Looks like Kaepernick will lose starting job to Gabbert

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I support his right to protest. I'll just say I disagree with how he delivered the message and the intelligence and depth behind it. Sure, there are issues to discuss, but painting such a broad stroke weakens the message.

No he didn't. Some of you guys would do well to vet the sources of your information more thoroughly. When you step into the echo chamber, you stop learning.

Read a good post on this today, purportedly from a vet. It's very lengthy and gets redundant in places but here's a passage that gives you a good feel for what the upshot is:

"You have to be worthy of respect. You have to live up to, or at least do your best to live up to, those high ideals -- the ones America supposedly embodies, that shining city on the hill, that exceptional nation we talk about, yes, that one. To earn respect you have to be fair. You have to have courage. You must embrace reason. You have to know when to hold the line and when to compromise. You have to take responsibility and hold yourself accountable. You have to keep your word. You have to give respect, true respect, to get it back.

There are no short cuts. None.

Now, any veteran worth the label should know that. If they don't, then likely they weren't much of a soldier to begin with and you can tell them I said so.

IF Kaepernick doesn't feel his country respects him enough for him to respect it in return, well, then you can't MAKE him respect it.

You can not make him respect it.

If you try to force a man to respect you, you'll only make him respect you less.

With threats, by violence, by shame, you can maybe compel Kaepernick to stand up and put his hand over his heart and force him to be quiet. You might.

But that's not respect.

It's only the illusion of respect.

You might force this man into the illusion of respect. You might. Would you be satisfied then? Would that make you happy? Would that make you respect your nation, the one which forced a man into the illusion of respect, a nation of little clockwork patriots all pretending satisfaction and respect? Is that what you want? If THAT's what matters to you, the illusion of respect, then you're not talking about freedom or liberty. You're not talking about the United States of America. Instead you're talking about every dictatorship from the Nazis to North Korea where people are lined up and MADE to salute with the muzzle of a gun pressed to the back of their necks.

That, that illusion of respect, is not why I wore a uniform.

That's not why I held up my right hand and swore the oath and put my life on the line for my country.

That, that illusion of respect, is not why I am a veteran.

Not so a man should be forced to show respect he doesn't feel.

That's called slavery and I have no respect for that at all.

If Americans want this man to respect America, then first they must respect him.

If America wants the world's respect, it must be worthy of respect.

America must be worthy of respect. Torture, rendition, indefinite detention, unarmed black men shot down in the street every day, poverty, inequality, voter suppression, racism, bigotry in every form, obstructionism, blind patriotism, NONE of those things are worthy of respect from anybody -- least of all an American.

But doesn't it also mean that if Kaepernick wants respect, he must give it first? Give it to America? Be worthy of respect himself? Stand up, shut up, and put his hand over his heart before Old Glory?

No. It doesn't.

Respect doesn't work that way.

Power flows from positive to negative. Electricity flows from greater potential to lesser.

The United States isn't a person, it's a vast construct, a framework of law and order and civilization designed to protect the weak from the ruthless and after more than two centuries of revision and refinement it exists to provide in equal measure for all of us the opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The United States is POWER.

All the power rests with America. Just as it does in the military chain of command. And like that chain of command, like the electrical circuit described above, respect must flow from greater to lesser FIRST before it can return."
Here is the "magic bullet" that has not been tried. Heck, every time it has even been mentioned it has been shouted down from the highest level by the so called "leaders".

The first thing the government should do is adopt a policy to incentivize having a 2-parent family. A lot of the social ills and problems could be solved very simply with this simple act. It won't solve all the problems, nor would it happen overnight, but it would be a great start.
There are tax credits already in existence that reward being married. What do you propose that incentive should be?
I think a lot of people are being taken for a ride here. Kap wants out of town, this was a great way to start that process and he was forced to come up with a lame civil right excuse of sorts to explain his disrespect and attempt to save some face.
I think a lot of people are being taken for a ride here. Kap wants out of town, this was a great way to start that process and he was forced to come up with a lame civil right excuse of sorts to explain his disrespect and attempt to save some face.
That thought crossed my mind. In either case, that cow ain't going back in the barn now.
Maybe I am clueless but I just don't get this kind of thing. Who is he mad at? The president? The supreme court? Congress? Do we have laws that promote racism? Or is he mad at the police departments? Do they tell their officers to kill minorities? I doubt there is any official policies to discriminate. Maybe rogue cops? Or is he just mad at every day people who are racist? There really isn't a law that says an individual can't have prejudices as long as you don't act out on them. So why disrespect your country when it doesn't promote discrimination? Every country is going to have racist people. Doing what he did isn't going to make people less racist. I guess I don't see what he wants changed and how any of this makes a difference.
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There are tax credits already in existence that reward being married. What do you propose that incentive should be?

I am not a tax policy expert, and while I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, that didn't help me come up with a perfect solution (both statements are true).

I wasn't thinking about fiscal policy, as I don't think tax credits for married individuals is any kind of incentive at all. I've never heard anyone say, "Let's get married this year so we can save a few hundred bucks on our taxes!"

Maybe "incentive" was a poor choice of words. Maybe not. Was thinking more along the lines of emphasizing the obvious benefits to society when there are 2 parents in a home. Wouldn't it be nice if all of our so-called government leaders (I use that term loosely), educational system, and various rights groups (racial, feminist, gender, etc.) all espoused a family environment instead of glamorizing being a single parent?

I didn't have anything specific originally, but came up with a radical idea just now. How about this as a way to monetize from a tax policy basis? Instead of giving a tax break (deduction, credit, etc.) for every child a family unit has, maybe the incentive should be tied to the child not committing a crime? Your dependent(s) commit a crime that year, you pay taxes. If they don't, get a refund.
Here is the "magic bullet" that has not been tried. Heck, every time it has even been mentioned it has been shouted down from the highest level by the so called "leaders".

The first thing the government should do is adopt a policy to incentivize having a 2-parent family. A lot of the social ills and problems could be solved very simply with this simple act. It won't solve all the problems, nor would it happen overnight, but it would be a great start.
Good post. However some people believe that the State wants it that way.. Aaron Russo directed this film, which I found quite compelling, but I'd still suggest you pay your taxes though.
I am not a tax policy expert, and while I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, that didn't help me come up with a perfect solution (both statements are true).

I wasn't thinking about fiscal policy, as I don't think tax credits for married individuals is any kind of incentive at all. I've never heard anyone say, "Let's get married this year so we can save a few hundred bucks on our taxes!"

Maybe "incentive" was a poor choice of words. Maybe not. Was thinking more along the lines of emphasizing the obvious benefits to society when there are 2 parents in a home. Wouldn't it be nice if all of our so-called government leaders (I use that term loosely), educational system, and various rights groups (racial, feminist, gender, etc.) all espoused a family environment instead of glamorizing being a single parent?

I didn't have anything specific originally, but came up with a radical idea just now. How about this as a way to monetize from a tax policy basis? Instead of giving a tax break (deduction, credit, etc.) for every child a family unit has, maybe the incentive should be tied to the child not committing a crime? Your dependent(s) commit a crime that year, you pay taxes. If they don't, get a refund.
That seems like it would be very burdensome on an already overcomplicated tax code. I don't have a moral objection to the idea, I just don't know how you go about demonstrating that for tax purposes. IMO being in a happy marriage and family has enough inherent benefits that it doesn't need external rewards. Having an extra set of hands around in and of itself is a huge upside, not to mention if there's a second income.

Kids do better in stable family situations, that data is clear. Emphasis on stable, though. But I don't think there's any great epidemic of people trashing perfectly good marriages in favor of the glamour of single parenthood. If anything I think marriage has been glamorized over many long years. People talk about it like your wedding day is the casting of a magic spell that makes you happy and in love forever, TADA! I bet we all know people who knew they didn't wanna be with somebody but they got married anyhow thinking it was somehow going to fix everything and make it better. To be sure, it also screws kids up if they grow up in a home with a couple parents who hate each other but for some reason don't split up.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you I know how to fix everything, but a lot of the issues CK is talking about are the symptoms of a very bad cycle. Kids grow up in bad environments, turn out poorly, turn into bad parents who create bad environments for their kids...on and on it goes.
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I think a lot of people are being taken for a ride here. Kap wants out of town, this was a great way to start that process and he was forced to come up with a lame civil right excuse of sorts to explain his disrespect and attempt to save some face.

That's probably a stretch imo. He could find a better way to get out of a contract in (arguably) the most liberal town in the Nation. He will get some support there, and it will be bad PR, in general, if they cut him.

That said, If he was championed as the starting QB of the 49ers, I assume he would not have taken his stance at this time.
That's probably a stretch imo. He could find a better way to get out of a contract in (arguably) the most liberal town in the Nation. He will get some support there, and it will be bad PR, in general, if they cut him.

That said, If he was championed as the starting QB of the 49ers, I assume he would not have taken his stance at this time.

If he hadn't tried to force his way out a few months ago you might have a point. If we had seen or heard this side of him before that stunt you might have a point. I guess it could all be a coincidence, but I seriously doubt it.
If he hadn't tried to force his way out a few months ago you might have a point. If we had seen or heard this side of him before that stunt you might have a point. I guess it could all be a coincidence, but I seriously doubt it.

How does this move make him less attractive to San Francisco and at the same time more attractive to someone else?

If he was looking to get out of football in general, I could see it. Other than that, that isn't a logical approach.
That seems like it would be very burdensome on an already overcomplicated tax code. I don't have a moral objection to the idea, I just don't know how you go about demonstrating that for tax purposes. IMO being in a happy marriage and family has enough inherent benefits that it doesn't need external rewards. Having an extra set of hands around in and of itself is a huge upside, not to mention if there's a second income.

Kids do better in stable family situations, that data is clear. Emphasis on stable, though. But I don't think there's any great epidemic of people trashing perfectly good marriages in favor of the glamour of single parenthood. If anything I think marriage has been glamorized over many long years. People talk about it like your wedding day is the casting of a magic spell that makes you happy and in love forever, TADA! I bet we all know people who knew they didn't wanna be with somebody but they got married anyhow thinking it was somehow going to fix everything and make it better. To be sure, it also screws kids up if they grow up in a home with a couple parents who hate each other but for some reason don't split up.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you I know how to fix everything, but a lot of the issues CK is talking about are the symptoms of a very bad cycle. Kids grow up in bad environments, turn out poorly, turn into bad parents who create bad environments for their kids...on and on it goes.

Believe me, I agree wholeheartedly with your post!

What irritates me to no end, is the continual cycle of bad environments - yet nothing ever changes. Whenever a discussion turns toward trying to create a stable family environment (or at least an opportunity for one), the usual derogatory buzzwords from the talking heads get shouted at each other and we go another day without accomplishing anything other than spiraling downward as a society.
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If he hadn't tried to force his way out a few months ago you might have a point. If we had seen or heard this side of him before that stunt you might have a point. I guess it could all be a coincidence, but I seriously doubt it.

I just cant imagine that he thought the best way to get out of San Fran would be to start a gigantic political stink. Just screw the owners daughter or something.
How does this move make him less attractive to San Francisco and at the same time more attractive to someone else?

If he was looking to get out of football in general, I could see it. Other than that, that isn't a logical approach.

It's my opinion he didn't think it through.
Maybe I am clueless but I just don't get this kind of thing. Who is he mad at? The president? The supreme court? Congress? Do we have laws that promote racism? Or is he mad at the police departments? Do they tell their officers to kill minorities? I doubt there is any official policies to discriminate. Maybe rogue cops? Or is he just mad at every day people who are racist? There really isn't a law that says an individual can't have prejudices as long as you don't act out on them. So why disrespect your country when it doesn't promote discrimination? Every country is going to have racist people. Doing what he did isn't going to make people less racist. I guess I don't see what he wants changed and how any of this makes a difference.
No, you are not clueless.

As is often the case, in his grand plan to cure social ills, he neglected to communicate which specific ills he was trying to cure, let alone how he was going to contribute to the solution (assuming he had one).

Bottom line, he never had the respect as a player or as a man to pull this off.
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His girlfriend is a Bay Area radio personality. He doesn't want out of there.

I agree he didn't think it through but I don't believe it had anything to do with getting out of the Bay Area.

He wanted out the San Fran organization, that is not an opinion. 13 seconds on Google will give you many stories about it. San Fran didn't give in, so Kap took matters into his own hands.
If he wasn't getting beat out he would not have done it. This is pure attention seeking behavior not a social statement by him. This is a last gasp to be notice he will be out of the league within 2 years.
Black men need to put slavery behind them to begin to heal their race

It's responses like this that make me smh.. How about modern day lynching known as the death sentence to an inordinate amount of black men burkek? Btw, doesn't North Korea get off on their nationalism? As did the USSR? The company you keep.. Protest is patriotism. As James Baldwin once said - "I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually."
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As a black man I can certainly understand CK's position. It's disappointing (but not surprising) to see some of the vitriol in this thread.

I can honestly say I don't give a shit what color his skin is. Acting like an idiot will get you called an idiot most every time, like kap is doing here for instance.
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Black men need to put slavery behind them to begin to heal their race

White people need to put racism behind them both Democrats and Republicans. Works hand in hand.

Democrat bigotry has been destructive to blacks for over a 100 years.

Idiots like you want people who lived through Jim Crow to forget it, because your people acted like a POS.

With common traits in this thread.

This thread should be locked mods and you know it.
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I would imagine that that this thread could be used for the purposes of negative recruiting should another school wish to do so.

I would suggest the whole thing be taken down.

On the other hand this thread may serve to inadvertently increase the number of scholarship offers to home state kids and kids hailing from the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah.

Whether you agree or disagree with what is being discussed here a good number of the responses will be considered highly offensive by some and probably rightfully so

it is nearly impossible to discuss issues like race or politics without pissing off a sizable number of people regardless of intentions - particularly when it occurs on a message board where people are allowed to post anonymously

again ... I vote for taking the whole thing down
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Did the same guy who posted this "Burning and looting businesses is the same as sitting for the national anthem? Seriously?" Just compare a Trump rally to what kap did? Really?
Poor baby multimillionaire on marginal talent raised by a white couple who probably indulged him. He just killed himself professionally but he has the $$ so he can run his mouth.
I would imagine that that this thread could be used for the purposes of negative recruiting should another school wish to do so.

I would suggest the whole thing be taken down.

On the other hand this thread may serve to inadvertently increase the number of scholarship offers to home state kids and kids hailing from the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah.

Whether you agree or disagree with what is being discussed here a good number of the responses will be considered highly offensive by some and probably rightfully so

it is nearly impossible to discuss issues like race or politics without pissing off a sizable number of people regardless of intentions - particularly when it occurs on a message board where people are allowed to post anonymously

again ... I vote for taking the whole thing down
If you subscribe to the theory that recruits read the board and these threads can make an impression on them, I'd have to agree.
he can do whatever he wants in my opinion but fans can also choose not to go to games or buy his crappy jersey.

I find what he did hypocritical given the fact he is saying blacks are oppressed and he has white parents. This whole race thing is just out of control - of course racism is bad and should not be tolerated but there is no sponsored agency that is promoting racism - Calling all police racists when many are black is just plain stupid and takes the focus from real problems
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