Now that we've gotten one of the "hats" let's turn our attention back to

Of all places, at Home Depot on Wednesday there were two women in yoga pants who were just absolutely gifted. I may or may not have wandered down a couple aisles I knew weren't the correct ones for 4 x 4 fence posts.
YOGA PANTS. Seriously, how can anyone get any work done when your co-workers dress like this? Or you are out shopping with your wife. It's going to get you in trouble when you're like a computer that has locked up. The missus is going to give you a reboot alright. Why are they not banned from public usage? Maybe mirrored sunglasses will become popular once again.

Of all places, at Home Depot on Wednesday there were two women in yoga pants who were just absolutely gifted. I may or may not have wandered down a couple aisles I knew weren't the correct ones for 4 x 4 fence posts.
trust me, they knew. they knew.
We may have to create a new forum dedicated to yoga pants postings. My goodness. This thread has taken on a life of it's own.
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