Never Forget


Nebraska Legend
Sep 4, 2004
Arlington, TX
I remember when the planes hit the towers. I was at the Naval Training Center Great Lakes IL. I was in G Core(General Engineering Core) and I have to give a shout out to the Chicago Police. They were at the gates of the Naval base in seconds!!! Kind of embarrassing to type this buy they beat most of our MA's by a good margin of time.

I will never forget Americans jumping off those towers because it was better to die that way than to die in a collapsing fire.
One real problem is our response time with visa's that expire. I've always thought that no country should have more visitors than we can track. I think visitors should be bugged before the visa's expire after this incident.

The terrorists were here on education visa's that had expired.

Also a common sense approach to monitoring Muslims given their history is warranted. The FBI positioned themselves in Catholic and Baptist churches in order to monitor them. They cracked down on a Jewish temple that was making an escape tunnel in case of a violent attack as well.

WHEN Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Toaist, Hinduists, and Pagans start bombing buildings in the name of their religion then they should start putting already scarce resources in heavily investigating those religions.
This is why we need to drain the swamp so our own federal government doesn't kill more of its people.
How many theories that the government wouldn’t do that, or know about it but not respond have been shown to be true?

keep the pressure on by simply asking for answers.

I was in a kindergarten art class when I was told about this attack. 23 years later and we are more divided from it. Even tomorrow when 23 years ago people said they were United, they weren’t. They looked for ways to make division normal and acceptable and profitable.

23 years later and we’ve allowed division to be the unification of people into groups for being used and abused. A terrible legacy from a terroristic act our nation hasn’t overcome.

Pray for the family and friends who those who lost loved ones. Pray for the nation to actually heal. Actually see the good of people and try to overcome the evil in people, in all people.
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What was wrong with the statement? One of the worst days in US History with still a lot of unanswered questions.
It's a day to remember and honor the victims of that attack and the many heroes that lost there lives trying to save others. There are 364 other days of the year to make a case for how or why it happened.

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It's a day to remember and honor the victims of that attack and the many heroes that lost there lives trying to save others. There are 364 other days of the year to make a case for how or why it happened.

I do remember them and it is ridiculous that they lost their lives. The worst act our country has gone through in my lifetime.
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