No right turns on red

I suppose this means I can’t take a left on red when both streets are one way either.😖
I never knew this was legal to take a left on a red light onto a one-way street, but in the town I live in it is pretty common. Our main street is a two-way street running North and South. The two streets that parallel it are one-way streets. The locals turn left all the time on a red light.
I never knew this was legal to take a left on a red light onto a one-way street, but in the town I live in it is pretty common. Our main street is a two-way street running North and South. The two streets that parallel it are one-way streets. The locals turn left all the time on a red light.
That was a question on my drivers license test. It is perfectly legal for two one way roads
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Roundabouts suck, IMHO, and use up way to much space for the benefit. Only thing worse is this diverging diamond intersection they are putting in at 192nd and Dodge where you cross over into the left lane through the intersection and then back over to the right lane. I have yet to see where that saves anyone any time. In about ten years they will be tearing those back out, going "yeah, worked great in all of our simulations, but didn't work out so well in real life". At least that's my opinion having driven through those in Springfield, MO many times.