Insider Info Tracker

Charlie Marlow

Athletic Director
Sep 23, 2005
In Your Head
I always thought there should be a pinned thread that kept track of people's 'insider' info so people can get credit for when they get it right and shamed when they get it wrong. This would make an easy reference to see who's full of crap and who should actually be listened to. I mean, we kind of know for the most part anyway, but maybe there would be a lot less BS info if it were permanently memorialized instead of being forgotten in a few weeks time.
dangerous thread.. I'd love to start posting examples, but I don't think it gets us anywhere..

i'm content knowing that 99.8% of the 'facts' posted on this site are sheer fabrication or hallucination.
Laugh all you want, but it has ruined this board. This place used to be great for info and discussion on the Huskers. It was easy to tell who had the goods. Now people complain and whine for links when things are shared. Not real sure what the point of that is, but to each their own. My posting took a big turn here a few years back. Now I think I just call out others bullshit because I am sick of how people were being treated because of what seems to be petty jealousy.
I don't remember ever asking for a link, other than as a joke. In fact, I would think an insider info tracker would help get rid of all the bs that you complain about.

So I apologize for ruining this board for you. You really should carry on posting the goods and just ignore the whiners.
I don't remember ever asking for a link, other than as a joke. In fact, I would think an insider info tracker would help get rid of all the bs that you complain about.

So I apologize for ruining this board for you. You really should carry on posting the goods and just ignore the whiners.
Way too late. There are a few items that will come out later in camp that we will all be surprised to know. After all, this place is now a platform for the offended.
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My favorite thing on the board is when people say they have inside information but won't share it. Then something happens later and they say, "I knew that!"

My second favorite thing is when people say, "Email me...I got the goods." What is the purpose of using the board to set up your own little tribe?
I always thought there should be a pinned thread that kept track of people's 'insider' info so people can get credit for when they get it right and shamed when they get it wrong. This would make an easy reference to see who's full of crap and who should actually be listened to. I mean, we kind of know for the most part anyway, but maybe there would be a lot less BS info if it were permanently memorialized instead of being forgotten in a few weeks time.

Bookmark the pages, Rivals now archives each thread.

My favorite thing on the board is when people say they have inside information but won't share it. Then something happens later and they say, "I knew that!"

My second favorite thing is when people say, "Email me...I got the goods." What is the purpose of using the board to set up your own little tribe?

I can't get into details but I am hearing

a few of the players aren't happy with the new staff
We can expect a surprise commitment
Unfortunately I am also hearing rumblings of a likely decommit
One of players who is slated for heavy playing time is nursing an injury that may be more of a factor as the season progresses

Also don't be surprised if an under the radar guy rises up the depth chart and gets significant playing time

I wish I could be more specific but it wouldn't be fair those involved
Not in 2012 or 2013.
To be fair, the wheels were IN FACT in motion years before it actually happened. Jaws' info was only incorrect as to the finality of the act. Harvey wanted him gone but right or wrong politically couldn't overcome Tom's power. Tom was able to pull Bo's bacon out of the fire in both cases by influencing key boosters and Regents. It finally reached a tipping point with a couple of key people last fall. HP and SE finally had the support they needed to pull the trigger. Bo has nobody to blame but himself.
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Way too late. There are a few items that will come out later in camp that we will all be surprised to know. After all, this place is now a platform for the offended.

At the risk of kicking you back into your OCD on this topic, let me explain one more time. When you get your information via a link, post it. When you don't, it's obviously not needed. For some reason you have an affinity to not do the former, for reasons unknown.
Except that his wasn't a forecast. He stated very specifically when Bo would be fired (like down to the day or week), and it wasn't in 2014.
let's get something straight here. Do you remember Bo's rant about them firing him and Sharp commenting on air that Bo was gone. That wasn't without cause that time. What happened? Tom stepped in. Bo was gone several times and Tom was able to give him a last minute reprieve in every case. There are lots of ears on campus and in Regent's Hall. I knew over a week before Frank did that he was gone. Some political hoops had to be jumped through before they officially informed him but Tom wasn't around to save Frank. The AD doesn't just get up in the morning, decide to fire the head coach at NU and then call a press conference.
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My favorite thing on the board is when people say they have inside information but won't share it. Then something happens later and they say, "I knew that!"

My second favorite thing is when people say, "Email me...I got the goods." What is the purpose of using the board to set up your own little tribe?
To piss you off. Kind of like how you use the board to troll more than anyone in Rivals history.
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At the risk of kicking you back into your OCD on this topic, let me explain one more time. When you get your information via a link, post it. When you don't, it's obviously not needed. For some reason you have an affinity to not do the former, for reasons unknown.
Because I don't fricking want to. Too bad. Get over your incessant whining about a fricking thing to click on when your Mom lets you use the interwebs.
Because I don't fricking want to. Too bad. Get over your incessant whining about a fricking thing to click on when your Mom lets you use the interwebs.

I agree with you.. Who cares... I am family members with a former Husker great player, and it was hilarious to hear everyone on hear posting what they thought was insider info. Some was correct, some wasn't but sometimes there is info that doesn't have links. That is what somewhat makes this message board a good time, but in the grand scheme.. Who gives a S$%#@
I agree with you.. Who cares... I am family members with a former Husker great player, and it was hilarious to hear everyone on hear posting what they thought was insider info. Some was correct, some wasn't but sometimes there is info that doesn't have links. That is what somewhat makes this message board a good time, but in the grand scheme.. Who gives a S$%#@

exactly. It's basically all rumor and fun until a rumor gets legs and has to be addressed by the powers that be. A good deal of the chilling effect over the last few years on "insider info" was directly related to activities from within the football offices. There were people that were monitoring message boards and making phone calls trying to determine identities of posters. They then turned around and confronted them if they could find them. There was also a witch hunt for possible leaks of roster or injury information. Bo took his paranoia to a whole different level. If a former player or media type ruffled feathers, they got a phone call or a personal confrontation.
I can't get into details but I am hearing

a few of the players aren't happy with the new staff
We can expect a surprise commitment
Unfortunately I am also hearing rumblings of a likely decommit
One of players who is slated for heavy playing time is nursing an injury that may be more of a factor as the season progresses

Also don't be surprised if an under the radar guy rises up the depth chart and gets significant playing time

I wish I could be more specific but it wouldn't be fair those involved
See, there is absolutely nothing insider about this post.
Everything stated here could be posted on any college football team's board and be accurate.
Once you realize it's all bs, then you can actually enjoy this place and not be so serious all the time!
I can't get into details but I am hearing

a few of the players aren't happy with the new staff
We can expect a surprise commitment
Unfortunately I am also hearing rumblings of a likely decommit
One of players who is slated for heavy playing time is nursing an injury that may be more of a factor as the season progresses

Also don't be surprised if an under the radar guy rises up the depth chart and gets significant playing time

I wish I could be more specific but it wouldn't be fair those involved
Just let us know when these things occur. You will then be dubbed, "insider extraordinaire!"

Solid post.
In the last hour I have learned we are making inroads with a 5* recruit and have been approached by a very very high profile player looking to transfer.

Both are long shots but man if either or both would occur. LOOK OUT!!
Just let us know when these things occur. You will then be dubbed, "insider extraordinaire!"

Solid post.
It's too bad you were never smart enough to sort through who, and who not to listen to. I guess for someone to troll as much as you have, I gave you too much credit for beingat least a little bit capable of understanding it all. Keep reading Sipphole and actually thinking he was telling you the truth.
I can say without doubt, don't pay attention to my rumors. They seem to wrong, I need to upgrade my rumor sources.
This post probably belongs elsewhere, but no related thread seems to have been started. This makes this thread the best place to be attacked and turned upside down. The guy on 1620, at lunch stated they are going to have Westy be the punt returner, confirmed by the special teams coach. If you throw away the best and worst of Westys 19 returns, his average is a yard a carry. First true example of bad coaching I have seen by this staff, if true - " the return of Panico ".
Why not just fair catch every punt and lean forward when you do; same result less risk - cost the equivalent of a score a game. If only we had a coach dedicated too special teams, they rank Westy as our top receiver, then put him back there, while complaining about a shortage of receivers - I know they say they are confident in our young backs; I guess its just too early to expect one to achieve a yard per return. No link, but sure there is a podcast you can access if it wouldn't interfere with your opinion.
So it was per the radio show and i am sure reality will change.
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This post probably belongs elsewhere, but no related thread seems to have been started. This makes this thread the best place to be attacked and turned upside down. The guy on 1620 at lunch stated they are going to have Westy be the punt returner, confirmed by
Link? Should be easy since our special teams coach said it. Errrr I mean I can't find it!!!
This post probably belongs elsewhere, but no related thread seems to have been started. This makes this thread the best place to be attacked and turned upside down. The guy on 1620, at lunch stated they are going to have Westy be the punt returner, confirmed by the special teams coach. If you throw away the best and worst of Westys 19 returns, his average is a yard a carry. First true example of bad coaching I have seen by this staff, if true - " the return of Panico ".
Why not just fair catch every punt and lean forward when you do; same result less risk - cost the equivalent of a score a game. If only we had a coach dedicated too special teams, they rank Westy as our top receiver, then put him back there, while complaining about a shortage of receivers - I know they say they are confident in our young backs; I guess its just too early to expect one to achieve a yard per return. No link, but sure there is a podcast you can access if it wouldn't interfere with your opinion.
So it was per the radio show and i am sure reality will change.
FIRST you have to catch the ball. We lost multiple possessions AND hundreds of yards by returners failing to catch the punt before Panico got the job. He had tremendous hands and he saved us tons of yards in bouncing punts. They'll be auditioning other punt returners no doubt but you can't just put a guy back there because he's good with the ball in his hands. Muffed punts can be real game changers. IF nobody else shows they're better, then Westerkamp is who we should use. DPE is tough to replace.
This post probably belongs elsewhere, but no related thread seems to have been started. This makes this thread the best place to be attacked and turned upside down. The guy on 1620, at lunch stated they are going to have Westy be the punt returner, confirmed by the special teams coach. If you throw away the best and worst of Westys 19 returns, his average is a yard a carry. First true example of bad coaching I have seen by this staff, if true - " the return of Panico ".
Why not just fair catch every punt and lean forward when you do; same result less risk - cost the equivalent of a score a game. If only we had a coach dedicated too special teams, they rank Westy as our top receiver, then put him back there, while complaining about a shortage of receivers - I know they say they are confident in our young backs; I guess its just too early to expect one to achieve a yard per return. No link, but sure there is a podcast you can access if it wouldn't interfere with your opinion.
So it was per the radio show and i am sure reality will change.
Go watch the state penn game from 2 years ago. It was the most pathetic punt return scheme you have ever seen. We literally had 10 guys just stand there after the snap watching the punter until their coverage blew right past. It is a miracle Westy is not wheel-chair bound after that day. Sitting in the stands in Happy Valley that day was truly astonishing. It really looked like the punt return unit had it out for Westy, trying to get him hurt. Any actual effort will be a huge improvement.
Bo did a great job last year by taking over special teams. Like I said, minimal effort made a huge difference.
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The only prediction I ever made was that Joe Dailey would make everybody forget the name Jammal Lord, and I was 100% right about that!