
the French have always seemed to lean toward degeneracy. I mean that in a theological way, not political
It's a shame the opening ceremonies had to take away from the athletes that have worked all their lives to get there. If I wanted to see a bunch of cross-dressing, Satan worshipping commie trannies with sacks hanging and one fat woman, I' d just go to a party at @scopeandtime house. I mean his mom's basement. Sick
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anything less than 100% is not enough for wulfy
white guilt is quite the thing.

Funny, if I drive my car real fast and slam on my brakes on a gay pride rainbow painted on the street leaving skid marks on the paint, then I am labeled as homophobic by some (many) on the left. Even though that action takes just a split second to accomplish. But 2 1/2 minutes of that BS is somehow just 2 1/2 minutes of a 4 hour show.

The amount of time has nothing to do with it. The action and the intent is all that matters. The hypocrisy is so ridiculous, if I don't call someone by their chosen pronouns I am some how offending them and the wrath of hate rains down, but, as a Christian, I am not allowed to be offended by this BS and voice my outrage? Why? Because it was only 2 1/2 minutes???? please.....
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