spend most time on monopoly, risk, life, battle ship, chest and ...them maze wood boxes with a steel ball and knobs on the side to tilt the board
but we had a few board games, even a dark shadows one.
Not a board game, but I never thought I would end up liking to play Bingo. Thought it was for old people living in assisted living. Our country club has a game a couple of times on Wednesday night a month. It kind of breaks up the week during the winter when there isn't too much to do. Only $10.00 buy-in to play 5 games. Depends on how many are playing but usually the pay-out is around $250.00 per game. Plus you get a raffle ticket that numbers are drawn twice per night. The winners of these raffles get their 10 bucks back. I've won the game twice and the raffle once. It is also a good excuse to buy dinner at the club. We have to spend at least $150 (food only) per quarter.
Its monopoly, but only when you have 4 or 5 players who actually want to play and know what they’re doing, which is very rare. Nothing worse than playing with kids or adults who are large children.
Stratego and battleship rock.
Taboo is fun I could play all day.
Theres a great game called balderdash. Fun if you are on a witty group.