No alternative unis for 2024

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I take it you didn't watch much of Baylor when he was coaching there? They were Oregon 2.0
Seems to get forgotten because of the disaster at Carolina, but Baylor was exciting and kind of trendy. I remember watching Rhule and Baylor and thinking, damn, he has that team rocking.
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Seems to get forgotten because of the disaster at Carolina, but Baylor was exciting and kind of trendy. I remember watching Rhule and Baylor and thinking, damn, he has that team rocking.

Yeah and it all looked pretty good because it was all Nike, who knows how to execute all that stuff. They miss on a few from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Adidas...ehhh...not so much. Maybe Rhule is just smart enough to realize that. Conversation probably went something like this...

AD - Matt, would you like to implement some of the nifty alternate uniforms which appear to be very popular with the kids these days?

MR - We're with who again? Adidas? Can that be fixed?

AD - Well, not sure what you mean by that. You see, Adidas is a valuable long time partner of the University of Nebraska athletics who means a tremendous amou...

MR - Switch to Nike.

AD - We can't. We have a long term contract with Adidas. And again, we consider them a...

MR - Then hell no on the shitty alt uniform gimmicky bullshit. Adidas sucks. Anything else? Cuz I got a team to coach.
If the young athletes of today like all kinds of different alternative uniforms then I guess it is something we need to pay attention to if for no other reason the ability to attract talent.
That said... I don't like them as a fan of the sport. There are a handful of blue blood programs whose helmets and jerseys have an iconic status. They are part of the brand. Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Alabama, USC, Nebraska, and Oklahoma all fall into this status. There have been subtle changes of course over the years to all of these uniforms, but they have remained essentially the same for decades.
As we struggle to regain our standing as a winning program amongst the blue bloods, I think it is wise for us to emulate the big boys instead of the flashy newcomers like Oregon. Having an alternate uniform once a year is probably no threat. But making it a habit is a bad idea. I for one am happy that we will just see NU in its typical iconic uniforms all year.
Pennsy, Oklahoma has had numerous alternate helmets and this year their even going back to the white helmets with crimson stripe like they had in the Wilkinson era..
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Count me as a husker fan who's tired of the minimal to no decent use of alternative uniforms. Who cares about "Bluebloods some need alts" nonsense. We can be a Blueblood that has fun with it all while still honoring the past and traditions.

It's fun, helps recruiting, etc. Why not? Big boy college football with big boy money let's go already!
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Count me as a husker fan who's tired of the minimal to no decent use of alternative uniforms. Who cares about "Bluebloods some need alts" nonsense. We can be a Blueblood that has fun with it all while still honoring the past and traditions.

It's fun, helps recruiting, etc. Why not? Big boy college football with big boy money let's go already!
Agreed, but this is the same reason there is outrage of a stadium going cashless.... We still have a ****-ton of blue hairs that can't imagine being part of the next century and still think that a Pepsi inside the stadium should be bought with a nickel. You don't have to get rid of tradition, but you can deviate for a game a year or hell even a couple. Who really gives a shit if you win.
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I don't really care either way in regards to alternate uni's. My problem is I think they can do way, way better in designing them. Same for all of our apparel, especially hats. Wish we would ditch Adidas.
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Agreed, but this is the same reason there is outrage of a stadium going cashless.... We still have a ****-ton of blue hairs that can't imagine being part of the next century and still think that a Pepsi inside the stadium should be bought with a nickel. You don't have to get rid of tradition, but you can deviate for a game a year or hell even a couple. Who really gives a shit if you win.
always blaming blue hairs. i bet more blue hairs like alternate than not
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Agreed, but this is the same reason there is outrage of a stadium going cashless.... We still have a ****-ton of blue hairs that can't imagine being part of the next century and still think that a Pepsi inside the stadium should be bought with a nickel. You don't have to get rid of tradition, but you can deviate for a game a year or hell even a couple. Who really gives a shit if you win.
I don't know how old someone needs to be to be a "blue hair" and I can't remember how old you are. But if you did a little research you might learn that people you probably consider blue hairs (if still alive) bought you the technology you consider "yours". You know, guys like Steve Jobs, Steve Wozinak, Paul Allen, Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, Doug Engelbart....guys like that. I don't think I'm old enough to be a blue hair, but I'm not young and I have no problem with the concept of alternate uniforms at NU. I pretty much hated just about every one they have had so can't get excited about them. I have no fashion design training or experience, but could do five times better than the crap alternates we have seen in the past. Numbers outlined in blue - give me a break - how about blue jerseys? That's what they wore for the first game in 1923. I have no problem with them keeping trying to get it right though, especially if the players and recruits like them.

However, I am dead set against Memorial Stadium being cashless and it has nothing to do with fear or discomfort of technology or longing for the 20th Century. It has to do with not paying for everything with a card or service and getting a big bill at the end of the month. I'm pretty disciplined, but even I probably buy more stuff if I put it on a card than paying cash, it is human nature. Secondly, if I buy a Runza, pretzel and diet Pepsi (which unfortunately costs more than a nickel these days), it is nobody's GD business I made the purchase besides my own. I don't like leaving an electronic trail of every move I make if I don't have to. You may have missed that three billion (yes billion with a B) personal records were just spilled in what amounted to the largest data breech ever. If you bought life insurance as a non-smoker and one of those 3 billion spilled records was a receipt for a pack of cigarettes at Casey's, even if you bought them for someone else, when you die your wife may not get the money because your claim will be denied due to "deceit". I find lack of personal privacy now alarming, as should everyone regardless of his or her age.
Just listened to his Friday presser and he eluded to this being a direction before he arrived, same with over seas games.
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