Kenny bell tweet

So....he is saying the players don't deserve it, but the bowls should take them for the money. That doesn't change his dissing the players. How anyone could diss players you lined up with is beyond me.
We made it a habit to diss the players on a regular basis this season. We never lined up with them, but that pretty much makes it worse.
Love my school to death , but no team deserves a bowl trip w/o winning 6 games. Thats like giving out 8th place ribbons in elementary school
Kenny, the Iowa Hawkeyes just accomplished something that you and your coach never even remotely sniffed in CFB. Let that sink in.
I don't understand why people get their undies in a wad over how many bowl games there are. Who cares, its just more football. You aren't required to watch but I will pretty much always be in favor of more football. I don't care if all 128 teams get a bowl game, doesn't hurt me one bit.
Truth hurts. 5 vs 9...let that sink in for a while. Kenny isn't the only one who has written stupid things online....just read this board for 10 seconds.

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Im not arguing his opinion, I think he is right, no 5 win team deserves to be in a bowl game. I just don't think he make it in the NFL.

Fair enough. Lots of people do precisely what I accused you of and irks me to no end. Sorry for accusing you of doing so.