No offense, but as I took care of those folks, my information is more reliable than yours. You are mistaken about Covid.
I would not be a reliable source of information about something in your field.

No offense, but as I took care of those folks, my information is more reliable than yours. You are mistaken about Covid.
You are missing the point completely. The fact that you may or may not be a doctor is irrelevant to me. I don’t give a flying ****. You saying you’re a doctor does not make you a doctor, unless of course you stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night. I am disclosing to you that I am a border patrol agent. Obama era cages were and are being used to house children that are here unaccompanied or have been separated from their families due to the actions of the family. Prove me wrong.
You are missing the point completely. The fact that you may or may not be a doctor is irrelevant to me. I don’t give a flying ****. You saying you’re a doctor does not make you a doctor, unless of course you stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night. I am disclosing to you that I am a border patrol agent. Obama era cages were and are being used to house children that are here unaccompanied or have been separated from their families due to the actions of the family. Prove me wrong.
I don’t know who bought the cages. I would not be surprised if they were being used that way. It is a poor reflection of the politics of our time that our government struggles to deal with the problem.

If you could attach a picture of your border patrol badge, and I could attach a screenshot of my maintenance of certification program from ABIM, I’m sure both of us would. And then we would be able to trust that each of us knows what we are talking about in our own fields.
I don’t know who bought the cages. I would not be surprised if they were being used that way. It is a poor reflection of the politics of our time that our government struggles to deal with the problem.

If you could attach a picture of your border patrol badge, and I could attach a screenshot of my maintenance of certification program from ABIM, I’m sure both of us would. And then we would be able to trust that each of us knows what we are talking about in our own fields.
Nobody gives a shit if you’re a doctor, even if you are. I see you throw little hints in your posts to validate yourself. “ABIM”. 😂 congratulations on your certification.
Responses to your posts are still justified.
I don’t know who bought the cages. I would not be surprised if they were being used that way. It is a poor reflection of the politics of our time that our government struggles to deal with the problem.

If you could attach a picture of your border patrol badge, and I could attach a screenshot of my maintenance of certification program from ABIM, I’m sure both of us would. And then we would be able to trust that each of us knows what we are talking about in our own fields.
It must be difficult to have such a lack of self-awareness; but you have shot any ounce of of credibility you could have had to shit and I would not trust your interpretation on cooking fries or respiratory therapy or much else.

The only trustworthy thing about you is you can't be trusted and you're a good little bootlicker. Congrats.
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Who cares? This is a football message board with a bit of political banter mixed in, when allowed.

People died with COVID from heart disease and strokes, diabetes and countless other ailments. The number of COVID deaths has been greatly exaggerated to include people who died from other ailments who had COVID.

You disclosed what you did, that doesn't confirm you are anything. No offense, but I truly do not care if you are a doctor or a fry cook.
Proving more and more true everyday.

The narcissism among the maskers might be more deadly.

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