As the saying goes, if it's gonna be that kind of party, I'm sticking it in the mashed potatoes.Is this the part where someone cries and whines? You know, because "talk football" is why they come here?
Lol. What a joke.
As the saying goes, if it's gonna be that kind of party, I'm sticking it in the mashed potatoes.Is this the part where someone cries and whines? You know, because "talk football" is why they come here?
Lol. What a joke.
Being raised Catholic/Presbyterian/Baptist/etc. has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with whether or not you are a Christian. If people believe that, they probably aren't a Christian, they weren't listening in church, and/or their church failed in educating them as to how a person becomes a Christian (unfortunately, very commonly the latter).Really kicking myself for reading this entire thread and I usually try to stay out of these.
BUT I had to chuckle on this one. If you're going to attack the people of Christian faith at least know what you're saying. Pretty sure being raised a Catholic means I'm a Christian. Where does the "or" come in?
What the fvck is wrong with you people?
I am a conservative constitutionalist and I think even I would surprise myself as to what I would OK government spending money on if we had a balanced budget. Given the current deficit and debt, I'll never have to be tested in that regard.Essentially what Sanders is proposing is straight out of the terms of guys like FDR and Eisenhower. Particularly Eisenhower, under whom the interstate highway system was built. I am fully on board with it IF AND ONLY IF it is paid for by generating the necessary tax revenue and/or cutting expense elsewhere.
Total fail.Being raised Catholic/Presbyterian/Baptist/etc. has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with whether or not you are a Christian. If people believe that, they probably aren't a Christian, they weren't listening in church, and/or their church failed in educating them as to how a person becomes a Christian (unfortunately, very commonly the latter).
Sounds to me like you understood the post just fine, then decided to go ahead and pick nits anyhow.Total fail.
If what you are trying to say is people claim to be Christian all the time simply by being a member of a church but not applying the teachings, then you're spot on. Or if you are saying you don't have to be raised in a church to be Christian, there is truth in that as well, although you do need to get it from somewhere; you don't just choose to be Christian without studying the bible.
But being raised in a Christian denomination actually has more than ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with a person's faith. This is such an ignorant statement, I don't know how to respond. You have to be taught the tenants of the Christian Faith somehow, and in most cases it occurs within denominations. Can a person ignore what they are taught? Absolutely, especially if it makes one uncomfortable, which is why many nominal Christians abound in this country. But to say being a member of a particular denomination has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a Christian... Wow.
Maybe you didn't do a good job explaining yourself?
Respectfully disagree. When someone says being a member of any Christian denomination has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a Christian, I believe a little clarification is warranted. I gave my potential take on what was intended, but unless I hear from MKR, who knows what was meant?Sounds to me like you understood the post just fine, then decided to go ahead and pick nits anyhow.
1) Why shouldn't the kid at Burger King make a million bucks a week? Wouldn't that raise his standard of living?Your example is a jump from 35% to 75%? That's about as useful as that guy who goes, "Well screw it, let's just pay the kid at burger king a million bucks a week!"
Did you guys see that gun-toting redneck right-winger that went cray cray on the UCLA campus yesterday?
Stupid white rednecks, always itching to shoot people.
Did you guys see that gun-toting redneck right-winger that went cray cray on the UCLA campus yesterday?
Stupid white rednecks, always itching to shoot people.
I might have to keep checking in on this thread today even though I'm at work. I'll get the popcorn.
JustThis is the part of the thread where the offended party posts a cute picture, or video. Either that or personal insults.
The following step will be to call anyone they disagree with a racist. And...... thread.
What was the premise of that? That sea level rise from polar ice melt isn't happening fast enough? I'm not really sure what you were getting at on that.I thought Beav and I were having a very nice discussion about our differing views.
I'm just waiting for Mr. Science Guy(OkeyDokeyNU) to explain the 2 questions I posed or strip down for his Cersei Walk of Shame on his way back to the kiddie pool!
What was the premise of that? That sea level rise from polar ice melt isn't happening fast enough? I'm not really sure what you were getting at on that.
I saw something about Al Gore and beaches, but I wasn't really sure what exactly the questions were.Okeydokey tried to go all science on me so I just posed a couple questions on Page 2 or 3 to him that I'm sure his science can explain. I have more on Climate I'd like simple answer to as well if he wants to chat respectfully as we have been.
I'm sure he's just busy...or decked out in his Che garb at Krispy Kreme...another reference from above.
You understood what I was saying just fine, but then added to my statement things I didn't say to make some other point.Respectfully disagree. When someone says being a member of any Christian denomination has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a Christian, I believe a little clarification is warranted. I gave my potential take on what was intended, but unless I hear from MKR, who knows what was meant?
If what you are trying to say is people claim to be Christian all the time simply by being a member of a church but not applying the teachings, then you're spot on. Or if you are saying you don't have to be raised in a church to be Christian, there is truth in that as well, although you do need to get it from somewhere; you don't just choose to be Christian without studying the bible.
But being raised in a Christian denomination actually has more than ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with a person's faith. This is such an ignorant statement, I don't know how to respond. You have to be taught the tenants of the Christian Faith somehow, and in most cases it occurs within denominations. Can a person ignore what they are taught? Absolutely, especially if it makes one uncomfortable, which is why many nominal Christians abound in this country. But to say being a member of a particular denomination has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a Christian... Wow.
Je-sus ChristYou understood what I was saying just fine, but then added to my statement things I didn't say to make some other point.
The following behaviors are a list of acts that do not make one a Christian:
"Christian behaviors" are not a requirement to become a Christian, rather they are the visible fruit of the Spirit already within you. You cannot "work" your way into heaven.
- Going to church
- Having Christian parents
- Being "raised in a church" (which was the original termonolgy used that I objected to)
- Reading the Bible
- Doing "Christian things"
- Saying "Christian things"
One becomes a Christian by admitting their sin is punishable by death by God, and then by asking for the ultimate forgiveness and putting their faith, hope, and life in the hands of Jesus Christ, who died for the very purpose of serving as a bridge between your sinful life and the perfect life God desires from you. This can happen anywhere, anytime, by people who have never seen, let alone been part of, a Christian church.
I saw something about Al Gore and beaches, but I wasn't really sure what exactly the questions were.
Well, I'm not familiar with what Gore has or has not said that may be stupid or sensationalistic, but I did find this graph:Big Al promised, data showed, various beaches would be underwater by March of this year yet he went and bought a 10MM Mansion on one of those coasts. I patiently waited with my properties down in Destin and no change to the coastline. That was only part of the promised calamity. I just figured everything was melting and that would be pretty easy for him/her to prove.
I then asked a philosophical question that science should be able to answer. If not, then it is not science but merely conjecture(maybe?)
Australia - 20$ minimum wage, government provided healthcare, government provided college, government provided unemployment, one of the top 15 wealthiest countries in the world, ban on automatic and semiautomatic guns, murder rate was 1 per 100,000 in 2014. Damn socialist liberals.
A good dictatorship can be better than a bad democracy. -give that some thought.Hell, my household runs a great as a dictatorship! Let's do that!!! See..easy!
Communism can work in some countries as well, but that doesn't mean that would work in the USA.Australia - 20$ minimum wage, government provided healthcare, government provided college, government provided unemployment, one of the top 15 wealthiest countries in the world, ban on automatic and semiautomatic guns, murder rate was 1 per 100,000 in 2014. Damn socialist liberals.
Communism can work in some countries as well, but that doesn't mean that would work in the USA.
As long as a group of people have common goals and government officials dont abuse their power then communism, socialism, etc can work and work well. That's why it works in Australia. It used to work in the Scandinavian countries but with the recent immigration surge it's starting to fold.
Socialism will never work in the US as a whole because we're too diverse of a country with too many people who have different goals.
Great response, but I don't believe that true or pure communism was really implemented in the Soviet Union or China. It couldn't even if they wanted it to because again those countries are way too large and the population is too large for communism to actually work. I agree that they tried and after the Bolshevik revolution that was the closest they came to true communism, but they really weren't that close to actually having it fully implemented.I would strongly disagree with this, actual socialism or communism could not work anywhere, no matter how competent the rulers were. Economic coordination is impossible without a functioning price system, so a Communist or true Socialist economy would be an absolute basket case (Venezuela barely qualified as a real socialist country.) Simple comparisons of East Germany to West Germany offered terrific evidence of this. China hasn't really been purely socialist, let alone communist since Deng arose in the aftermath of the Gang of Four era. Hell, even the Soviet Union only had real communism for a couple of years after the Bolshevik revolution, it worked so poorly they had to implement the NEP. The countries offered up as examples of successful socialism call themselves socialist the same way a kid who listened to heavy metal and drew pentagrams on things in the 80s called themselves satanists, it's a pose; they are capitalist countries with really expensive and generous welfare states. There are very few instances where even part of the commanding heights of the economy are state owned (Norway's oil comes to mind), really even the old Fabian model has been in retreat in Northern Europe since the 70s when it became apparent it wasn't tenable. Okay, now I'm out. For real. I hope.
Nebraska's made its 90's run while a Clinton was in office. Let's do it again!So are you voting for socialist bernie? I look at it like this Pewini became our coach the same year Obama took office, things won't be any better for DONU on the field until we get a Republican in office.
Let the good times roll again.Nebraska's made its 90's run while a Clinton was in office. Let's do it again!
Since this is still going.....don't be that guy. Yes, we could go into a deep rooted discussion about Christianity and what it really means. But to say that being raised Catholic etc has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being Christian is just being "that guy".Being raised Catholic/Presbyterian/Baptist/etc. has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with whether or not you are a Christian. If people believe that, they probably aren't a Christian, they weren't listening in church, and/or their church failed in educating them as to how a person becomes a Christian (unfortunately, very commonly the latter).
Reaganomics though... am I right?!?Yes...and they can fuel a Global Economy. Damn Economics!!! Why not bring up Scandinavia? You know I'll post the articles that show what a mess they are and how their homogenous societies are collapsing due to immigration.
Are you proposing zero immigration to make this work?
I love the Micro scenario rebuttals.
Hell, my household runs a great as a dictatorship! Let's do that!!! See..easy!
Totally agree with this. At the same time, this can happen within the church and denominations as well. I took issue with you not recognizing that, by definition at least, a person who claims to be Catholic is also Christian. sure it's more Han just saying it. It's more than just sitting your butt in a pew. You have to believe in your heart that you are a sinner in need of a savior. Many believe this outside of the church. But I would be willing to bet my entire fortune that many within the church, denominations even, also believe this, as a direct result of their time spent in the church. To say what you said rubbed me wrong.You understood what I was saying just fine, but then added to my statement things I didn't say to make some other point.
The following behaviors are a list of acts that do not make one a Christian:
"Christian behaviors" are not a requirement to become a Christian, rather they are the visible fruit of the Spirit already within you. You cannot "work" your way into heaven.
- Going to church
- Having Christian parents
- Being "raised in a church" (which was the original termonolgy used that I objected to)
- Reading the Bible
- Doing "Christian things"
- Saying "Christian things"
One becomes a Christian by admitting their sin is punishable by death by God, and then by asking for the ultimate forgiveness and putting their faith, hope, and life in the hands of Jesus Christ, who died for the very purpose of serving as a bridge between your sinful life and the perfect life God desires from you. This can happen anywhere, anytime, by people who have never seen, let alone been part of, a Christian church.