Slooooooooow your roll, boys. Let me throw a few names your way:
Johnny Stanton
Zach Darlington
Cody Green
Harrison Beck
Beau Davis
Curt Dukes
Bobby Newcombe
Frankie London
At one time or another, I remember being told that each was, and I quote, "the real deal" by the casual fan.
In fact, isn't this the same board that penciled Tanner Lee into the 1st round this coming April because Archie Manning likes his throwing motion or whatever?
I'm excited that NU is in on highly-rated, dual-threat guys. It's the right thing for the staff to be doing. It is absolutely not a guarantee that any of them starts a single game, let alone goes on to great things.
As I have said, the smartest thing for current NU QBs to do is work hard and make any new kid prove it. Plenty of bigtime QB recruits have gone on to do absolutely nothing in college. 4 years of experience taking snaps against D1 athletes matters. If it didn't, you'd start a bunch of freshmen every year.