Offense yards per point

We also always have a long field to get points because we lose field position on special teams constantly.

Nebraska's punt return unit is absolute dog shit averaging negative return yardage. I'm not sure that's ever happened at Nebraska. Hell, even Santino Panico and his fair catch game averaged positive yardage.

The kickoff return unit is getting penalized on almost every play. Both of these facets are forcing Nebraska to start behind the 8 ball and drive the length of the field. Hell Urban Meyer, love him or hate him, tracks field position and has ridiculous stats to support the percentage of converting touchdowns based on where drives originate. It doesn't matter if you're Ohio State or Bama, teams starting frequently inside their own 20, aren't scoring a lot of points.

Secondly, this Nebraska team has probably had more 20 yard plays called back than any team in the country. And many of those penalties really have little baring on the outcome of the play. 1st and 10 at the 45 is becoming 2nd and 25 at the 15 because of plays like a Foster jumping on an opponent 2 seconds after the whistle.

Lastly, Frost's scheme is predicated on big plays in the run game. At this point, the Huskers really only have one home run hitter in the run game, Mo Washington. He's been very close you breaking loose, but still needs more acclimation to this level. Devine and Bell lack and lacked the ability to go 70 yards on any given carry.

No faith in the kicker is also keeping scoring down. I'm pretty sure he has missed 4 kicks already, but that also changes the way Frost calls play and forces them to roll the dice in or near the red zone.

Turnovers were a bigger issue early. It's possible those won't be as problematic as Martinez and company get more experience.
Well, @Tuco Salamanca , if you talk shit, you should at least show up for your beating .

I guess I am showing up for my beating. Ha ha ha

Don’t take things so personal. You were drinking, posted a couple of crazy ass posts, I called you out on it. It’s now game day. Enjoy

I don’t know if Chinnander will be able to field the defense that will complement this offense.

I also don’t think the offense has been all that efficient in the 1st half of games. Nebraska has been down by large amounts, in the first half, of the last 3 games. Then in the 2nd half, with the game in control by the opponent, the offense puts up big numbers. As a guy that likes to use stats to defend my position, that makes my job hard, because like you said, there have been a lot of offensive yards. But are those yards a result of adjustments or the defense protecting a lead, or both.

Anyway enjoy you alka seltzer and aspirin this morning. I’ll be back Sunday night or Monday hopefully to talk about a Husker win.
Despite all the yards we only avarage 2.8 red zone attempts per game - 98th ranking

We get behind - opposing defenses soften and we rack up a bunch of meaningless yards until we get near the red zone at which time we get shut down

The offense needs to get its act together when it counts. They did zip in the first half against Wisconsin when we had chances to build a lead and keep the defense off the field.
Basically, Tuco and Cornicator nailed it. You know the old saying, location location location. And we've had bad location=field position. Either a result of the defense not being able to get a three and out deep on the opponents end and flipping the field. Or they score and we get a penalty on the kickoff return.

Any data/stats on what our average starting field position is? Tuco you're the stat King. You surely have rhat on a spreadsheet somewhere.

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