OT: ext...

Why hasn't it helped you?
It did. After taking care of sick Covid patients for years and not getting it, I went to a big medical conference. Nobody was wearing masks including me. I had been vaccinated five times. I got the virus, but it was just like a moderate cold. At my age mortality was around one percent.
So if I wouldn’t have been vaccinated, there was a 99% chance I could’ve said that the vaccination would not have made any difference, and a one percent chance I would never have been able to tell the story.
It did. After taking care of sick Covid patients for years and not getting it, I went to a big medical conference. Nobody was wearing masks including me. I had been vaccinated five times. I got the virus, but it was just like a moderate cold. At my age mortality was around one percent.
So if I wouldn’t have been vaccinated, there was a 99% chance I could’ve said that the vaccination would not have made any difference, and a one percent chance I would never have been able to tell the story.
🤣🤣🤣 you know “vaxed” people still died too bro. If your mortality rate was 1% - you must be obese, then your vaxed rate wouldn’t be zero
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It did. After taking care of sick Covid patients for years and not getting it, I went to a big medical conference. Nobody was wearing masks including me. I had been vaccinated five times. I got the virus, but it was just like a moderate cold. At my age mortality was around one percent.
So if I wouldn’t have been vaccinated, there was a 99% chance I could’ve said that the vaccination would not have made any difference, and a one percent chance I would never have been able to tell the story.
5 times? Sheesh.
🤣🤣🤣 you know “vaxed” people still died too bro. If your mortality rate was 1% - you must be obese, then your vaxed rate wouldn’t be zero
Unvaccinated mortality rate 1% in my age group-thanks for getting me to clarify.
And I saw vaccinated people who died-mostly folks who couldn’t make good antibodies-leukemias, very elderly, etc
It did. After taking care of sick Covid patients for years and not getting it, I went to a big medical conference. Nobody was wearing masks including me. I had been vaccinated five times. I got the virus, but it was just like a moderate cold. At my age mortality was around one percent.
So if I wouldn’t have been vaccinated, there was a 99% chance I could’ve said that the vaccination would not have made any difference, and a one percent chance I would never have been able to tell the story.
Masks don't stop respiratory viruses. Doctors know that. Hospital fry cooks have mixed feelings on it.
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Lots of sheep were conned into getting 2 shots. Only hypochondriacs went for More. Think you'll make it another 5 years?
I'm feeling great with my zero shots!!!
Feeling Season 9 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm
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