This teacher is OK, not bad, not great, but the student was special-ed, so I'm wondering what his other options were. I'm on the fence here, should I be outraged, or happy for the student? I don't think I have enough data to say for sure.
If the teacher were male and the student was a special ed female, would you still be in the fence?
To be honest, this disgusts me.
To be honest, this disgusts me.
Not bad? Not sure this board has standards.
Half the dudes on here probably couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a fistful of $50s
Fistful of 100's works way better.Half the dudes on here probably couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a fistful of $50s
Fistful of 100's works way better.
Half the dudes on here probably couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a fistful of $50s
I don't bench 400 lbs, nor wear the same size jeans I did in High School. I was married to a 6 ( on a good day).90% of the guys on this board claim to be married to 9's, bench 400, and still fit in the same jeans they wore in high school. She ain't bad at all in the real world, where guys are out trying to close the deal. Behind the computer screen many of us turn into Brad Pitt, but in real life? Not so much.
90% of the guys on this board claim to be married to 9's, bench 400, and still fit in the same jeans they wore in high school. She ain't bad at all in the real world, where guys are out trying to close the deal. Behind the computer screen many of us turn into Brad Pitt, but in real life? Not so much.
Lite, I can't fit into my high school jeans, bench no where near 400, and am no Brad Pitt.....but most people (and since you know both my wife and I you would agree) would say that I definitely out punted my coverage in that aspect.
I get that, I find myself conflicted about it if I'm being honest. Not whether or not she's hawt, but the morality of it. On one hand he's special-ed, on the other hand how many other chances is he going to get to sleep with an attractive lady? I'm prolly gonna decide not to decide.
Ok Mr standards are low...pulse, respiration, and female parts
If my son was bangin one of his teachers, and she was super cute, I just wouldn't be that upset about it. In the principals office I'd dress him down and wonder how this could have happened, but on the way home we'd be high fiving, then I'd ask about her mom's availability, and then we'd stop for BBQ.
She has a funky looking mouth. Would have to see a body shit to make a sound decision if she is hot or not.