Don't sell this team short, as even when Frost and his staff got here marveled at the fact which they all came out and all said that we have far more talent here than what they had down at UCF last year. The only thing besides replenishing depth at certain position which we still have some to do. The only other change that needed to be done was a complete mental makeover as the talent is already here. It's easy to say a team has no talent when everyone witnessed a complete shit show of Husker Football last year, so it's easy to say that. It's cause and effect in reality, inept coaching caused the effect of mistakes being made by the entire team on both sides of the ball with no progression as well as no player accountability. How can players hold themselves accountable when Reilly wouldn't even hold his own staff accountable? Both Frost and Chinander have stated more than once that learning the Offense and Defense was easy, as it's all about repetition and now players don't have worry out of fear of making mistakes. I'm just looking forward to hearing all of the doomsayer fans on this board and elsewhere when they see what happens next year when they all get on the Nebraska's got talent bandwagon and saying along Nebraska had the talent when only months before they were saying we don't have the talent to compete! What a complete and utter joke. I will then say go piss off as they will have made themselves look like complete and utter idiots to all causing all of their credibility to go right out the window which I think is completely deserving and I will be one of the 1st to call people out and there is nothing they can do about it as they've already made themselves to look like fools to all LMAO!! I'm not saying by any means that we will win every game by any stretch. The Huskers will catch this whole conference off guard this year. While it will look like UCF to a point, our opponents won't be able to look at film in depth as there will be other dynamics that weren't present at UCF or Oregon Offensively. I'm calling for 8-9 wins in Frost 1st year. The mental makeover has taken hold on the players,.