OT: Epstein

And Rachel Maddow and the MSNBC network thought they had a gotcha moment with Trump and Musk. A proposed 400 million deal with Tesla for armored trucks. Trump shot down. Rachel screaming corruption. Oops that was a Biden proposal. Haha miss information network. And dems tried to say all the news was real and they got caught even completely stupid or lying: Oh and the Biden admin funded certain networks. Man the corruption is ridiculously real on the left. Most people are waking up.

But a few on here. Are like the dems at the start of the union. No matter what boo Trump. Weak people. Showing there true colors they are not for America or its citizens.
No, I would not support that, I would vocally denounce such an act and either vote for Trump’s opposition or not vote at all depending on who that opposition is. I will also bet you $1000 that doesn’t happen and I’m guessing you won’t take that bet cause you don’t really believe it will either. You just use it as transparent scare tactic in attempt to push people towards your way of thinking/opinion. Very disingenuous and another example of why much of the country doesn’t trust democrats and/or democrat politicians. You keep promising and predicting the worst case scenario with every word or political move Trump makes and you (the left) have been wrong every time. Honest people don’t trust or believe in your party anymore, and rightfully so…
Look, I’m sure you’re a decent person. I think I’m a decent person. I’m sure both you and I think that America is the best country in the world with the best democracy. we would both agree there has been bad behavior on both sides, but there has been unprecedented crap going on in the new administration. Firing all the inspector generals, putting unqualified yes men and yes women in every cabinet position (rather than the qualified yes men and yes women we had before). Firing generals whose terms hadn't expired. Picking stupid fights with countries like Canada and Denmark. Taking the side of a Russian autocrat against the country whose security we guaranteed by treaty when they gave up their nuclear weapons. (and yes, I know Obama did that when Putin took Crimea. That sucked-but he didn’t berate the president of Ukraine in the Oval office.
And Rachel Maddow and the MSNBC network thought they had a gotcha moment with Trump and Musk. A proposed 400 million deal with Tesla for armored trucks. Trump shot down. Rachel screaming corruption. Oops that was a Biden proposal. Haha miss information network. And dems tried to say all the news was real and they got caught even completely stupid or lying: Oh and the Biden admin funded certain networks. Man the corruption is ridiculously real on the left. Most people are waking up.

But a few on here. Are like the dems at the start of the union. No matter what boo Trump. Weak people. Showing there true colors they are not for America or its citizens.
Biden deal was for $3,483,000 worth of Tesla armored vehicles and associated supplies. The current administration upped that to $400 million worth of Tesla armored vehicles.
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Oh at @Iroh2 has to be seething. Can you believe anyone would support the party that are racist and against women? Liberal men are a weak minded bunch
The entire world got to see how despicable and full of hate they are on Tuesday night. Not standing for a kid with cancer? Not standing for the mother's of murdered daughters? They are pure filth. Everyone saw it. Their party is dead and buried. It's beautiful.
Guess what you’re the one who’s being sold out. But you voted for it.
I have given exactly zero dollars to Russia.

You keep using this buzzword phrase “sold out” because you don’t know how to accurately describe your feelings being hurt by business dealings from nearly 20 years ago.

And yes, I’m staunchly against funding wars for shithole countries that use it to fuel their economy, while you’re enthusiastically in support of it.
This is going to be my last post on this topic because the thread is supposed to be about bad teachers:

So what where Trump got his money? Did he repay the funds? He did? Was there a quid pro quo? Got proof, cuz Robert Mueller couldn't find any.

If you are inferring a qui pro quo, your own post for business dealings was dated Sep 08. Which public office was Trump holding then? None.

Not to be repeated in this thread again my point was not to defend DR but to point out that some people are watching his right hand and ignoring his left. Since our adversaries are doing this I want my leader to do the same, only better.
I started this thread about the Epstein documents. Not sure where the bad teachers came from.

BTW... still haven't seen any new revations with respect to the Epstein docs.
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Biden deal was for $3,483,000 worth of Tesla armored vehicles and associated supplies. The current administration upped that to $400 million worth of Tesla armored vehicles.
I know you hate everything about Trump. But you have completely turned a blind eye to what the democrats have done to this country and the citizens and the absolute corruption that ran wild in that admin. It’s astonishing that that you not pick everything about Trump but nothing for the dems. You are as weak as the thin skinned petulant children the dems were at the state of the union. Not a good look
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I’m wondering, what has happened to that money coming in since the Russian – Ukraine war? How has it impacted that business? Could that be why there is so much pressure to end the war now at any cost?

I understand that you’re mad that you’re being sold out. Probably happens all the time to us, sold out by our politicians.

Dude was investigated by 4 different branches of govt and they had access to his financial records and taxes.

You sound foolish trying this argument.

When the last President literally was caught taking millions from Russian politicians...smdh
Vietnam was VERY different than this deal. We were invited in to that war by the elected Vietnamese government as I recall. It was a civil war with the Chinese supporting the communist rebels as I recall.
Negative. We were expected by NATO to defend our ally in French-Indo China (aka Vietnam) because the frogs were losing territorial claims in SEA. America responded by sending soldiers into Vietnam as "advisors" for the South Vietnamese defense of their Western values against communism. The French bugged out and it became America's war and South Vietnam became Western until we bugged out in 1973 just like the frogs. At that point the elected officials of Vietnam were begging for America to stay. Our politicians and street people said no, you are on your own. With resolve and vision of winning America could be today defending a bloodless border with a South Vietnam Republic.
In 1965 a Soldier from NE Nebraska and another Soldier came under fire while imbedded with a South Vietnamese company, both Americans were severely wounded. The Nebraska guy is still MIA and the other was KIA. I did not know either, but I have worked and drank beer together with relatives of the MIA.
Ukraine and American government corruption together began in 2016 with a simple phone call of clarification by the POTUS on possible corruption by citizens both America & Ukraine, it led to two impeachments and endless lawsuits. What we have lived through and spent since 2020 with no definitive end game other than "All We Are Saying Is Give War A Chance."
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The entire world got to see how despicable and full of hate they are on Tuesday night. Not standing for a kid with cancer? Not standing for the mother's of murdered daughters? They are pure filth. Everyone saw it. Their party is dead and buried. It's beautiful.

Still need to figure out a way to root that scum out of the judicial seats all across the country.
I started this thread about the Epstein documents. Not sure where the bad teachers came from.

BTW... still haven't seen any new revations with respect to the Epstein docs.
I beg pardon, like others, I have wandered from Epstein. That poor man committed suicide while under suicide watch in prison. That is desperate.
Be patient. AG's staff has likely heard from some "heavy duty" world lawyers so the process will be slowed as usual to protect the guilty with their money and failing influence by themselves and collaborator media.
This is not 2023 America anymore because of ballot boxes.
There is some good reason to believe the US was fraudulently drawn into Vietnam. History says that LBJ requested that Congress escalate US "advisor" status in country with a commitment of more US troops. This was because US Navy ships (two destroyers I believe) in the Gulf of Tonkin were attacked by NVM gunboats. It has since been alleged that the radar tracks showing these boats approaching the Navy ships were not on the radar of the American ships and were later placed on the radar trace by the CIA.

True? Not sure but I absolutely distrust the incestuous relationship between the DOD and defense contracting community.
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Wrong again but good try.

Dude was investigated by 4 different branches of govt and they had access to his financial records and taxes.

You sound foolish trying this argument.

When the last President literally was caught taking millions from Russian politicians...smdh
dude was impeached twice. The first time for withholding aid to a country that we agreed to protect in exchange for giving up their nuclear weapons to the country they were trying to defend themselves against. Second time he was impeached was for a coordinated effort to overturn the vote. That time lots of his co-conspirators (Powell, Eastman, etc.) ended up convicted, and rioters he provoked to riot ended up in jail.

What Russian bot did you get that last tidbit of information from? care to divulge what the information is-I don’t pay attention to Twitter. It’s a waste of time.
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dude was impeached twice. The first time for withholding aid to a country that we agreed to protect in exchange for giving up their nuclear weapons to the country they were trying to defend themselves against. Second time he was impeached was for a coordinated effort to overturn the vote. That time lots of his co-conspirators (Powell, Eastman, etc.) ended up convicted, and rioters he provoked to riot ended up in jail.

What Russian bot did you get that last tidbit of information from? care to divulge what the information is-I don’t pay attention to Twitter. It’s a waste of time.
Still need to figure out a way to root that scum out of the judicial seats all across the country.
Congress has always had the power to make law that forbids district judges from bench "legislation." That is all the figure that you need to root the scum out of all government corruption. Congress makes laws. Judges decide on Constitutional truths; they have no power to legislate from the bench. Your answer is in your congressmen and Senators you elected to office.
Congress has always had the power to make law that forbids district judges from bench "legislation." That is all the figure that you need to root the scum out of all government corruption. Congress makes laws. Judges decide on Constitutional truths; they have no power to legislate from the bench. Your answer is in your congressmen and Senators you elected to office.

I know this. The problem is getting these numbskulls to do their duty.
dude was impeached twice. The first time for withholding aid to a country that we agreed to protect in exchange for giving up their nuclear weapons to the country they were trying to defend themselves against. Second time he was impeached was for a coordinated effort to overturn the vote. That time lots of his co-conspirators (Powell, Eastman, etc.) ended up convicted, and rioters he provoked to riot ended up in jail.

What Russian bot did you get that last tidbit of information from? care to divulge what the information is-I don’t pay attention to Twitter. It’s a waste of time.
There is nothing true in your post and by Golly that is true.
dude was impeached twice. The first time for withholding aid to a country that we agreed to protect in exchange for giving up their nuclear weapons to the country they were trying to defend themselves against. Second time he was impeached was for a coordinated effort to overturn the vote. That time lots of his co-conspirators (Powell, Eastman, etc.) ended up convicted, and rioters he provoked to riot ended up in jail.

What Russian bot did you get that last tidbit of information from? care to divulge what the information is-I don’t pay attention to Twitter. It’s a waste of time.

Yes Democrats are crazy and impeach over anything.

You say that like that's makes you look sane.

You are just displaying your intellectual dishonesty..

When that's also was proven to be a lie in hearings.

He was impeached over quid pro quo that our last President did twice.
Yes Democrats are crazy and impeach over anything.

You say that like that's makes you look sane.

You are just displaying your intellectual dishonesty..

When that's also was proven to be a lie in hearings.

He was impeached over quid pro quo that our last President did twice.
Boy, I had no idea that our last president tried to overthrow an election he lost. I must’ve slept through that. You know it’s widely reported that republican senators and congressman are going along with all of this not because they’re afraid of being primaried (that’s the term for having Elon Musk funding a more loyal dude to run against you so that you lose your office) it’s because they are afraid for their lives and their families if they failed to show sufficient loyalty to the king. That is, they’ll be criticized on Twitter, and their family will be at risk.

I’m sure you’ll kiss that off as “fake news”. Is withdrawing people security who disagree with him fake news, putting them at risk, or is it common knowledge?
Boy, I had no idea that our last president tried to overthrow an election he lost. I must’ve slept through that. You know it’s widely reported that republican senators and congressman are going along with all of this not because they’re afraid of being primaried (that’s the term for having Elon Musk funding a more loyal dude to run against you so that you lose your office) it’s because they are afraid for their lives and their families if they failed to show sufficient loyalty to the king. That is, they’ll be criticized on Twitter, and their family will be at risk.

I’m sure you’ll kiss that off as “fake news”. Is withdrawing people security who disagree with him fake news, putting them at risk, or is it common knowledge?

Lol...So new subject.

Of course he didn't. He was too busy capitulating to China and Russia because they bought his influence.

Who cares what Republican politicians think.
I know this. The problem is getting these numbskulls to do their duty.
The problem is numbskulls on election day that keep voting in numbskulls to office because they look good or sound good. Research by 20% of Americas voters would have prevented the debacle of the past 4 years. Listen to what say campaigning rather than what "news" tells you what they really mean.
The off-season is going well. Anyone know any good Peebird jokes?

I'll start with an oldie but goodie......

A Husker fan and his Peebird buddy are at the beach. The Husker dude has babes all over him while the Peebird doof is ignored.

Peebird complains to the Husker about it.

Husker dude says, "Next time we go to the beach put a tater down your trunks."

They go to the beach and the Peebird drops a tater down his trunks. Girls flee in terror.

Peebird says. "What the hell happened?"

Husker looks disgusted with him and says, "Next drop it down the front of your trunks."

Ta da!
The problem is numbskulls on election day that keep voting in numbskulls to office because they look good or sound good. Research by 20% of Americas voters would have prevented the debacle of the past 4 years. Listen to what say campaigning rather than what "news" tells you what they really mean.

You live in fantasy land....
Biden deal was for $3,483,000 worth of Tesla armored vehicles and associated supplies. The current administration upped that to $400 million worth of Tesla armored vehicles.
Sorry man. I know Trump sucks to you. But the democrats is worse then you than you can lie for. Maybe one day you be serious in this be.
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