OT: ext...

Are you still drunk?
How’s the graveyard shift going?

Reagan is spinning in his grave. Repub leaders are sucking up to the Russians, and what they want-abandon a country being invaded by Russia, weaken NATO. The defense department probably spends more on paper clips than we have on Ukraine (Hyperbole, I know, but you should be used to that)
How’s the graveyard shift going?

Reagan is spinning in his grave. Repub leaders are sucking up to the Russians, and what they want-abandon a country being invaded by Russia, weaken NATO. The defense department probably spends more on paper clips than we have on Ukraine (Hyperbole, I know, but you should be used to that)
Are you stuck in the 80s?
How’s the graveyard shift going?

Reagan is spinning in his grave. Repub leaders are sucking up to the Russians, and what they want-abandon a country being invaded by Russia, weaken NATO. The defense department probably spends more on paper clips than we have on Ukraine (Hyperbole, I know, but you should be used to that)
Graveyard shift? It’s 7:50 🤣.

Why didn’t you care about Ukraine when Russia took Crimea ? You’re wiling to throw young men’s lives away in WWIII over corrupt Ukraine?
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Graveyard shift? It’s 7:50 🤣.

Why didn’t you care about Ukraine when Russia took Crimea ? You’re wiling to throw young men’s lives away in WWIII over corrupt Ukraine?
You know we have time zones, right?
Not doing stupid shit does not make a coherent foreign policy. Obama screwed up on that one. Maybe he’s using the Chamberlain defense of the Munich agreement – i.e. Ukraine wasn’t ready to defend themselves and we bought time for them to learn how to do so, but Obama screwed up – probably the same realpolitik Thinking that you guys are dealing with now
You know we have time zones, right?
Not doing stupid shit does not make a coherent foreign policy. Obama screwed up on that one. Maybe he’s using the Chamberlain defense of the Munich agreement – i.e. Ukraine wasn’t ready to defend themselves and we bought time for them to learn how to do so, but Obama screwed up – probably the same realpolitik Thinking that you guys are dealing with now
You say something dumb about graveyard shifts and then bring up time zones. Oh brother.

Why are you such a war monger? Are you just lonely and bored and want to watch young men die on tv? This current war should already be over but Biden said no to discussing diplomacy.
You know we have time zones, right?
Not doing stupid shit does not make a coherent foreign policy. Obama screwed up on that one. Maybe he’s using the Chamberlain defense of the Munich agreement – i.e. Ukraine wasn’t ready to defend themselves and we bought time for them to learn how to do so, but Obama screwed up – probably the same realpolitik Thinking that you guys are dealing with now
Next you'll be clutching your pearls over the kompromat Hillary uncovered. You fall for everything you good little boot licker you. I guess fry cooks have a lot of free time in the mornings.
Next you'll be clutching your pearls over the kompromat Hillary uncovered. You fall for everything you good little boot licker you. I guess fry cooks have a lot of free time in the mornings.
You say something dumb about graveyard shifts and then bring up time zones. Oh brother.

Why are you such a war monger? Are you just lonely and bored and want to watch young men die on tv? This current war should already be over but Biden said no to discussing diplomacy.
Are you the only person on this board Who does not understand that when it is 750 in Tampa It is 6:50 in The Midwest?
I do not want to see soldiers from NATO countries dying, either, resisting that monster.
The only argument for appeasing Russia and that psychopath is that whoever replaces him may be worse.
Gorbachev was better than the guy before him you know.
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Are you the only person on this board Who does not understand that when it is 750 in Tampa It is 6:50 in The Midwest?
I do not want to see soldiers from NATO countries dying, either, resisting that monster.
The only argument against appeasing Russia and that psychopath is that whoever replaces him may be worse.
Gorbachev was better than the guy before him you know.
How I feel after reading your latest post…

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How I feel after reading your latest post…

Well, that’s a good way of avoiding answering, whether you thought about the time zone difference…
It’s called the non-denial denial. That’s from all the presidents men by the way, which I think was in the 80s since you want to stick with that theme
$100s of billions for Ukraine = good

But Americans can only put in $23,000 into their 401k a year. And then you can't touch it til you're old unless you pay penalties lmao.
Only $7,000 into a Roth Ira.

If you're not America first you might as well gtfo. The willful ignorance and mental gymnastics you accept to get to that point shows you're not a serious person and people shouldn't I teract seriously with you. Just like fry cooks.
$100s of billions for Ukraine = good

But Americans can only put in $23,000 into their 401k a year. And then you can't touch it til you're old unless you pay penalties lmao.
Only $7,000 into a Roth Ira.

If you're not America first you might as well gtfo. The willful ignorance and mental gymnastics you accept to get to that point shows you're not a serious person and people shouldn't I teract seriously with you. Just like fry cooks.
Amen brother!
How I feel after reading your latest post…

This chap is similar to the mouth-breather fans of Iowa that come on this message board and pretend to be Husker fans. Except this window-licker does it with political affiliation, talking about voting Republican but spewing leftist ideology.