I wanted to clarify one thing, at least from my point of view. I see it mentioned a little bit here, and also elsewhere, and it's something that always bothers me a little, and it's talking about "rights". I see people that say "he has a right to do what he did" and what not, and I get tired of people getting what someone has the "right" to do mixed up with what someone "should" do.
Of course he had a "right" to sit during the anthem. For all that "rights" or any sort of law is concerned, he could have hopped on one-foot and quacked like a duck if he wanted to during the anthem, and wouldn't have broken any law or other rules. The point isn't rights, it's what you should do. There are times to make a protest, and there are times to show some respect, and the playing of the national anthem is the latter. I saw someone comment that they think it's stupid we play the national anthem before every game. I disagree, but you are certainly within your "rights" to hold that point of view, as I am just as well within my "rights" to hold the opposite point of view. However, regardless of your views on if the national anthem should be played before a game; and regardless of how many times you have had to stand (or sit) through a performance of the national anthem, as any athlete or person who has attended a lot of games would have done quite a few times, you still take that small amount of effort to show a little respect.
As for his comments about why he sat, give me a break. Again, you are certainly within your "rights" to hold whatever point of view you want on the topic of race relations in this country, but using the word "oppress" is so far over the top, you've lost sight of it. An oppressed people don't have a member of their race as president of the country supposedly oppressing them. They aren't allowed to block traffic and generally make anyone who doesn't explicitly support them live's a living hell with little to no consequence in a country that supposedly oppresses them. They aren't allowed, while making millions of dollars doing something they are mediocre at best at, to act like a petulant child and dishonor their country, in a country that supposedly oppresses them.
Very well said