Nebraska HS Basketball coaches might be POed about this

Want to see the rules on this one. Sure it's legal but during the season and such wow. Just wow.
My kid will be doing this in the 9th grade so he doesn't have to sit out.
Having been an AD, if it meets all of the activities association requirements, what is there to complain about? Rules are rules and one school has to notify the other and sign off on things.
Playing the letter of the law idea is a good one when you use it, wonder how it will play when south is on the other end of it?

Don't know all the details but seems to have a lot more to it than being said at a glance. Hope the facts come up.
LOTS of prima donnas in that sport. While other high school athletes are lifting weights and conditioning to make themselves tougher,better athletes, that are committed to the team, basketball kids are rolling the ball out and playing AAU ball.

It ain't gonna be long before there are zero great football/basketball crossover kids. The choice to play basketball only is just too easy.

I don't see who this helps.

I'm totally against recruiting at the high school level, and if schools/coaches are "tampering" with student-athletes at other schools they should be punished severely, but at the same time kids should be allowed to go to school (and play ball) wherever they damn well please.
in my opinion Coach Chubick the south head coach is wrong, play with the players you have, don't let your dynasty of being a great coach cloud your judgement of letting a transfer play on your team because you may need a player, I would have thought that being a coach for as long as he has he would have known this, I guess winning over and above is all he cares about. back way back in the day when he was a AWH, aka Atkinson, HE never would have tolerated this, he is old school, but now a medal must be more important then doing the right thing, lost a ton of respect for a hall of fame coach with this last incident. hope this transfer helps!
I don't blame the coaches or the players. When you have open enrollment and the rules allow for these types of transfers they are going to happen.

Put rules in place to limit, restrict or prohibit the transfers. Then enforce them.
If this move really is blocked or denied or however you wish to phrase it, will he go back to playing for Westside and will he ever really be accepted by his teamates again? Also, does his college stock drop.a bit because of this, or is this stuff just a given with good high school players with options.
Secondly, how in the hell does it take 3-4 weeks to investigate this. When I lived in Texas, the rules were simple.

Family has to get current coach and school to sign transfer request.

If they sign off, you have to sit out 15 days before you are eligible to play varsity sports.

if they don't sign off, the family appeals to the UIL (HS governing body). UIL holds hearing, evidence is provided by both sides. UIL makes decision. If OK kid plays varsity. If not ok kid has to sit out of varsity competition (all sports) for 12 months.

This all happens within a 2 -3 week period and I am pretty sure Texas has more high schools than Nebraska.
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Secondly, how in the hell does it take 3-4 weeks to investigate this. When I lived in Texas, the rules were simple.

Family has to get current coach and school to sign transfer request.

If they sign off, you have to sit out 15 days before you are eligible to play varsity sports.

if they don't sign off, the family appeals to the UIL (HS governing body). UIL holds hearing, evidence is provided by both sides. UIL makes decision. If OK kid plays varsity. If not ok kid has to sit out of varsity competition (all sports) for 12 months.

This all happens within a 2 -3 week period and I am pretty sure Texas has more high schools than Nebraska.
You are giving the NSAA wayyyyyy too much credit.
Man. I thought Chubbick would have more class and tact. Especially after his comments about Miles not that long ago.

I can't say for certain, but I'm going to guess that Bratton's parents, who live in the OPS school district, used open enrollment rules to allow him to go to Westside, as many other students do who live in the OPS district. If I am understanding the rules correctly, since he lives in the OPS district, he'd be in essence just be going back to the district he is supposed to be in, thus he'd be eligible immediately (barring an appeal). Can't say I like the rule.

Chubick mentions the situation in the below link. I don't know the guy, but I can't imagine that he'd be involved in contacting Bratton to cause this all to start. If I heard correctly Bratton and Arop played on the same Omaha Elite summer AAU team, so if anything is going on, I'd bet it has been talk between the two of them that got this going. Chubick may have known that the two of them had been talking, but what he said in the below link could be completely true that he had no contact with him until Sunday night and after the parents called him.
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Seems like a simple "no in season transfer" rule would stop impulsive kids from throwing teams into turmoil. I think it's a balance; if a kid has a bad dynamic with a coach or wants/needs to go where they can find playing time or to maximize development for a scholarship - fine. Just be mature and make that decision before the season starts.
How about a rule that says you can't transfer for athletic purposes?

If the kid wants change schools and not sit out, they have to prove it is for academic reasons. Or let them change schools whenever they want but if it's for athletic purposes they have to sit out the rest of the current academic year.

It isn't rocket science.
I'm still not understanding what the problem is. If a kid wants to go to school and play basketball somewhere else of their own volition, why should we stop them?

Blocking in-season transfers makes sense to me, but a general ban on transfers for athletic reasons seems baseless.
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I'm still not understanding what the problem is. If a kid wants to go to school and play basketball somewhere else of their own volition, why should we stop them?

Blocking in-season transfers makes sense to me, but a general ban on transfers for athletic reasons seems baseless.

That's fine, just don't complain when it's open season for recruiting every junior high and high school player from across the city.

I think open enrollment is a horrible way to run a school district. If you want to go to a certain school, sell your damn house and move to that district or fork over the cash and go to a private school.
How about a rule that says you can't transfer for athletic purposes?
This was actually in the original legislation that created open enrollment, which made transfer students ineligible for sports. For a few years there was talk of softening it, but then then Legislature just dropped that provision completely because the other proposed solutions were basically unenforceable. Kids who wanted to transfer for athletic purposes would just give a different reason.
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OPS has open enrollment, and there are plenty that are crossing school district lines don't have a home to sell. Nor do they have the money for a private school.

I'm all for open enrollment, but I do not support immediate eligibility during the school year. If you want to transfer, fine but you're ineligible till the following school year. Allowing a kid to transfer mid-season, eligible right away, is wrong.
OPS has open enrollment, and there are plenty that are crossing school district lines don't have a home to sell. Nor do they have the money for a private school.

I'm all for open enrollment, but I do not support immediate eligibility during the school year. If you want to transfer, fine but you're ineligible till the following school year. Allowing a kid to transfer mid-season, eligible right away, is wrong.

What if you transfer before the season starts for that sport, or in the summer between school years? Still sit out?
There are kids opting into most every school in Omaha to play sports at a school other than their home school. That's in baseball, basketball, football, volleyball, etc. Don't hate the player, hate the game!
What if you transfer before the season starts for that sport, or in the summer between school years? Still sit out?

I said "during the school year kids shouldn't be eligible", for any sport. Any kid that transfers after the school year should be eligible right away.
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I said "during the school year kids shouldn't be eligible", for any sport. Any kid that transfers after the school year should be eligible right away.

Gotcha. Apologies, I misread.

I think that's a reasonable approach, though i'd be inclined to allow eligibility for kids who transfer outside of a sport's season, rather than using the academic year.
wherever they damn well please.

Umm they are not paying for it, I agree if they are going to private schools but this socialist thing has got to stop. Whatever district you live in is where you should go to school. None of this opting in/out Marxism. Pay to go private or take the free ride on tax dollars! Ironic that the majority of people who decry single payer health care and welfare as socialist were the beneficiaries of socialist public education.
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Umm they are not paying for it, I agree if they are going to private schools but this socialist thing has got to stop. Whatever district you live in is where you should go to school. None of this opting in/out Marxism. Pay to go private or take the free ride on tax dollars! Ironic that the majority of people who decry single payer health care and welfare as socialist were the beneficiaries of socialist public education.

I don't decry single payer health care or welfare.

A kid who lives in Omaha should be able to go to any school in OPS. Obviously he shouldn't be eligible to go to school in Millard.
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I don't decry single payer health care or welfare.

A kid who lives in Omaha should be able to go to any school in OPS. Obviously he shouldn't be eligible to go to school in Millard.

Well in that case, I agree with everything you say, good sir!
Umm they are not paying for it, I agree if they are going to private schools but this socialist thing has got to stop. Whatever district you live in is where you should go to school. None of this opting in/out Marxism. Pay to go private or take the free ride on tax dollars! Ironic that the majority of people who decry single payer health care and welfare as socialist were the beneficiaries of socialist public education.
Public education is free?
Reading these threads is interesting. I admit that I do not know Nebraska rules specifically and it has been a while since I had to follow Kansas rules. I have have this happen when I was an AD many years ago. The activity association has specific rules against recruiting, time lines for sitting out and a "bona fide move" among others. Coaches dont make these decisions, AD's go by the rules when completing the paperwork they exchange and sign off on. If there is a question then the NSAA gets involved. Families move, and things happen. People on here make it sound like spoiled kids and coaches get their way which is totally false. Those people at the state level are extreme rule followers in my experiences. There can be small gray areas where they hace to render a decision, I had one of those once. I can guarantee you the system is good and the rules will be followed, there is chaos if you dont.
Reading these threads is interesting. I admit that I do not know Nebraska rules specifically and it has been a while since I had to follow Kansas rules. I have have this happen when I was an AD many years ago. The activity association has specific rules against recruiting, time lines for sitting out and a "bona fide move" among others. Coaches dont make these decisions, AD's go by the rules when completing the paperwork they exchange and sign off on. If there is a question then the NSAA gets involved. Families move, and things happen. People on here make it sound like spoiled kids and coaches get their way which is totally false. Those people at the state level are extreme rule followers in my experiences. There can be small gray areas where they hace to render a decision, I had one of those once. I can guarantee you the system is good and the rules will be followed, there is chaos if you dont.

Except no one moved. It's an open enrollment issue. No one's situation changed. Well except the kid decided he wanted to play with his friend instead of go to school at Westside. Which, if I am not mistaken, he had to petition to go to because he doesn't live in the Westside school district.

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