OT: best board game


But really, it was fun to build but was a crap game IMO.
It is amazing how the the "why you play board games" changes in your life.

5-12: For fun

13-18: You don't play unless forced by family

College years: Maybe if it is a drinking game and/or chance to get slots naked

22-40: You don't play

40+: Force kids to play, play with "friends", you know those "friends" that you don't know anything about and pretend like you can't make a joke around them because you are fake friends. Your lame wife invited over another couple, both the dudes ****ing hate it but have to pretend like it was fun, both dudes pretend like after the 3rd beer that they better "slow it down" even though they are a good 7 beers away from the buzz they need to enjoy it.

70+: And excuse to start drinking at 2pm
I like Stratego and played it quite a lot. Used to play it with my parents. Risk as well. Did that a lot at scout camp back in the day.

My vote has to go to chess though. Started when I was 5 or 6 and have done it throughout most of my life and still go to a club. Played in quite a few tournaments though it's been about a decade since I was in one. Won a few hundred dollars back in high school in one of the tournaments although that was in the lowest rated section.

Probably about 1600 USCF now if I have to estimate - like I mentioned haven't played in a tourney for awhile but I know about how strong the other players in my club are. I'm a decent club level player but nothing more. Could probably be a better player if I read more of my several dozen books. I tend to collect too many of them and never read most of them, lol. Regardless I love the game as an average club level player.
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On a side note to any Risk fans who have Steam - it's free on there for the basic game. So give it a download if you're interested.
I like Stratego and played it quite a lot. Used to play it with my parents Risk as well. Did that a lot at scout camp back in the day.

My vote has to go to chess though. Started when I was 5 or 6 and have done it throughout most of my life and still go to a club. Played in quite a few tournaments though it's been about a decade since I was in one. Won a few hundred dollars back in high school in one of the tournaments although that was in the lowest section.

Probably about 1600 USCF now if I have to estimate - like I mentioned haven't played in a tourney for awhile but I know about how strong the other players in my club are. I'm a decent club level player but nothing more. Could probably be a better player if I read more of my several dozen books, lol. But regardless I love the game even if I'm rather average at it.
You don’t sound average.
You don’t sound average.
Haha thanks for the vote of confidence. But 1600 is fairly middling for a long time player. Think I could do better if I put more time in. But don't have a ton of time for it, lol. Is what it is.
Yeah, 1600 has to be in the top 1 percent. I'm like 1000, which is pretty terrible.
Yeah, 1600 has to be in the top 1 percent. I'm like 1000, which is pretty terrible.
Maybe or lichess it is? But it's pretty middling for OTB USCF I believe. I don't know the statistics honestly.

One guy in my club is probably about 1800-1900 strength and is clearly better than me. Couple more in the 1600 range that I go toe to toe with and can go either way. Few others who are weaker players than me. So yeah I figure I'm fairly middle of the pack for someone who goes to a club.

A word of advice if you're struggling around the 1000 range... do 30 minutes a tactics a day if you're able. Even 10 minutes is probably helpful or say 5-10 problems. I need to follow my own advice for that (well not my advice really I've seen GM's recommend 30 minutes, lol)
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You don’t sound average.
Backgammon along with Yahtzee is still one of my wife (of 40 years in 48 hours) and I's favorite. Monopoly is still a good game for distant siblings to play when they get together. It brings up the fiestyness of growing together while still loving each other today. I do not remember being in a game of Monopoly that ended as the rules proscribed. My games always ended with the 2nd or 3rd person to land on a hot hotel property. Then the fur would fly.
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Trivial Pursuit
Remember playing that on occasion as a class against our chemistry teacher back in high school. Good guy and probably part of the reason I went into chemistry in college. He had an incredible memory and was very good at Trivial Pursuit. Was fine to watch his mind work. Unfortunately he passed away a few years ago.
Backgammon along with Yahtzee is still one of my wife (of 40 years in 48 hours) and I's favorite. Monopoly is still a good game for distant siblings to play when they get together. It brings up the fiestyness of growing together while still loving each other today. I do not remember being in a game of Monopoly that ended as the rules proscribed. My games always ended with the 2nd or 3rd person to land on a hot hotel property. Then the fur would fly.
Haven't played Yahtzee in a long time. But loved that game growing up. Play it so many times with my parents. My aunt gave me a battery powered handheld Yahtzee game back in the day. I must have played hundreds upon hundreds of games on that thing lol.
I like Stratego and played it quite a lot. Used to play it with my parents. Risk as well. Did that a lot at scout camp back in the day.

My vote has to go to chess though. Started when I was 5 or 6 and have done it throughout most of my life and still go to a club. Played in quite a few tournaments though it's been about a decade since I was in one. Won a few hundred dollars back in high school in one of the tournaments although that was in the lowest rated section.

Probably about 1600 USCF now if I have to estimate - like I mentioned haven't played in a tourney for awhile but I know about how strong the other players in my club are. I'm a decent club level player but nothing more. Could probably be a better player if I read more of my several dozen books, lol. But regardless I love the game even if I'm rather average at it.
Tell me you only banged one girl without telling me you only banged one girl.
Tell me you only banged one girl without telling me you only banged one girl.
Well if the charge is me being an anti-social dork... I stand guilty lol. I just find it easier to chat online than in person I guess. So admittedly I tend to ramble a bit.
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Backgammon along with Yahtzee is still one of my wife (of 40 years in 48 hours) and I's favorite. Monopoly is still a good game for distant siblings to play when they get together. It brings up the fiestyness of growing together while still loving each other today. I do not remember being in a game of Monopoly that ended as the rules proscribed. My games always ended with the 2nd or 3rd person to land on a hot hotel property. Then the fur would fly.
Love yahtzee too. Just not sure I consider it a board game
You don’t sound average.

Haha thanks for the vote of confidence. But 1600 is fairly middling for a long time player. Think I could do better if I put more time in. But don't have a ton of time for it, lol. Is what it is.
Adding to this 1600 is about when you need to start seriously studying the game to get better. I admittedly haven't put in the time. Wasn't trying to come off as false modest or disingenuous. Just the way I see it in regards to your average club player. Only won money one time and that was in the lowest rated section.

Here's a list of USCF percentile rankings (not that anyone asked) - keep in mind a lot of players with lower rankings probably haven't played in many tournaments. From experience 1600 is about average for the adult chess players at a tourney (List is old)

Anyways have a good night all. I know I tend to ramble and worse with alcohol. Not sure why I came back to post this comment. Going to have a headache tomorrow 😛
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Yahtzee, I've played quite a bit with my kids. Really taught them at a young age how to add by grouping the dice. Though they will zero out pretty much everything before they zero out the Yahtzee box, haha.

Ticket to Ride, great, but with my boys & wife I'm not allowed to block the path of others unless it's towards my actual destination. Takes away some of the fun, but it keeps everyone happy.

Risk was fun, but could take forever.

Same for monopoly, but playing that on Game Cube was/is awesome.

Stratego, haven't played in forever. Think I'm gonna get that now.

Code Names is really fun.

Candy Land, Shoots & Ladders are great with my 4yr old daughter.
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Yahtzee, I've played quite a bit with my kids. Really taught them at a young age how to add by grouping the dice. Though they will zero out pretty much everything before they zero out the Yahtzee box, haha.

Ticket to Ride, great, but with my boys & wife I'm not allowed to block the path of others unless it's towards my actual destination. Takes away some of the fun, but it keeps everyone happy.

Risk was fun, but could take forever.

Same for monopoly, but playing that on Game Cube was/is awesome.

Stratego, haven't played in forever. Think I'm gonna get that now.

Code Names is really fun.

Candy Land, Shoots & Ladders are great with my 4yr old daughter.
Favorites!!! What about... "Pretty Pretty Princess" ?
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