OT: ext...

I did awesome too if ignored inflation and 2022 🤣. I really don’t care since I’m 10 years away from retirement, but I’d like to see 12% gains in real terms each year… something I had going ..
Well, that's obviously not true if you underperformed the market by 25% in real terms! If you take the nominal returns, you still underperformed the market by 25%, genius! I think I now know why you underperformed the market, bud!
My nuts on scopes head isnt political either. It's where they will reside soon.😍
Doing the rough math, underperforming the market by 35%...and assuming you make the market average over the next 20ish years...that means you just chipped off about 7% of your total return...that's assuming you don't continue to underperform the market! Holy shit! What have you done!? You just added a couple years of work, bud! Put your nuts away and hunker down!
  • Haha
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