OT: Epstein

Bondi made her initial demand for the docs while Patel was stilling in confirmation meetings. Initially, the FBI handed over a couple hundred docs and said that was it. Well, a whistleblower in the Bureau told Bondi, "Nope, there are thousands of docs and the NYC FBI Field Office was holding them.
That's when Bondi told Patel to get ALL the docs and then investigate anyone who had a part in withholding them; fire anyone who was involved in withholding them.

I hope Bondi and Patel have VERY good security otherwise they could wind up committing suicide like Epstein.

That's one of the things I want answered. Who killed the lame and dumb do they think we are that cameras just happen to not be working while good ole jeffrey decided to rid us of his presence?
I didnt expect so many posters to sympathize concealing a list that could contain dozens of millionaire if you saw that coming, good intuition lol
It really depends on whose name might be on the list. Some do not want their chosen XYZ to have anything uncovered that might prove that they have made a bad choice in support.
It really depends on whose name might be on the list. Some do not want their chosen XYZ to have anything uncovered that might prove that they have made a bad choice in support.
I'm sure it's all about convenient truth....we already know one "bad 🍊 man is on it" so I think for most people we'd rather just lock on to that, and say "see you can't expose the list without talking about your boy!"

Which i think, to your point, is just a deflection....yeah we know he's on there. We also know he has a history that is well recorded with him moving away from Epstein. So the convenient truth is he's on the list. The whole truth is, he's on the list, but probably wasn't involved in the diddling.

And so my take. Yeah he's on the what. I want to know everyone on the list. I want them all to be vetted. And if you can pin any of them to doing something bad, regardless of who they are, then I want that too.

I mean is it more beneficial for a certain president to bring more attention to it, if he's hiding something? Or is it more beneficial for him to say "yeah there are a lot of people on that list who probably didn't do anything?" Just seems like a risky game to play if you're hiding something, and it seems to upset other people more than this administration when it gets talked about.
Yeah imma not down with that line of thinking...."you have money so i'm going to destroy your reputation forever, but because of the size of your bank account i don't care what happens to you.." Hard pass on that.
No one is destroying anyone's reputation. Does the government really need to hide who people associate with?
That's one of the things I want answered. Who killed the lame and dumb do they think we are that cameras just happen to not be working while good ole jeffrey decided to rid us of his presence?
Add to the list of not knowing:
Who brought cocaine into the White House that every square inch under surveillance?
Who planted the bombs on J6 also in an area that was extremely well surveilled?
Who was Crooks? Why haven't we heard more and his life totally wiped clean?
Who was driving the Tesla that blew up in front of a Trump building in Vegas?
Who was the guy who plowed through a crowd in New Orleans? Noting that he and the Vegas guy were at the same base.
Why has almost every President vowed to release the JFK files but never have?
Reported;y, files in the FBI have been deleted like crazy but there certainly must be multiple redundancy programs so what are they hoping to accomplish or hide?
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Exactly.... You stated it perfectly. Another shiny object to distract the masses. A great way to reinforce that hatred and distrust. Another in a long line of comments and accusations that never truly flourish into anything of merit.
Aren’t you the guy who calls people names on an anonymous message board?
If you think either side gives a fck about us regular people, you're a fool.

I choose the people who will run things the way I think it should be perfect choice exists...but run things as how I see fit (like everyone else)....Never really thought much if they cared about me. I assume they don't love or hate me...they want me to choose them, their caring prolly emds there. .but they're hired by us to do a job.
The story is that it was a likely intelligence operation. Ran by whom is questionable. But it was likely the US and other countries. Imagine how much illegal stuff they let go.
Russia loves deals like that and our own CIA has used “honey pots” to gain intelligence.