
More generally there’s no set of people, particularly young people, who we can point at and say they view small towns as an opportunity.

The old people who live in small towns are generally selling off family farms to corporations and the 1% independent farmers who own large large farm holdings. They want to retire by the lake or move south or whatever.

For most young people, the idea of moving to a small town is seen more from a how will I survive perspective, technologically financially socially you name it. Not as an unbounded opportunity placed before them.

Ultimately that will finish off many places.
Not that I completely disagree with you, but there is one factor you don't mention that will help many places -- people with children who want to escape all the big city bullshit
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We've got great fiber here. Thanks to a company who invested. And as far as small towns and population goes, I don't want progress. I don't want more. If I want more, I'll drive for it. Its part of the fun.
But it seems that there's never enough money for the city and county around here. And they cant spend it fast enough on some of the most frivolous shit. While their clique voters make stupid noises and clap like seals.
And guess what guys, we don't need F'n colored cement and planters "downtown", who the F is coming here to go there anyway? There's nothing there.
Some people enjoy their small town and would like it to remain small.

And yep, the results of the POS in charge are already starting to creep in.
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Not that I completely disagree with you, but there is one factor you don't mention that will help many places -- people with children who want to escape all the big city bullshit
Yah but I think that will mainly benefit historically “second tier” cities like Omaha. Folks who are fleeing places like New York and Chicago are much more likely to end up in Omaha than Broken Bow or Valentine (in substantial numbers).

Omaha used to be a pretty small cow town kind of place. It’s getting to be much more modern city than it ever used to be. I’m not sure we’ve seen the same kind of gain from coastal flight in small towns.
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I’d like to see rural towns flourish again. I’d hate to think the only people that might be out there in the future is basically the corporate farm employees and kids on a field trip to see what 20th century towns looked like.

I live fifteen minutes south of the Ravens stadium in Baltimore by highway and I never lock my doors and most of my expensive equipment is in my car port for anyone to wander off with while I’m a work. It’s never been a problem here. That’s never really been a measure of quality of life for me.
Are you in Severna Park by any chance?
I have an old friend from Plattsmouth who settled in there after doing his 20 in the Navy. He loves it
I’d like to see rural towns flourish again. I’d hate to think the only people that might be out there in the future is basically the corporate farm employees and kids on a field trip to see what 20th century towns looked like.

I live fifteen minutes south of the Ravens stadium in Baltimore by highway and I never lock my doors and most of my expensive equipment is in my car port for anyone to wander off with while I’m a work. It’s never been a problem here. That’s never really been a measure of quality of life for me.
Money Run GIF by Juan Billy

Tuco visiting @jflores house in rural Baltimore
Don't give up on rural Nebraska so easily. One of Pillen's missions is to ensure that all areas, no matter how remote, have good internet access. It is already starting. I work summers in the Sandhills 45 miles southwest of Valentine and the ranch has no issues with technology access. And speaking of Valentine, that fair city is running ads as far away as New York extolling the virtues of living out on the prairie. I have not yet heard how successful the effort is.

A lot of a town's survival will depend on the people living there and running the place. Red Cloud is vibrant, as are some other out of the way small burgs. The Nebraska Community Foundation has been a big success. As for me, I grew up in Omaha, was away for decades and chose a smaller (7K) town to retire to when I returned to Nebraska two years ago. Sometimes I don't lock the doors at night. Best move I ever made.
Great to hear that Pillen is putting good internet access to rural areas. I believe that is crucial for small town Nebraska. I question your statement that Red Cloud is vibrant. You know more than me, but when I pass through there it seems there is little to no growth. In fact, it looks like it is eroding. It had a population of 1531 in 1970 and has consistently lost population since. It had a population of only 962 in 2020.

Some of these towns need to come up with a theme or exploit something they make or produce. Create a festival or an annual event. Here in Eastern Washington a lot of towns promote ag products and wine. Nearby Leavenworth, Washington (pop. 2,263) was afraid of fading away after the lumber mill closed down and logging was slowing down back in the sixties. With no German heritage the town leaders encouraged the businesses to all change into Bavarian architecture. Leavenworth is now famous for Octoberfest, Autumn Leaf Festival, Christmas Lighting Ceremony and having plays in the summertime.
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I grew up in Lincoln. My mother is from Omaha and I still have relatives there. I think that there is indeed a disconnect between Lincoln/Omaha and the rest of the State. About half, if not more, of the State's entire population lives in an urban environment confined to the southeast corner of the State. My experience of Nebraska is the opposite of the OP. Growing up in Lincoln, and with relatives in Omaha, that is Nebraska to me and the vast majority of the rest of the State seems like a foreign country to me. Still... I would never say that it is not "really" Nebraska. Because of course it is. It just isn't my corner of Nebraska.
Wat???? About half of the state’s population is a urban environment?????? Redo that math bro’
Great to hear that Pillen is putting good internet access to rural areas. I believe that is crucial for small town Nebraska. I question your statement that Red Cloud is vibrant. You know more than me, but when I pass through there it seems there is little to no growth. In fact, it looks like it is eroding. It had a population of 1531 in 1970 and has consistently lost population since. It had a population of only 962 in 2020.

Some of these towns need to come up with a theme or exploit something they make or produce. Create a festival or an annual event. Here in Eastern Washington a lot of towns promote ag products and wine. Nearby Leavenworth, Washington (pop. 2,263) was afraid of fading away after the lumber mill closed down and logging was slowing down back in the sixties. With no German heritage the town leaders encouraged the businesses to all change into Bavarian architecture. Leavenworth is now famous for Octoberfest, Autumn Leaf Festival, Christmas Lighting Ceremony and having plays in the summertime.
We had festivals and what nots. We have the fair and a rodeo. They quashed all the festivals and what nots. We have a Pizza Hut and a Subway, a local Dine in place that's been here forever, 2 bars and a theater. That's it.
The main downtown area is some banks, lawyers, insurance agents, car dealer. There's nothing there for an out of towner to come in and do. Hell, there's nothing on the highway through town for that matter. DG maybe? Bomgaars?
And then we get our council arguing about flippin what color they want the cement and planters on main and oh lets buy some new banners to hang off the light poles so people can look how great they are while they drive through and not stop. But oh no its to lure people into town so they can do what? THERES NOTHING THERE FOR THEM. Spend money spend money.
And now they want to focus on building apartments and housing and why? So they can build another pig farm and lure more illegals here? GET THAT MONEY NO MATTER HOW YOU DO IT. It never F'n ends.
I liked how our town was 20 years ago. We don't need to be a suburb of big town in the middle of no-where.
Some of my neighbors are from China, Korea, Lincoln, Iowa, and Western Neb. I'm from Stromsburg.
My brother's wife's family grew up in Stromsburg... So if you were there in the 80's and 90's you for sure know him... or maybe you are her dad? Who knows? I remember crashing his 4 wheeler in a ditch when I was 14 of of the gravel roads out there
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My brother's wife's family grew up in Stromsburg... So if you were there in the 80's and 90's you for sure know him... or maybe you are her dad? Who knows? I remember crashing his 4 wheeler in a ditch when I was 14 of of the gravel roads out there

i grew up there in the 80's and 90's. im only 36.
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Yah but I think that will mainly benefit historically “second tier” cities like Omaha. Folks who are fleeing places like New York and Chicago are much more likely to end up in Omaha than Broken Bow or Valentine (in substantial numbers).

Omaha used to be a pretty small cow town kind of place. It’s getting to be much more modern city than it ever used to be. I’m not sure we’ve seen the same kind of gain from coastal flight in small towns.
It's growing like Kansas City, from this outsider's inquisitive eyes inward.
I think we sort of have to distinguish between "big city" and suburb.

I would not want to live in Chicago proper but the burbs are great. Same with Omaha...I don't want to live downtown but I love west O.
You’re not missing much here. I’ve lived in Omaha most of my life (40 plus years). Definitely some cool people here but overall a very lame place to live. Meth and homelessness-panhandling on the rise every day. You will witness here the worst driving in the US rain, snow, or shine.

Omaha is not that big or complicated but nobody here knows where they are going. They will cross over multiple lanes to make their turn regardless of whether it causes an accident or not. It is so important to be one car ahead here and they will get out of their lane to pass and cut off the other person to be the first one at the red light. Another class Omaha driver move: be in a hurry to pull out in front of somebody and then drive slow while checking your texts. Omaha was and still is just a cow poke town full of many ignorant/dumb/drunk people with no manners or class. I can’t wait to leave this dump. Will still root for The Huskers wherever I end up. Just being real.
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You’re not missing much here. I’ve lived in Omaha most of my life (40 plus years). Definitely some cool people here but overall a very lame place to live. Meth and homelessness-panhandling on the rise every day. You will witness here the worst driving in the US rain, snow, or shine.

Omaha is not that big or complicated but nobody here knows where they are going. They will cross over multiple lanes to make their turn regardless of whether it causes an accident or not. It is so important to be one car ahead here and they will get out of their lane to pass and cut off the other person to be the first one at the red light. Another class Omaha driver move: be in a hurry to pull out in front of somebody and then drive slow while checking your texts. Omaha was and still is just a cow poke town full of many ignorant/dumb/drunk people with no manners or class. I can’t wait to leave this dump. Will still root for The Huskers wherever I end up. Just being real.
Sounds like Omaha has an idiots out wandering around problem.
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You’re not missing much here. I’ve lived in Omaha most of my life (40 plus years). Definitely some cool people here but overall a very lame place to live. Meth and homelessness-panhandling on the rise every day. You will witness here the worst driving in the US rain, snow, or shine.

Omaha is not that big or complicated but nobody here knows where they are going. They will cross over multiple lanes to make their turn regardless of whether it causes an accident or not. It is so important to be one car ahead here and they will get out of their lane to pass and cut off the other person to be the first one at the red light. Another class Omaha driver move: be in a hurry to pull out in front of somebody and then drive slow while checking your texts. Omaha was and still is just a cow poke town full of many ignorant/dumb/drunk people with no manners or class. I can’t wait to leave this dump. Will still root for The Huskers wherever I end up. Just being real.
You're not wrong, but try driving anywhere in Polk County, IA.

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