Nick Rolovich

The experimental mrna shot couldn't get approved for animal use and now it is in beta testing in humans. Also if your body starts making pharma patented dna from the shot you legally lose your rights and become property of pharma companies. More whistleblowers are coming out soon.
More like a good replacement for Mario. But refusing to comply with your employers demands isn’t generally something AD’s like, regardless of your political beliefs.
I would walk away as well. No one is going to put that shit in my body. How well did it work for Colin Powell? It is one thing to expect a level of compliance for an employer, but they have zero rights telling you to have a drug injected into you. This it NOT a vaccine, it has zero Covid cells in it. It is designed to take away aches and pains of the virus.
The experimental mrna shot couldn't get approved for animal use and now it is in beta testing in humans. Also if your body starts making pharma patented dna from the shot you legally lose your rights and become property of pharma companies. More whistleblowers are coming out soon.
mrna alters your DNA... let that sink in
You're embarrassing yourself. Let that sink in.
no, you have not done your homework. There is a reason why you need all the boosters from this shot, because they are ineffective and do not work. Stop walking in lockstep and do some research as to who is profiting and how long these drugs have been in development for covid. You might be surprised...
no, you have not done your homework. There is a reason why you need all the boosters from this shot, because they are ineffective and do not work. Stop walking in lockstep and do some research as to who is profiting and how long these drugs have been in development for covid. You might be surprised...
So here's the problem with arguing with people like you. I could provide you with mountains of actual data, and refer you to real, reliable sources of information from renowned institutions that would give you the scientific facts and history behind MRNA vaccines, and vaccines in general, but I'm smart enough to realize that it wouldn't matter because your mind is closed to that. You'll jump right back into your little misinformation silos of nutjobs, charlatans and conspiracy theorists and come back and tell me to do my "homework" or "research". So again, why bother?
So here's the problem with arguing with people like you. I could provide you with mountains of actual data, and refer you to real, reliable sources of information from renowned institutions that would give you the scientific facts and history behind MRNA vaccines, and vaccines in general, but I'm smart enough to realize that it wouldn't matter because your mind is closed to that. You'll jump right back into your little misinformation silos of nutjobs, charlatans and conspiracy theorists and come back and tell me to do my "homework" or "research". So again, why bother?
Nobody in the entire world knows the 2 year effects of this shot. They are just now learning the 6 months. Glad you're part of the study.

I realize you feel safety in #s but throughout history, the individual has been way more intelligent than the groupthink.
Nobody in the entire world knows the 2 year effects of this shot. They are just now learning the 6 months. Glad you're part of the study.

I realize you feel safety in #s but throughout history, the individual has been way more intelligent than the groupthink.
Depends on the individual. You and HuskerOh? Not so much.
Good one. Didn't you rush and take an experiment for the 99.98% survivable sniffles? You must be the next Tesla
Huh. So, here's the problem with folks like you and HuskerOh. You assume that you know things because some other blathering idiot tells you what's what and you take them at their word because you're "like-minded". That's a euphemism for ideologically impaired. It sounds nicer so I prefer to use that.

Now, let me educate you on me. I'm a transplant recipient. There are millions of immunocompromised people out there just like me.. We take drugs that suppress our immune systems to very low levels so that our own bodies don't attack the life giving organ that we received. Like Colin Powell, who had a blood cancer, our immune systems don't generate antibodies to fight Covid. Prior to vaccines becoming available, the mortality rate for people like me with Covid was running between 20 and 30 percent. The rate of hospitalization was much higher. Even with vaccines, we are still at very high risk of hospitalization and/or death from Covid. The reason, just as it was with Colin Powell is that ALL vaccines, including the Covid vaccines still rely on a functional immune system to generate an effective response to a virus. The same drugs I take to stave off rejection and make me susceptible to the virus render any vaccine that I take (including Covid vaccines) much less effective.

So right now you're thinking "Why should I care? This isn't my problem and what does it have to do with me?" It should only matter to you if you care about the people around you. You know. That old Christian saying from the bible about how "I am my brother's keeper". If you and others like you were facing a disease with a 20-30% mortality rate how would you respond? If you had someone in your family, a brother, sister, child or parent that was at that level of risk how would you respond? If your family doctor told you that the best way for you to protect them was to get vaccinated yourself, how would you respond? Would it be any different than you are today? I can pretty much guarantee you that's what your family doctor would tell you today. So why are you listening to everybody else?
Huh. So, here's the problem with folks like you and HuskerOh. You assume that you know things because some other blathering idiot tells you what's what and you take them at their word because you're "like-minded". That's a euphemism for ideologically impaired. It sounds nicer so I prefer to use that.

Now, let me educate you on me. I'm a transplant recipient. There are millions of immunocompromised people out there just like me.. We take drugs that suppress our immune systems to very low levels so that our own bodies don't attack the life giving organ that we received. Like Colin Powell, who had a blood cancer, our immune systems don't generate antibodies to fight Covid. Prior to vaccines becoming available, the mortality rate for people like me with Covid was running between 20 and 30 percent. The rate of hospitalization was much higher. Even with vaccines, we are still at very high risk of hospitalization and/or death from Covid. The reason, just as it was with Colin Powell is that ALL vaccines, including the Covid vaccines still rely on a functional immune system to generate an effective response to a virus. The same drugs I take to stave off rejection and make me susceptible to the virus render any vaccine that I take (including Covid vaccines) much less effective.

So right now you're thinking "Why should I care? This isn't my problem and what does it have to do with me?" It should only matter to you if you care about the people around you. You know. That old Christian saying from the bible about how "I am my brother's keeper". If you and others like you were facing a disease with a 20-30% mortality rate how would you respond? If you had someone in your family, a brother, sister, child or parent that was at that level of risk how would you respond? If your family doctor told you that the best way for you to protect them was to get vaccinated yourself, how would you respond? Would it be any different than you are today? I can pretty much guarantee you that's what your family doctor would tell you today. So why are you listening to everybody else?
ever wish you'd gotten a brain transplant so you could be spared the embarrassment of being an iowa fan?
Huh. So, here's the problem with folks like you and HuskerOh. You assume that you know things because some other blathering idiot tells you what's what and you take them at their word because you're "like-minded". That's a euphemism for ideologically impaired. It sounds nicer so I prefer to use that.

Now, let me educate you on me. I'm a transplant recipient. There are millions of immunocompromised people out there just like me.. We take drugs that suppress our immune systems to very low levels so that our own bodies don't attack the life giving organ that we received. Like Colin Powell, who had a blood cancer, our immune systems don't generate antibodies to fight Covid. Prior to vaccines becoming available, the mortality rate for people like me with Covid was running between 20 and 30 percent. The rate of hospitalization was much higher. Even with vaccines, we are still at very high risk of hospitalization and/or death from Covid. The reason, just as it was with Colin Powell is that ALL vaccines, including the Covid vaccines still rely on a functional immune system to generate an effective response to a virus. The same drugs I take to stave off rejection and make me susceptible to the virus render any vaccine that I take (including Covid vaccines) much less effective.

So right now you're thinking "Why should I care? This isn't my problem and what does it have to do with me?" It should only matter to you if you care about the people around you. You know. That old Christian saying from the bible about how "I am my brother's keeper". If you and others like you were facing a disease with a 20-30% mortality rate how would you respond? If you had someone in your family, a brother, sister, child or parent that was at that level of risk how would you respond? If your family doctor told you that the best way for you to protect them was to get vaccinated yourself, how would you respond? Would it be any different than you are today? I can pretty much guarantee you that's what your family doctor would tell you today. So why are you listening to everybody else?
good luck with that shot. You gambled out of fear.
Huh. So, here's the problem with folks like you and HuskerOh. You assume that you know things because some other blathering idiot tells you what's what and you take them at their word because you're "like-minded". That's a euphemism for ideologically impaired. It sounds nicer so I prefer to use that.

Now, let me educate you on me. I'm a transplant recipient. There are millions of immunocompromised people out there just like me.. We take drugs that suppress our immune systems to very low levels so that our own bodies don't attack the life giving organ that we received. Like Colin Powell, who had a blood cancer, our immune systems don't generate antibodies to fight Covid. Prior to vaccines becoming available, the mortality rate for people like me with Covid was running between 20 and 30 percent. The rate of hospitalization was much higher. Even with vaccines, we are still at very high risk of hospitalization and/or death from Covid. The reason, just as it was with Colin Powell is that ALL vaccines, including the Covid vaccines still rely on a functional immune system to generate an effective response to a virus. The same drugs I take to stave off rejection and make me susceptible to the virus render any vaccine that I take (including Covid vaccines) much less effective.

So right now you're thinking "Why should I care? This isn't my problem and what does it have to do with me?" It should only matter to you if you care about the people around you. You know. That old Christian saying from the bible about how "I am my brother's keeper". If you and others like you were facing a disease with a 20-30% mortality rate how would you respond? If you had someone in your family, a brother, sister, child or parent that was at that level of risk how would you respond? If your family doctor told you that the best way for you to protect them was to get vaccinated yourself, how would you respond? Would it be any different than you are today? I can pretty much guarantee you that's what your family doctor would tell you today. So why are you listening to everybody else?
In my case, I told my personal Doctor to take a flying f**k out the window.

For years he said, "get a flu shot." I said no, "why would I get a flu shot that is purely a guess and there are 300 variations of the flu. That means less than 1/3rd of 1% of a chance they would be right." To this day, I've never had the flu.

He said, "you should get a shingles shot." I said no, When I got shingles on the top of my head and forehead, my wife put apple cider vinegar on it every 8 hours with Q tips while she was wearing nylon gloves. Gone it 2 days.

Don't you wonder how "they" always said, "if you got the smallpox shot, the shingles virus is inside you." It stays dormant for years, sometimes decades and then suddenly wakes up.

How would they know that? I got a smallpox shot 60 (sixty) years ago and then the shingles virus wakes up. Welcome to nanotechnology.

In a free country, people should have the right to make their own decisions.
In my case, I told my personal Doctor to take a flying f**k out the window.

For years he said, "get a flu shot." I said no, "why would I get a flu shot that is purely a guess and there are 300 variations of the flu. That means less than 1/3rd of 1% of a chance they would be right." To this day, I've never had the flu.

He said, "you should get a shingles shot." I said no, When I got shingles on the top of my head and forehead, my wife put apple cider vinegar on it every 8 hours with Q tips while she was wearing nylon gloves. Gone it 2 days.

Don't you wonder how "they" always said, "if you got the smallpox shot, the shingles virus is inside you." It stays dormant for years, sometimes decades and then suddenly wakes up.

How would they know that? I got a smallpox shot 60 (sixty) years ago and then the shingles virus wakes up. Welcome to nanotechnology.

In a free country, people should have the right to make their own decisions.
Nothing you've said makes any sense whatsoever. Not surprising. You're taking the medical advice of fools and charlatans over that of your own physician. Smart man. Why even see a doctor? Just have the wife rub some vinegar on you every day and you'll be fine.
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Nothing you've said makes any sense whatsoever. Not surprising. You're taking the medical advice of fools and charlatans over thar of your own physician. Smart man. Why even see a doctor? Just have the wife rub some vinegar on you every day and you'll be fine.
You're a smart guy. You need to get back on that main stream media and print media and expand your knowledge. Frankly, you're so ill-informed that you spew out that garbage that those "experts" change their approach on about every 2 weeks.

You're dug it, I can appreciate it. I had my sister and 1st cousin that were dogmatic as well, well, until they both passed within a week of each other.

I wish you well. Take a blood test and check your white blood count. Then do it again in 2 weeks and see what percentage of immunity you've lost in that period of time.

If I knew your age, I could tell you right now. I'm no rookie at this kiddo.
Nothing you've said makes any sense whatsoever. Not surprising. You're taking the medical advice of fools and charlatans over thar of your own physician. Smart man. Why even see a doctor? Just have the wife rub some vinegar on you every day and you'll be fine.
It’s amazing how many patients who ignored scientific consensus and doctors about the vaccine then decide to come to the hospital when they develop a severe covid infection… if medicine/science don’t know anything, call your misinformation buddies when you can’t breath….just had a pt’s daughter yell at us to give her mom ivermectin and vitamin C while she struggled to breathe, which is exactly what she was taking at home while she delayed coming in.
If your family doctor told you that the best way for you to protect them was to get vaccinated yourself, how would you respond? Would it be any different than you are today? I can pretty much guarantee you that's what your family doctor would tell you today. So why are you listening to everybody else?
I would get a better doctor
It’s amazing how many patients who ignored scientific consensus and doctors about the vaccine then decide to come to the hospital when they develop a severe covid infection… if medicine/science don’t know anything, call your misinformation buddies when you can’t breath….just had a pt’s daughter yell at us to give her mom ivermectin and vitamin C while she struggled to breathe, which is exactly what she was taking at home while she delayed coming in.
I'd tell them to rub some vinegar on it and call me in the morning, like our friend here.