Now add “these are not my underwear”. Damn man. You do like math! 🙂
I said I dropped out of school at age 16, I never said I wasn't a good student. LOL
One of my favorite cliches' and a quick story about numbers.
A large firm contracted to hire a top accountant to crunch the numbers for that company. First candidate arrives for the interview with a degree from the finest business school in the country. The CEO asked him one question in the interview process, "How much is 2 + 2?" The candidate said, "4". The CEO said, "We'll get back with you."
The next candidate had impeccable credentials and the CEO asked him, "How much is 2 + 2?" And the guy said "4".
The CEO said, "Thank you, we'll get back with you."
The third candidate arrived, had an average background in accounting.
The CEO asked him, "How much is 2 + 2?"
The candidate got up, walked over to the large window, lowered the shades and said,
"How much do you want it to be?"
The CEO said, "You're hired."
All numbers can be counted, but not all numbers count.