Jon Schutz Fired

2 ways to look at this...

1. Perhaps the University should have looked at his twitter account at least once before hiring him in the 1st place... I mean, that is a pretty commonplace thing to do these days.

2. see 1.
Things that won't get you fired from Nebraska:

-Cursing out the fans on a live microphone
-Daring the administration to fire you on a live press conference

Things that will get you fired:

-Criticizing the administration via tweet

Weird world we live in.
Somebody famous once called Eichorst a "pussy." I wonder if this might turn out to be evidence of that.
St. Anger guess you're off the list to replace him if anyone in the dept looks here.
The AD is going to have to go outside of the state of Nebraska if commenting on Bo is considered to be a problem. EVERYONE had an opinion that they shared on various social media about it.
I don't have twitter, or Facebook. Sooooo, can I have the job?

Seriously though, NU looks a little stupid here. Scratch that, they look a lot stupid. Crap, does this mean I don't get the job now?
What in the world are our children's children going to do with every random thought and stupid moment saved for parsing and later scrutiny? I shudder to think if every stupid comment or joke I'd made was available for evaluation by my employer. I can only imagine that the EEOC regulations will eventually include non-discrimination based upon social media. We already expect the President of the United States to be a perfect saint - now we need that from our announcer at NU Football events?

Cripes, some days I'm glad I'm old.
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This seems very Petersonlike.
If this is true, this was my first thought too.

However, I wonder if this is the full story. We are only here Stuetz's side. It seems too bizarre to be true.

One thing I do know, Harvey did not have a hand in this. I am not a real big fan of Harv but do believe this...the guy has an awesome sense of humor. I hardly ever read anyone on Twitter but once in awhile will stop by his account. He can give a good poke but can take one too.
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Somebody famous once called Eichorst a "pussy." I wonder if this might turn out to be evidence of that.

It's called accountability. A "pussy" would allow him to keep his employment.

You're due for knee surgery, they have to be beaten up pretty badly...
This seems very Pederson-like.

Yeah, this really is the 1st thing Eichorst's office has done that made me wonder what he is thinking. Not a good look... Even if they had an good reason for getting rid of him, the fact that they didn't find it until after they hired him is a bad look. I honestly hope this is just a blimp on the radar for Eichorst.
It's called accountability. A "pussy" would allow him to keep his employment.

You're due for knee surgery, they have to be beaten up pretty badly...
Nice Tim, do you and digits/dots confab on homosexual innuendo for insults? And if the AD made this call, is he not in need of thicker skin?
I don't know what the tweet said, likely it will be uncovered soon (even though it's deleted), but it sounds like the tweet was critical of the AD's handling of the firing - not actually critical of Pelini.

I guess if I write publicly about how crappy a company is, then I try to interview at that company, they likely wouldn't want me as an employee either. I don't see a problem with them taking the tweet seriously, but maybe the lack of doing their homework before the hire was made is worth criticism.
First of all, let's not make this job out to be more than it is. Most people don't care who the PA announcer at the stadium is. I couldn't have even told you that Patrick Combs was the announcer until a few years ago when there was a local news story about him and he'd been doing it since 2002. So if this is really something the athletic department did wrong, it's pretty minor. Second of all, if he really did say something on social media critical of Bo's firing, then I have no problem with letting him go. They need to know their employees are on board with what is going on. Should they have vetted that out before they hired him? Sure, but again, we are talking about a pretty minor position here in the grand scheme of things.
Chicolby, nobody would have said booo if they just passed him over based on his criticism of the AD. However, you look really bad if he is good enough to hire after looking at his body of work, talking to his references, and interviewing him in person only to then turn around and fire him for a critical tweet made over six months ago.
First of all, let's not make this job out to be more than it is. Most people don't care who the PA announcer at the stadium is. I couldn't have even told you that Patrick Combs was the announcer until a few years ago when there was a local news story about him and he'd been doing it since 2002. So if this is really something the athletic department did wrong, it's pretty minor. Second of all, if he really did say something on social media critical of Bo's firing, then I have no problem with letting him go. They need to know their employees are on board with what is going on. Should they have vetted that out before they hired him? Sure, but again, we are talking about a pretty minor position here in the grand scheme of things.
That is the thing most hiring processes these days involve a quick tour of a prospect's social media accounts. The timing of this is the embarrassing part. Hired one day, fired the next.
It's called accountability. A "pussy" would allow him to keep his employment.

You're due for knee surgery, they have to be beaten up pretty badly...
HTO, are you privy to what the post was, exactly? If it was Boish, I could see not wanting him on the job. If it was fairly tame, I think the university has to realize the nature of the social media beast...
Chicolby, nobody would have said booo if they just passed him over based on his criticism of the AD. However, you look really bad if he is good enough to hire after looking at his body of work, talking to his references, and interviewing him in person only to then turn around and fire him for a critical tweet made over six months ago.
I don't disagree. I think we're making the same point. First - it was OK to not want him based on a criticism he made in a public forum. Second - if they hadn't done their due diligence, they look a bit foolish.

I only was clarifying for the people who say a tweet is no big deal, that it can be, in fact, a big deal.
I don't disagree. I think we're making the same point. First - it was OK to not want him based on a criticism he made in a public forum. Second - if they hadn't done their due diligence, they look a bit foolish.

I only was clarifying for the people who say a tweet is no big deal, that it can be, in fact, a big deal.
I think we are close to the same point but the problem is that at this point in time the tweet cannot be seen as a big deal. You already hired him. You come off looking really childish to turn around and fire him for that.
Nice Tim, do you and digits/dots confab on homosexual innuendo for insults? And if the AD made this call, is he not in need of thicker skin?

Nope, just speak the truth.

He doesn't need thicker skin, dude just fired someone that called out the Chancellor. That's a move 99 out of 100 people, with balls, makes. I know it's hard for you to understand.
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HTO, are you privy to what the post was, exactly? If it was Boish, I could see not wanting him on the job. If it was fairly tame, I think the university has to realize the nature of the social media beast...

Yes I was earlier today and honestly thought it was a joke. Someone within the University dropped the ball during the background check / hiring process.
Nope, just speak the truth.

He doesn't need thicker skin, dude just fired someone that called out the Chancellor. That's a move 99 out of 100 people, with balls, makes. I know it's hard for you to understand.
I don't disagree with you often, Tim. However, why was he hired in the first place?
Nope, just speak the truth.

He doesn't need thicker skin, dude just fired someone that called out the Chancellor. That's a move 99 out of 100 people, with balls, makes. I know it's hard for you to understand.
It doesn't take any balls to fire him. It's something that people who feel butt-hurt do (to use an oldie on this board). If this is about Harvey, he can laugh this off and certainly doesn't need some underling defending "his honor."
Yes I was earlier today and honestly thought it was a joke. Someone within the University dropped the ball during the background check / hiring process.
Yes I was earlier today and honestly thought it was a joke. Someone within the University dropped the ball during the background check / hiring process.
Thanks Tim. Just saw scottym's post on what it was. Makes sense now, just should have been found out earlier.
We have become a nation of wussies if saying something like this gets you fired after the fact. Remember, nearly everyone at the point in time this was written was arguing about our record...whether Bo should be fired for not winning more. There was no player's meeting tape. For this tweet to be the reason that you fire someone is silly.