Is Raiola sick?

we can always run it a little more but we also have to let satt have his bottle knowing all he wants to do is throw it
We have a top QB whose strength is his arm. Something was clearly off in the passing game though. I dropped my son and grandsons off as close to the game as I could get them then went and watched it at Tico’s so I couldn’t tell how much of the issue was the wind.
Body language was horrible. I noticed after a missed throw or 2 the receivers would look back and have that WTF expression. Off day, it happens. He’ll grow from it, get his mojo back during the off week.
Ive been around long time & saw many throwing Husker Qbacks. Dave H. Vince Feragamo. Throwing in the wind condition hurts in both directions. Quite hot day, windy, young Qback,"young & learning receivers. Im quite happy to be 5 & 1. Greg S. Is no slouch as he knows defense. 7 & 5 for the years is ok. We are a developing team
People are way overthinking this. Windy day against a team that supposedly has a strong pass D but doesn't put up a lot of points. Dylan is at his best on those medium-deep throws. Rutgers wasn't giving him those and there was no need push it. I think he got a little nervous to throw a pick, knowing it was one of the few ways Rutgers was winning.
QBs are allowed to have a rough day. No one is perfect. I’m just glad that we have a defense and attitude to carry the team and finish the game. They smelled blood in the water and the got it done. Not a chance a Chinander defense pulls that off.