It Gets REAL starting today!!

What am I talking about? First off, I want to see substance, not talk. These are all the same kinds of comments we have bogged through with all our other unsuccessful coaches. I get his style and I hope it works out well but I am not a big believer in this type of motivation. Nothing all that wrong with it but it does not take the place of real motivation. Putting in long hours in the gym, practice watching tape is what brings motivation. A person who works hard for something will not give it up easily.
Are the black shirts a motivation that makes a difference? It makes no difference if you havne't done the important, real stuff.
In 95, Colorado had their players come out of the stands to enter the stadium. They came out stomping and strutting and their fans were going nuts. On our first drive they made some pretty good plays and jumped on the pile and celebrated like they had won the world series, superbowl, and bowl playoffs in one fell swoop. They had 'that' kind of motivation.
Then for the next 58 minutes of game time our superior team dominated every aspect of the game.
You’re making the assumption they aren’t putting in the long hours in the gym and not watching tape, but only using motivational tactics, which is frankly kind of silly.
What am I talking about? First off, I want to see substance, not talk. These are all the same kinds of comments we have bogged through with all our other unsuccessful coaches. I get his style and I hope it works out well but I am not a big believer in this type of motivation. Nothing all that wrong with it but it does not take the place of real motivation. Putting in long hours in the gym, practice watching tape is what brings motivation. A person who works hard for something will not give it up easily.
Are the black shirts a motivation that makes a difference? It makes no difference if you havne't done the important, real stuff.
In 95, Colorado had their players come out of the stands to enter the stadium. They came out stomping and strutting and their fans were going nuts. On our first drive they made some pretty good plays and jumped on the pile and celebrated like they had won the world series, superbowl, and bowl playoffs in one fell swoop. They had 'that' kind of motivation.
Then for the next 58 minutes of game time our superior team dominated every aspect of the game.
Long hours bring motivation? Not competition? Interesting take.
What am I talking about? First off, I want to see substance, not talk. These are all the same kinds of comments we have bogged through with all our other unsuccessful coaches. I get his style and I hope it works out well but I am not a big believer in this type of motivation. Nothing all that wrong with it but it does not take the place of real motivation. Putting in long hours in the gym, practice watching tape is what brings motivation. A person who works hard for something will not give it up easily.
Are the black shirts a motivation that makes a difference? It makes no difference if you havne't done the important, real stuff.
In 95, Colorado had their players come out of the stands to enter the stadium. They came out stomping and strutting and their fans were going nuts. On our first drive they made some pretty good plays and jumped on the pile and celebrated like they had won the world series, superbowl, and bowl playoffs in one fell swoop. They had 'that' kind of motivation.
Then for the next 58 minutes of game time our superior team dominated every aspect of the game.

There are no games being played right now, so bitching and moaning because the new coach hasn’t won any games yet is moronic.

Your belief that there is somehow a lack of hard work and instead just a bunch of big talk is also completely baseless. I see a staff trying hard to install a culture of collectiveness and hard work, how you have decided they are gimmicky and without substance is beyond me. And the comparisons to the clown at Minnesota are just stupid.
What am I talking about? First off, I want to see substance, not talk. These are all the same kinds of comments we have bogged through with all our other unsuccessful coaches. I get his style and I hope it works out well but I am not a big believer in this type of motivation. Nothing all that wrong with it but it does not take the place of real motivation. Putting in long hours in the gym, practice watching tape is what brings motivation. A person who works hard for something will not give it up easily.
Are the black shirts a motivation that makes a difference? It makes no difference if you havne't done the important, real stuff.
In 95, Colorado had their players come out of the stands to enter the stadium. They came out stomping and strutting and their fans were going nuts. On our first drive they made some pretty good plays and jumped on the pile and celebrated like they had won the world series, superbowl, and bowl playoffs in one fell swoop. They had 'that' kind of motivation.
Then for the next 58 minutes of game time our superior team dominated every aspect of the game.
Seems a Lot like bitchin to be bitchin. IF, we don’t look like a motivated, and disciplined team in the Fall, something we haven’t been in a LONG DAMN time, then you can say it’s more of the same.
First thing Rhule has done as our head coach I don't like. And I don't like the single digit jersey thing ALOT. This is something you do with a junior high team. Motivating players by them aspiring for a single digit jersey is something you do at Temple. Here at Nebraska, we expect every player to play tough whether he has jersey #1 or #99. I can see where this kind of thing, Matt's teambuilding tug of wars, etc. went over like a lead balloon with his professional players at Carolina, and they said as much.

So Buford #1, Newsome #6, Washington #7, Farmer and Smothers #8, and AJ Allen #9 lose their numbers. So much for him showing up and saying these are "all my guys". He just stripped guys who weren't really his guys of their numbers. Numbers are important to players.
Get over it.
You’re making the assumption they aren’t putting in the long hours in the gym and not watching tape, but only using motivational tactics, which is frankly kind of silly.
Where did I say they weren't? Man, one person starts an inauthentic dog pile and people jump in without looking.
I didn't say he was going 2-9 or that the team isn't working hard. I am making the point that from my 50 years of watching football that superficial motivation has a very short shelf life.
Peter Brothers, Wistrom, Mike Brown etc., do you think they played hard because they got gold stars on their attendance forms?
How many times during these sad years did we bring in a couple '90's guys' to motivate players with speeches and how many times did that work? Football games are when you reap the rewards of hard work. Games are won in summer sweat and spring practices, and in the gym.

A good friend of mine played during the TO years. I once asked him how it felt with all those eyes watching you and all the talk going on. He said they were trained to concentrate on their assignment, to focus solely on what they are supposed to do. TO's practices were famous for their organization and comprehensiveness. If you look back you'll see perfection and timing that puts great pressure on the opposition. And add that same intensity and professionalism to strength and conditioning.
That's what I am referring to. .
Where did I say they weren't? Man, one person starts an inauthentic dog pile and people jump in without looking.
I didn't say he was going 2-9 or that the team isn't working hard. I am making the point that from my 50 years of watching football that superficial motivation has a very short shelf life.
Peter Brothers, Wistrom, Mike Brown etc., do you think they played hard because they got gold stars on their attendance forms?
How many times during these sad years did we bring in a couple '90's guys' to motivate players with speeches and how many times did that work? Football games are when you reap the rewards of hard work. Games are won in summer sweat and spring practices, and in the gym.

A good friend of mine played during the TO years. I once asked him how it felt with all those eyes watching you and all the talk going on. He said they were trained to concentrate on their assignment, to focus solely on what they are supposed to do. TO's practices were famous for their organization and comprehensiveness. If you look back you'll see perfection and timing that puts great pressure on the opposition. And add that same intensity and professionalism to strength and conditioning.
That's what I am referring to. .
Fair enough but then you are ignoring what he accomplished at temple and Baylor. It’s really that simple. Did he just start using motivational tactics here? Of course you’ve got to put in the hard work. Rhule himself has said as much. Repeatedly in fact. He wants to be a physical football team. I can’t tell you how often he has said that. Will they become a physical football team through motivational tactics?

Of course not. They are going to put in the long hours and hard work if we are to believe what Rhule has already said. But to assist in the process, they are doing things that will motivate the guys and bring them together. They can do both you know.
Fair enough but then you are ignoring what he accomplished at temple and Baylor. It’s really that simple. Did he just start using motivational tactics here? Of course you’ve got to put in the hard work. Rhule himself has said as much. Repeatedly in fact. He wants to be a physical football team. I can’t tell you how often he has said that. Will they become a physical football team through motivational tactics?

Of course not. They are going to put in the long hours and hard work if we are to believe what Rhule has already said. But to assist in the process, they are doing things that will motivate the guys and bring them together. They can do both you know.
Exactly. It's not his first rodeo let alone p5 job. Oh, and he coached in the NFL as head man.

I'm gonna assume his talk is going to match his results at this still early stage...
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