OT: ext...

Are you substituting "demonstration" for what occurred after Floyd overdosed?

Do you see how that could make you look like a retarded disingenuous clown.

Are you substituting "demonstration" for what occurred after Floyd overdosed?

Do you see how that could make you look like a retarded disingenuous clown.
He didn’t overdose. Martin Tobin, who literally wrote the book on the use of mechanical ventilators testified under oath that the police officer kneeled on him so hard that he couldn’t breathe and suffocated.
I think violence of any type (Unless it is self defense), as a response to violence is wrong. But the question remains: did the officer overreact in the video Of the shooting of the white guy he tried to take down, and would a protest have been justified?
Doesn’t bother me if you insult me or whatever rather than answer it I just am asking a question
Here’s video of Dr. Tobin testifying:
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He didn’t overdose. Martin Tobin, who literally wrote the book on the use of mechanical ventilators testified under oath that the police officer kneeled on him so hard that he couldn’t breathe and suffocated.
I think violence of any type (Unless it is self defense), as a response to violence is wrong. But the question remains: did the officer overreact in the video Of the shooting of the white guy he tried to take down, and would a protest have been justified?
Doesn’t bother me if you insult me or whatever rather than answer it I just am asking a question
He overdosed bro. Science shows he had a crazy lethal amount of fentanyl in his system. The meth & his heart condition probably didn’t help either.

I can’t believe how easy you fall for lies .. bahhhh

He overdosed bro. Science shows he had a crazy lethal amount of fentanyl in his system. The meth & his heart condition probably didn’t help either.

I can’t believe how easy you fall for lies .. bahhhh

I would rather take the word of a guy who wrote the textbook on mechanical ventilation over some third rate blogger.
If he had fentanyl in his system, I will check if you take the time to look at the video, I posted, I’m sure it didn’t help. But I don’t think Tobin is wrong.
Looked it up-Kanye was the 3rd rate blogger and the amount of fentanyl wasn’t high for a chronic user like Floyd was. Kind of like how a casual drinker goes to a kegger and passes out with the same amount of beer that wouldn’t even slow down Frost.
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I would rather take the word of a guy who wrote the textbook on mechanical ventilation over some third rate blogger.
If he had fentanyl in his system, I will check if you take the time to look at the video, I posted, I’m sure it didn’t help. But I don’t think Tobin is wrong.
Looked it up-Kanye was the 3rd rate blogger and the amount of fentanyl wasn’t high for a chronic user like Floyd was. Kind of like how a casual drinker goes to a kegger and passes out with the same amount of beer that wouldn’t even slow down Frost.
He overdosed bro. Are you really comparing alcohol to fentanyl… if so that’s hilarious !
He overdosed bro. Are you really comparing alcohol to fentanyl… if so that’s hilarious !
Yes I am. You can develop tolerance to both. George Floyd from the videos did not appear to be overdosed on fentanyl. Those officers screwed up. George Floyd screwed up. There is only one correct answer to someone who has waited their whole lives to have someone say “make me”. That answer is “yes, sir”.

Should there have been a huge riot(s) Over it? In my opinion, no. Did it warrant a peaceful protest? Just like the video of the screwed up takedown of the traffic stop of a white guy who ended up getting shot that was posted on this thread, In my opinion, maybe.
Yes I am. You can develop tolerance to both. George Floyd from the videos did not appear to be overdosed on fentanyl. Those officers screwed up. George Floyd screwed up. There is only one correct answer to someone who has waited their whole lives to have someone say “make me”. That answer is “yes, sir”.

Should there have been a huge riot(s) Over it? In my opinion, no. Did it warrant a peaceful protest? Just like the video of the screwed up takedown of the traffic stop of a white guy who ended up getting shot that was posted on this thread, In my opinion, maybe.
You obviously haven’t watched the full video. Just the selective video. I encourage you to watch the full body camera. Dude was tweaking out of his mind. His drug dealer made him swallow all his drugs. He OD bad. He OD before btw
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You obviously haven’t watched the full video. Just the selective video. I encourage you to watch the full body camera. Dude was tweaking out of his mind. His drug dealer made him swallow all his drugs. He OD bad. He OD before btw
He deserved to be taken down. If I was resisting arrest, I would’ve been deserved to have been taken down and I am White. That’s not the question. The cops screwed up, George Ford screwed up. didn’t help that he was on fentanyl, it probably increased his oxygen consumption to be on amphetamine-Which may have decreased the amount of time he could tolerate not being able to breathe before he died.
Civil disobedience is a right we have in this country, rioting is not.

Both the people who broke the law during the George Floyd protests, and those that broke the law during the January 6 protest should be in jail.

If George Floyd was still alive, he probably should be in jail. The guy who provoked the January 6 protest should also be in jail.
He deserved to be taken down. If I was resisting arrest, I would’ve been deserved to have been taken down and I am White. That’s not the question. The cops screwed up, George Ford screwed up. didn’t help that he was on fentanyl, it probably increased his oxygen consumption to be on amphetamine-Which may have decreased the amount of time he could tolerate not being able to breathe before he died.
Civil disobedience is a right we have in this country, rioting is not.

Both the people who broke the law during the George Floyd protests, and those that broke the law during the January 6 protest should be in jail.

If George Floyd was still alive, he probably should be in jail. The guy who provoked the January 6 protest should also be in jail.
Yeah maybe ray epps should be in jail.

How mad are you that the Supreme Court ruled that the DOJ overcharged and overreached their power for Jan Sixers? Good to see Supreme Court squashing fascism. Great week for America! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Why wasn’t St. Floyd still in prison? I would think an armed home invasion as at least good for 50 years in prison.
You obviously haven’t watched the full video. Just the selective video. I encourage you to watch the full body camera. Dude was tweaking out of his mind. His drug dealer made him swallow all his drugs. He OD bad. He OD before btw

100%, Greg was all over the place.

The dealer stood there and distracted the cops from saving Greg. If anything the dealer should have been charged.

Must be nice to have astronaut privilege.
Yeah maybe ray epps should be in jail.

How mad are you that the Supreme Court ruled that the DOJ overcharged and overreached their power for Jan Sixers? Good to see Supreme Court squashing fascism. Great week for America! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Why wasn’t St. Floyd still in prison? I would think an armed home invasion as at least good for 50 years in prison.
I don’t really care about that. It is not the point. They assaulted capitol police. They wanted to hang Mike Pence, For doing his freaking job. Not my business what/how they are charged, or put in jail. But they belong there.
I don’t really care about that. It is not the point. They assaulted capitol police. They wanted to hang Mike Pence, For doing his freaking job. Not my business what/how they are charged, or put in jail. But they belong there.
You must of missed all those retractions from MSM about their reporting regarding the “assault” of Capitol police.

I’ve seen videos of people breaking in. I’ve also seen videos of Capitol police letting people in and giving fist pumps. So who do you want in jail? Anyone that was there? Anyone that disagrees with you politically?
Yes I am. You can develop tolerance to both. George Floyd from the videos did not appear to be overdosed on fentanyl. Those officers screwed up. George Floyd screwed up. There is only one correct answer to someone who has waited their whole lives to have someone say “make me”. That answer is “yes, sir”.

Should there have been a huge riot(s) Over it? In my opinion, no. Did it warrant a peaceful protest? Just like the video of the screwed up takedown of the traffic stop of a white guy who ended up getting shot that was posted on this thread, In my opinion, maybe.
now youre suggesting a tolerance to fentanyl. youre the example that proves stupidity has no limits. i dont even have confidence that you could be an effective head fry cook. very pathetic.
now youre suggesting a tolerance to fentanyl. youre the example that proves stupidity has no limits. i dont even have confidence that you could be an effective head fry cook. very pathetic.
Among other things, I’m suggesting that Martin Tobin knows more about this than you do. His principles and practice of mechanical ventilation is in its 3rd edition. I’ve met the guy, read parts of his book, heard him talk. Folks get tolerance to narcotics, that’s why Purdue pharmaceuticals made so much money, because folks need more and more over time.

I’m sure you understand tolerance, right? Practicing it is always harder than understanding it. Double entendre intended.
You must of missed all those retractions from MSM about their reporting regarding the “assault” of Capitol police.

I’ve seen videos of people breaking in. I’ve also seen videos of Capitol police letting people in and giving fist pumps. So who do you want in jail? Anyone that was there? Anyone that disagrees with you politically?
Not my job, but I would suggest:
1. Anyone trying to forcibly overcome the barriers designed to protect the police, congressmen, staffers,etc.
2. Anyone forcibly entering the capitol.
3. Anyone assaulting the police with anything.
4. Anyone threatening the police
5. Anyone who refused to leave the capitol building
The above should also apply to BLM protestors.
Basically anything that would’ve gotten you arrested under normal operations should’ve applied in these two situations.
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Not my job, but I would suggest:
1. Anyone trying to forcibly overcome the barriers designed to protect the police, congressmen, staffers,etc.
2. Anyone forcibly entering the capitol.
3. Anyone assaulting the police with anything.
4. Anyone threatening the police
5. Anyone who refused to leave the capitol building
The above should also apply to BLM protestors.
Basically anything that would’ve gotten you arrested under normal operations should’ve applied in these two situations.
Easy to say what should have happened but the only people facing charges are the people whose political ideology falls on the right.

The VP actively supported the riots and helped fundraise for BLM, ironically no charges filed on her.
People burned down police stations in multiple cities, again no charges filed.
People died inside the little zone of liberalism in Seattle and Portland, no charges filed.

You appear to write and post like someone pretty far left of center. It is real easy for you to write well everyone should face charges for crimes they commit, knowing full well the criminals on your side of the equation were never charged for any crimes. All of the people who accosted and verbally assaulted people eating in outdoor sections of restaurants, the amount of thievery that is happening in liberal cities to the point that Target, CVS, Walgreens etc are choosing to close stores rather than deal with the massive amounts of theft. Decriminalizing some thing so that the crime rates look better than they are. Not sending police to crime scenes because, you know, they are too busy hunting murderers and there isn't the manpower to deal with the petty stabbings and beatings due to the cries to defund the police in those areas. I say screw the fools who are choosing to not enforce laws, let them all the residents of those cities and states kill each other off.

Hell I haven't even touched on the amount of crime being perpetrated by illegals coming across a wide open border.
Easy to say what should have happened but the only people facing charges are the people whose political ideology falls on the right.

The VP actively supported the riots and helped fundraise for BLM, ironically no charges filed on her.
People burned down police stations in multiple cities, again no charges filed.
People died inside the little zone of liberalism in Seattle and Portland, no charges filed.

You appear to write and post like someone pretty far left of center. It is real easy for you to write well everyone should face charges for crimes they commit, knowing full well the criminals on your side of the equation were never charged for any crimes. All of the people who accosted and verbally assaulted people eating in outdoor sections of restaurants, the amount of thievery that is happening in liberal cities to the point that Target, CVS, Walgreens etc are choosing to close stores rather than deal with the massive amounts of theft. Decriminalizing some thing so that the crime rates look better than they are. Not sending police to crime scenes because, you know, they are too busy hunting murderers and there isn't the manpower to deal with the petty stabbings and beatings due to the cries to defund the police in those areas. I say screw the fools who are choosing to not enforce laws, let them all the residents of those cities and states kill each other off.

Hell I haven't even touched on the amount of crime being perpetrated by illegals coming across a wide open border.
I think both sides breaking the law should be prosecuted. I don’t control any of it. BTW over 14,000 have been arrested in the BLM protests-of course that’s from AP-and you don’t have to believe that.

I think Alex Jones is a lying ass., that police and the army are the only folks that should have semi automatic weapons. I don’t want to control others contraception choices, decisions on abortion (because guys I grew up with would f—k girls without protection and then deny any responsibility), choices on adult private consensual sexual practice. I think The border should be regulated, as per the bipartisan bill my own senator Lankford worked out, but that T—- scuttled so he could run on it. I voted for W twice. Biden needs to go, not a fan of Harris, Trump is a spoiled brat.

I don’t care what political stripe anyone thinks I am.
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He didn’t overdose. Martin Tobin, who literally wrote the book on the use of mechanical ventilators testified under oath that the police officer kneeled on him so hard that he couldn’t breathe and suffocated.
I think violence of any type (Unless it is self defense), as a response to violence is wrong. But the question remains: did the officer overreact in the video Of the shooting of the white guy he tried to take down, and would a protest have been justified?
Doesn’t bother me if you insult me or whatever rather than answer it I just am asking a question
Here’s video of Dr. Tobin testifying:
Oh boy be serious.
I think both sides breaking the law should be prosecuted. I don’t control any of it. BTW over 14,000 have been arrested in the BLM protests-of course that’s from AP-and you don’t have to believe that.

I think Alex Jones is a lying ass., that police and the army are the only folks that should have semi automatic weapons. I don’t want to control others contraception choices, decisions on abortion (because guys I grew up with would f—k girls without protection and then deny any responsibility), choices on adult private consensual sexual practice. I think The border should be regulated, as per the bipartisan bill my own senator Lankford worked out, but that T—- scuttled so he could run on it. I voted for W twice. Biden needs to go, not a fan of Harris, Trump is a spoiled brat.

I don’t care what political stripe anyone thinks I am.
Arrests that were not prosecuted. Show me how many of the 14,000 that the AP cited were released and never even went to trial. Why is the lying ass cop that killed the innocent woman on January 6 still working as a cop and not in jail for murder.
Among other things, I’m suggesting that Martin Tobin knows more about this than you do. His principles and practice of mechanical ventilation is in its 3rd edition. I’ve met the guy, read parts of his book, heard him talk. Folks get tolerance to narcotics, that’s why Purdue pharmaceuticals made so much money, because folks need more and more over time.

I’m sure you understand tolerance, right? Practicing it is always harder than understanding it. Double entendre intended.
Oh the irony.

Imagine acting like a dumbass libtard know-it-all and comparing opioids to fentanyl.

On the plus side Floyd has been sober 4+ years now.

Btw this was tolerance.
I don’t really care about that. It is not the point. They assaulted capitol police. They wanted to hang Mike Pence, For doing his freaking job. Not my business what/how they are charged, or put in jail. But they belong there.
You and your strawman retard arguments prove over and over you're not a serious person just like the rest of the people you identify with.
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