Navy Head Coach, Ken N...N...NotGonnaSpellIt...looking at

Possibly going to BYU?
That would be interesting to follow. That place would be in for quite a culture shock if they put him in charge. Been a while since they had a respectable human being as coach.
Super culture shock in a lot of ways...Who he is as a person and the offense that he runs. I think the guy seems like an amazing person. I could be wrong but he just seems like a kid that grew up in Illinois I was really hoping the Illini would go after him.
They don't have a lot of choices. Their head coach has to be active member of the LDS church. He is the only one with head coaching experience. The other candidates were all assistants that i had never heard of. Is Whittingham Morman?
With all the QBs they've produced since McMahon it would be really wierd to see BYU running a different offense.