This post probably belongs elsewhere, but no related thread seems to have been started. This makes this thread the best place to be attacked and turned upside down. The guy on 1620, at lunch stated they are going to have Westy be the punt returner, confirmed by the special teams coach. If you throw away the best and worst of Westys 19 returns, his average is a yard a carry. First true example of bad coaching I have seen by this staff, if true - " the return of Panico ".
Why not just fair catch every punt and lean forward when you do; same result less risk - cost the equivalent of a score a game. If only we had a coach dedicated too special teams, they rank Westy as our top receiver, then put him back there, while complaining about a shortage of receivers - I know they say they are confident in our young backs; I guess its just too early to expect one to achieve a yard per return. No link, but sure there is a podcast you can access if it wouldn't interfere with your opinion.
So it was per the radio show and i am sure reality will change.