OT: ext...

We sure that isn't a front butt?
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I see Jae still has his stalker. Do you often get offended for others?

You must be a big, fat white broad in the burbs. What color did you dye your hair this week?
Obviously, either we have no sense of humor, are too sensitive to other peoples feelings, or are an HOA president (what does that even mean, is that an insult?) when a posted retweet characterizes 1.4 billion people as being dirty, out to scam you, and unable to speak intelligibly. Thanks for the clarification
Obviously, either we have no sense of humor, are too sensitive to other peoples feelings, or are an HOA president (what does that even mean, is that an insult?) when a posted retweet characterizes 1.4 billion people as being dirty, out to scam you, and unable to speak intelligibly. Thanks for the clarification
The male role models in your life have failed you. Stop lying about it on the internet. You're spreading Russian disinformation.
Obviously you are not sophisticated and or educated enough to understand how the economy works and that what you posted is actually a good thing.

Just repeating what i'm told. What do I know.
Clearly I'm not educated nor sophisticated, however I do find it curious that I consistently notice that I'm spending more and more to do the same stuff.
The male role models in your life have failed you. Stop lying about it on the internet. You're spreading Russian disinformation.
My father (Now gone) taught me that you should treat everyone equally, no matter their status. My older brother (now gone) took care of kids for a living, and believed that all kids should be taken care of, no matter what resources they had. my other brother (now gone), was a small town country lawyer, who did a lot of pro bono work for people who had no resources.

In your eyes, I assume you would think they had failed me as role models.
My father (Now gone) taught me that you should treat everyone equally, no matter their status. My older brother (now gone) took care of kids for a living, and believed that all kids should be taken care of, no matter what resources they had. my other brother (now gone), was a small town country lawyer, who did a lot of pro bono work for people who had no resources.

In your eyes, I assume you would think they had failed me as role models.
No, not in my eyes you pathetic excuse for a Karen. In theirs. You should have seen yourself out weeks ago.
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Well we all knew you weren't smart. Lol does your projecting and gaslighting work on others? How long do you keep up the schtick after you've been exposed and we've seen you for the fraud that you are?
I am who I am. Doing the same thing at the same place for 29 years, with three promotions. I don’t feel the need to bully people like others, who apparently don’t feel comfortable with who they are.
Imagine you, a fry cook, tell me what I need to do 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Shooooooot, did comedy hour start and no one told me?
Surely you can do better than that. Use some imagination. The part about how I failed the example of my deceased father, and my two brothers, was pretty good gaslighting seeing as I was asked, and gave, the main eulogy for two of them.

For your information that requires putting coherent sentences together.
How’s that for an insult? Does it meet your high standards? Or am I not living up to your example?