Osborne turned down Gary Patterson for Pelini

Highly disappointing if he was thinking that he could get Patterson and chose Pelini because he could get him cheaper.
I'll go one further. The one many fans want to crucify, Harvey Perlman, wanted Patterson but was overridden by the AD, which I guess is right, but things may have changed in his legacy as well if this decision had gone his way.

How much proof do you have of this.
Everyone of you are conveniently forgetting that Bo was the trendy hire at the time because he would fix the defense and had been associated with a NC team as defensive coordinator at LSU. Just because it didn't work the way you wanted with Bo is no reason to lay it on TO. I call BS on all the second guessing after the fact.
probably a bit easier to recruit texas being a hop skip and a jump from dallas also.
Haven’t read all 4 pages so apologize if already mentioned

Perhaps TO thought a Bo hire would allow him (TO) to be more involved in the day to day operations of the football program as opposed to Patterson who was already an established head coach.
Didn't Patterson have an Omaha connection. Born there or something?
Haven’t read all 4 pages so apologize if already mentioned

Perhaps TO thought a Bo hire would allow him (TO) to be more involved in the day to day operations of the football program as opposed to Patterson who was already an established head coach.
It's been mentioned in the past that part of the deal was that Tom wanted some of the offensive staff retained. Patterson I don't think would have bought that idea if it had been part of the conditions. A booster's demands were what ultimately hired Bo.
Wait...TO picked Bo because he was good at the podium?!?! HAHAHA

Sweet reason Tom!
If you saw this board 10 years ago there was an obsession among the 'traditional' fan base in favor of Pelini. Pelini had no ties to the program outside of one mediocre season on Solich's staff, but no other coach would have been accepted by that part of the fan base who was still bitter over the Solich firing. Hiring Pelini was a way of say FU to Steve Peterson for firing Solich (his handpicked coach) and not hiring Pelini as his replacement. Pelini repayed Osborne by hiring crap coaches like Cotton. I never understood why Osborne became such a Pelini loyalist once it became obvious he was a jackass who couldn't and wouldn't recruit, but it took bringing in an outsider as AD to finally oust Pelini a year late.
Osborne showed himself to be more concerned with protecting his buddies and preserving a lost tradition than in rebuilding the program. All of this political division has led to a complete shit storm of a program. The wrong hire now will determine the future of NU football.
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Yeah a family member knows Frank and his wife. When they do come back to Lincoln he usually sees them. That's my link.
And so the gossip mill goes. Not to be rude but so what. It's possible they did not hear it correctly or frank was embellishing some story or it could have been the way it was told to TO
I think all these back yard gossip stories is one of the bad things about our fan base

Fact is it is not fact it is heresay
If you saw this board 10 years ago there was an obsession among the 'traditional' fan base in favor of Pelini. Pelini had no ties to the program outside of one mediocre season on Solich's staff, but no other coach would have been accepted by that part of the fan base who was still bitter over the Solich firing. Hiring Pelini was a way of say FU to Steve Peterson for firing Solich (his handpicked coach) and not hiring Pelini as his replacement. Pelini repayed Osborne by hiring crap coaches like Cotton. I never understood why Osborne became such a Pelini loyalist once it became obvious he was a jackass who couldn't and wouldn't recruit, but it took bringing in an outsider as AD to finally oust Pelini a year late.
Osborne showed himself to be more concerned with protecting his buddies and preserving a lost tradition than in rebuilding the program. All of this political division has led to a complete shit storm of a program. The wrong hire now will determine the future of NU football.
Well if you state Cotton is a crap coach you don't know jack shit.
And so the gossip mill goes. Not to be rude but so what. It's possible they did not hear it correctly or frank was embellishing some story or it could have been the way it was told to TO
I think all these back yard gossip stories is one of the bad things about our fan base

Fact is it is not fact it is heresay
Yeah words from Frank's mouth are "heresay". I'm sure he made it up.
If you saw this board 10 years ago there was an obsession among the 'traditional' fan base in favor of Pelini. Pelini had no ties to the program outside of one mediocre season on Solich's staff, but no other coach would have been accepted by that part of the fan base who was still bitter over the Solich firing. Hiring Pelini was a way of say FU to Steve Peterson for firing Solich (his handpicked coach) and not hiring Pelini as his replacement. Pelini repayed Osborne by hiring crap coaches like Cotton. I never understood why Osborne became such a Pelini loyalist once it became obvious he was a jackass who couldn't and wouldn't recruit, but it took bringing in an outsider as AD to finally oust Pelini a year late.
Osborne showed himself to be more concerned with protecting his buddies and preserving a lost tradition than in rebuilding the program. All of this political division has led to a complete shit storm of a program. The wrong hire now will determine the future of NU football.

Let's be honest, TO cares about his legacy over anything, even dear old Nebraska.
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My issue with the Pelini hiring is seemed to be between Pelini and Gill.

Both should have been considered fall back candidates in my opinion, but instead I think they were candidate 1 and 1A....and probably should have been about 7 and 7A.
I'm sure he did and it was a classic case of giving the fans what they wanted, not what they needed.

People were clamoring for Pelini or Gill to be the next HC at that time, but moreso Pelini because the Cosgrove defense was garbage and the fans wanted the opposite of what they had. So "we need a defensive coach" guy won the day.

He had no HC experience and is mentally unstable, but the fans screamed "We want him we want him" so Papa Tom went out and bought him for us.
You know...with this information coming to light it makes me wonder who else the energy vampire SE interviewed besides Riley?

I have some guesses

1. Derek Dooley
2. Danny Hope
3. Ron Zook
It's easy to look back with hindsight and criticize, but Patterson was no sure thing at the time. And Pelini was nowhere near as bad as some people like to make him out to be. Choosing Pelini over Patterson was not a bad decision at the time.
Yes, it was you! I remember it vividly, but couldn't think of your name to tag in the OP.

The TO crowd is awfully silent right now but it's early. I notice one of his crew members is already in here with excuses.
How can you be a Nebraska fan and not be part of the TO crowd? The man has done more for Nebraska football than anybody. Does he always make the right decisions? No, but he wasn't a bad AD, at least not compared to SE and SP. Maybe the "TO crowd" doesn't want to respond to a class A **** which is why you started this thread.
I can't ignore posters, for me it just makes it more fun to see the crazy. But I can totally understand using the ignore function. Is there a "follow" function? Because there are some nutbars that I would love to follow
It's easy to look back with hindsight and criticize, but Patterson was no sure thing at the time. And Pelini was nowhere near as bad as some people like to make him out to be. Choosing Pelini over Patterson was not a bad decision at the time.

Especially when the majority of the fan base also wanted Pelini as the next Head Coach.
If Solich truly told TO ahead of time Pelini is a loose canon might not be a good idea to hire him then I think TO made the wrong decision. I can see he wanted a defense Coach because God awful defense we had, and talked BP in keeping Watson because the offense was't the problem moving forward.

But I remember plenty of the fan base were saying the same things they are today about wanting Frost.