Mike Bilotte talks desirability of NU coaching job

That's a good point. The only caveat there is Saban was a great college coach that was failing in the NFL and was desperate to get out. No great active college coaches were lining up for that Bama job. Is there someone in a similar situation out there now?
We kicked the crap out of MSU when Saban was there as HC. He cheated the recruiting numbers at Alabama for his first 3-4 years before the SEC caught on.
Nebraska has been bad because incompetent people have been running the joint for 20+ years. We have one of the greatest environments in the game, some of the best facilities, a beautiful college town that rarely sees snow during the season, and if players want a great show or entertainment they can travel 45 minutes to Omaha or a few hours to Kansas city. Texas football is awful and california schools are mediocre...if you get a great coach then he will be able to cherry pick great players...look at what cally did, a couple of top 5 recruiting classes...the reality is people think we can be great with mediocre leadership, and that is not true, but with a top notch AD and coach we will be winning in no time.
Yes, that is what I am saying. Iowa put fannies in the seats for a 19 year stretch when the best they could muster were a few .500 seasons. Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Penn State, osu have incredibly strong followings, and really full, but not always ‘sold out’ stadiums. Yes, ‘sold out’ is in quotes. It’s such a weird thing to cling to if one really stops to think about it.

Each also shares its state with other D1 programs (except Bucky). Heck, since you brought them up...the state of Iowa sometimes has 120,000 fans in seats watching Home p5 programs on the same weekend. Michigan 170,000. They like their teams just as much as we do. They travel equally as good to bowl games and road games. The optics on the TV make their home stadium look just as full.

We’re all a little biased. As a fan base we’ve lost a measure of subjectivity....self proclaimed best fans, best tradition, best/better recruiting classes, best coach until he proves he isn’t....yada, yada, yada.

It’s systemic from the message boards, ADs, to boosters, to shock jocks, to newspaper schools.

Until we collectively quit acting like we have a rightful place, or we are entitled, rather embracing Nebraska traits of rolling up the sleeves, working, respecting... I believe the slog to get to where we want to go will be longer.
You must not watch much football. Iowa always has empty seats. Even for the big game of their year with PSU. C'mob Man.
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Yes, that is what I am saying. Iowa put fannies in the seats for a 19 year stretch when the best they could muster were a few .500 seasons. Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Penn State, osu have incredibly strong followings, and really full, but not always ‘sold out’ stadiums. Yes, ‘sold out’ is in quotes. It’s such a weird thing to cling to if one really stops to think about it.

Each also shares its state with other D1 programs (except Bucky). Heck, since you brought them up...the state of Iowa sometimes has 120,000 fans in seats watching Home p5 programs on the same weekend. Michigan 170,000. They like their teams just as much as we do. They travel equally as good to bowl games and road games. The optics on the TV make their home stadium look just as full.

We’re all a little biased. As a fan base we’ve lost a measure of subjectivity....self proclaimed best fans, best tradition, best/better recruiting classes, best coach until he proves he isn’t....yada, yada, yada.

It’s systemic from the message boards, ADs, to boosters, to shock jocks, to newspaper schools.

Until we collectively quit acting like we have a rightful place, or we are entitled, rather embracing Nebraska traits of rolling up the sleeves, working, respecting... I believe the slog to get to where we want to go will be longer.
Your last paragraph is for the coaches, right? Because it sounds like you are commenting on the fans, but we have nothing to do with rolling up the sleeves, working and respecting... that’s on the coaches.

So if you are bagging on fans, why are you addressing things the coaches are supposed to fix?

All of the crap you are flinging may be annoying to opposing fans, but really, we aren’t changing coaching habits or styles... we don’t have that power or authority. I fail to see much of your point in this post. Attacking too many things I think...
You must not watch much football. Iowa always has empty seats. Even for the big game of their year with PSU. C'mob Man.
I was there. I watched the btn replay. You are wrong.

I was also in memorial unti 3 mind to go Saturday
Your last paragraph is for the coaches, right? Because it sounds like you are commenting on the fans, but we have nothing to do with rolling up the sleeves, working and respecting... that’s on the coaches.

So if you are bagging on fans, why are you addressing things the coaches are supposed to fix?

All of the crap you are flinging may be annoying to opposing fans, but really, we aren’t changing coaching habits or styles... we don’t have that power or authority. I fail to see much of your point in this post. Attacking too many things I think...
Yes, that is what I am saying. Iowa put fannies in the seats for a 19 year stretch when the best they could muster were a few .500 seasons. Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Penn State, osu have incredibly strong followings, and really full, but not always ‘sold out’ stadiums. Yes, ‘sold out’ is in quotes. It’s such a weird thing to cling to if one really stops to think about it.

Each also shares its state with other D1 programs (except Bucky). Heck, since you brought them up...the state of Iowa sometimes has 120,000 fans in seats watching Home p5 programs on the same weekend. Michigan 170,000. They like their teams just as much as we do. They travel equally as good to bowl games and road games. The optics on the TV make their home stadium look just as full.

We’re all a little biased. As a fan base we’ve lost a measure of subjectivity....self proclaimed best fans, best tradition, best/better recruiting classes, best coach until he proves he isn’t....yada, yada, yada.

It’s systemic from the message boards, ADs, to boosters, to shock jocks, to newspaper schools.

Until we collectively quit acting like we have a rightful place, or we are entitled, rather embracing Nebraska traits of rolling up the sleeves, working, respecting... I believe the slog to get to where we want to go will be longer.
Well, I don't see Nebraska fans as acting entitled. Quite the opposite. I see them as patiently supportive. Definitely not whiny. Oh sure, there are the outliers. I see this place as special when it comes to the home team. I hope Iowa fans think of their program as special. Like many others, I have lived outside of this state, outside of this country. Every place has its own unique character when it comes to sports teams. Nebraska's is uniquely welcoming. And when many, many people from other places say it, that should tell you something. Please take this the as a positive statement because that is how I mean it. Lighten up.
this is why i dont like the idea of hiring someone from the coasts as our AD or Head Coach. I was not part of the so-called TC crowd; I just wanted the best AD & HC. I still want that but I would much rather have a winner and someone from the midwest. I really dont like these East & West Coast guys telling me how good or bad Nebraska is. Screw them!!

Not trying to single you out but just a question in general to one of your points:

What kind of "midwestern" AD or coach are we talking about, one from a midwest big city or one from a midwest small town?

I know the attitude of many small-town Western Nebraskans is that we know what's best for us and think that the people of Lincoln and Omaha need to mind their own business and not try to tell us what we should think...

I am sure there are quite a few Western Nebraskans that consider our rural mentality to be much different than someone's "midwestern" mentality from Lincoln or Omaha.

As far as Moos goes, surely us Buckley town farmers like the idea that he was a cattle rancher, so he is a winner in our books no matter what... :D
It’s such a weird thing to cling to if one really stops to think about it.

No, it is a term to describe a condition, people for some reason like to belabor the point. Every ticket that the University offers for sale is purchased hence it is a sellout. Simple concepts. I don't know why people take a stand. If you have ten apples for sale and sell all ten you are sold out of apples. What does it matter if one apple purchaser threw his apple at a capybara instead of consuming it? Did the apple vendor now only sell nine apples?
#triggered #pinklady #snarky
It appears, to me anyway, that there is some chastising of fan behavior. I guess I don't see anything wrong with folks buying a ticket to an event and then leaving said event when they choose for whatever reason (s) they choose.
I remember, as a youngster, seeing the sports page of the newspaper talking about how fans burned & hung, in effigy, the then head football coach Bill Jennings. This was 1961, the year before Devaney came. I see nothing from our current fans and/or their behavior that comes close to what it was back then.
Of course, this is JMHO for the most part. Not trying to stir the $%#t.
No, it is a term to describe a condition, people for some reason like to belabor the point. Every ticket that the University offers for sale is purchased hence it is a sellout. Simple concepts. I don't know why people take a stand. If you have ten apples for sale and sell all ten you are sold out of apples. What does it matter if one apple purchaser threw his apple at a capybara instead of consuming it? Did the apple vendor now only sell nine apples?
#triggered #pinklady #snarky

Using the apple vendor analogy, if the owner of the apple stand is essentially buying his own apples, to give the impression that the apples are selling out, is he really selling all his apples?

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nope. Neither is Nebraska. Nebraska is Minnesota with more recent history. One of the worst jobs in the US

While I think the comparison is a LITTLE overstated, the kernel of truth in it is sobering.
While I think the comparison is a LITTLE overstated, the kernel of truth in it is sobering.
Although the decline started in 2001,
2008-2014 were decent seasons W/L wise, Minnesota hasn’t been consistently good since 1941 ( I only skimmed their records). Simple math here, Minnesota hasn’t been consistently good for nearly 80 years while even if you go back to Nebraska’s last conference title 1999, that’s less than 20 years of being just average or slightly above average. Like I posted above, the Nebraska equals Minnesota thing is typical Iowa fan material and nothing more.
Although the decline started in 2001,
2008-2014 were decent seasons W/L wise, Minnesota hasn’t been consistently good since 1941 ( I only skimmed their records). Simple math here, Minnesota hasn’t been consistently good for nearly 80 years while even if you go back to Nebraska’s last conference title 1999, that’s less than 20 years of being just average or slightly above average. Like I posted above, the Nebraska equals Minnesota thing is typical Iowa fan material and nothing more.

I agree, I put the little in caps somewhat sarcastically.

That being said recruits don't go back and look at those 80 years. Go back the last 5 or so years, we haven't been that much better than Minnesota record-wise, and our national championships are worth just about as much as theirs to recruits (out last NC came 3 years before current recruits were born).

I'm not trying to be a downer, just a realist. I think we have alot more to offer than Minnesota, we just need a coach who can actually take advantage of our resources.
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We are addressing the coaching (hopefully) with a new AD. How do we take care of the fan issue?
It's a good question. It's a sticky wicket too IMO. You want support and expectations, and I am certainly not endorsing or defending the last 3 years. However, when words like 'rightful place', and pretty consistent denigration of formidable competitors...well that lack of respect for others and the modern day competitive environment creates very difficult expectations and overbearing critique of our own program that make it very difficult to live up to...and it's a vicious is also indicative of society- not just at Nebraska.

A lot of people lack critical thinking skills these days-best examples are how the sheople are manipulated by biased information, or information that is subjective at best, and in the worse case simply false- think politics(both sides), things like recruiting rankings, who's whatever toys(facilities) are nicer, etc.

I guess my one wish is many would quit thinking the football program defines the people or state of Nebraska, rather desire a program(staff and players) that represents what the state and people generally are... hard working, tough, honest, respectful, disciplined.

During the long build up to the incredible run of the 90s, the team reflected the state. And, the state was proud of it. Team and fan base seem to have drifted from this...think we can or should be something just because.

It's almost like our soul was sold to the devil to get over the hump, and our pay back is not just the dearth of titles, it's the infighting, the loss of respect, the greed.

I guess I don't know, but it is how I see things, and all my opining in this thread is I see the landscape differently, and believe Belotti is offering a fairly accurate assessment of where we are, and what so many choose to dismiss- for the points referenced to the point of nausea.
It's a good question. It's a sticky wicket too IMO. You want support and expectations, and I am certainly not endorsing or defending the last 3 years. However, when words like 'rightful place', and pretty consistent denigration of formidable competitors...well that lack of respect for others and the modern day competitive environment creates very difficult expectations and overbearing critique of our own program that make it very difficult to live up to...and it's a vicious is also indicative of society- not just at Nebraska.

A lot of people lack critical thinking skills these days-best examples are how the sheople are manipulated by biased information, or information that is subjective at best, and in the worse case simply false- think politics(both sides), things like recruiting rankings, who's whatever toys(facilities) are nicer, etc.

I guess my one wish is many would quit thinking the football program defines the people or state of Nebraska, rather desire a program(staff and players) that represents what the state and people generally are... hard working, tough, honest, respectful, disciplined.

During the long build up to the incredible run of the 90s, the team reflected the state. And, the state was proud of it. Team and fan base seem to have drifted from this...think we can or should be something just because.

It's almost like our soul was sold to the devil to get over the hump, and our pay back is not just the dearth of titles, it's the infighting, the loss of respect, the greed.

I guess I don't know, but it is how I see things, and all my opining in this thread is I see the landscape differently, and believe Belotti is offering a fairly accurate assessment of where we are, and what so many choose to dismiss- for the points referenced to the point of nausea.
I see your points, and can agree with them as well, to a point. What you are talking about from a fan perspective is the expectation/entitlement feel that we often give off... I'm not sure how that changes.

And I agree that we have lost the hard work, roll up your sleeves ethic that made us so tough in our heyday. If frost is the guy to bring this back to us, great! I would love to see it. I can see the finesse we often play with and it isn't moving the needle for me, because we don't do it so well much of the time. If we were better at it, maybe I would appreciate it more.

As you no doubt know, part of the reason for the dismissal of thoughts like Belotti's is that we don't want it to be true, and we don't believe that we are through yet. We have a higher opinion of ourselves than much of the nation might... We can get back to a ultra competitive level I believe, but to do that we need to roll up our sleeves, like you say, and get tough.

As fans, I don't think we need to lose the expectation, but I can see where the entitlement can be frustrating to see...
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