If you could meet one...

Tuco. I always enjoy his take on things. But then there are some fellow old timers I would like to meet too like dingle and scarlet
I think putting a face to most of the names would be fun but no doubt some time down the road it could ugly.

Ever since Jamrog and the goons were trying to find me I would rather stay somewhat anonymous. Lots of good Husker fans on here regardless the varying opinions on multiple topics.
I think putting a face to most of the names would be fun but no doubt some time down the road it could ugly.

Ever since Jamrog and the goons were trying to find me I would rather stay somewhat anonymous. Lots of good Husker fans on here regardless the varying opinions on multiple topics.
What!!! Do tell
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Actually I’m not great at trivia. I can remember some things but I’m terrible at names without Google. 🥴
After your comment about Jamrog and his goons, Plan B would be to have the hypothetical team distance itself from one member of the team. LOL
LeodisFlowers is probably someone I'd hang out with. I like to go against the grain and there are more than a few people on the board that think this way, at times.

Every once in awhile someone comes along and trolls the board super hard, and I laugh my ass off. It's been a long time since we had a really good one. But I really appreciate those guys for the humor.
fraud..ha ha ha
Nah. More like early onset dementia. I told my wife several years ago if she was worried that I was getting dementia that she should take out nursing home insurance on me BEFORE she took me to a neurologist. Yeah we’ve got nursing home insurance. My Mom was horribly forgetful as long as I could remember though. She lived to 89 and never developed senile dementia.
Nah. More like early onset dementia. I told my wife several years ago if she was worried that I was getting dementia that she should take out nursing home insurance on me BEFORE she took me to a neurologist. Yeah we’ve got nursing home insurance. My Mom was horribly forgetful as long as I could remember though. She lived to 89 and never developed senile dementia.
I'm going to have a hard to time not putting a bullet through my head as older age things set in. I'm not sure if I'll burn for what I've already done and cant be forgiven for, or burn for not being able to handle insanity anymore. I feel trapped.
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I'm going to have a hard to time not putting a bullet through my head as older age things set in. I'm not sure if I'll burn for what I've already done and cant be forgiven for, or burn for not being able to handle insanity anymore. I feel trapped.

TampaBay, Litespeed, and HBK all seem like similar dudes who love comedy and really into really hot girls. I would definitely hang with them. The internet is kind of my outlet for being different but these guys are essentially my friends and I in real life.

SuperBigFan might be the same way and I think he said he was black. While I’m not black I have always had an above average amount of black friends so we probably get along well

Of course contrarian thinkers like NikkiSix, itseasyas123, c3o and Jae. We would have a lot to talk about

huskerfan66 and I agree on a lot and both come from the farm, plus he has a place where we can all shoot stuff
TampaBay, Litespeed, and HBK all seem like similar dudes who love comedy and really into really hot girls. I would definitely hang with them. The internet is kind of my outlet for being different but these guys are essentially my friends and I in real life.

SuperBigFan might be the same way and I think he said he was black. While I’m not black I have always had an above average amount of black friends so we probably get along well

Of course contrarian thinkers like NikkiSix, itseasyas123, c3o and Jae. We would have a lot to talk about

huskerfan66 and I agree on a lot and both come from the farm, plus he has a place where we can all shoot stuff
TampaBay, Litespeed, and HBK all seem like similar dudes who love comedy and really into really hot girls. I would definitely hang with them. The internet is kind of my outlet for being different but these guys are essentially my friends and I in real life.

SuperBigFan might be the same way and I think he said he was black. While I’m not black I have always had an above average amount of black friends so we probably get along well

Of course contrarian thinkers like NikkiSix, itseasyas123, c3o and Jae. We would have a lot to talk about

huskerfan66 and I agree on a lot and both come from the farm, plus he has a place where we can all shoot stuff
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As non-existent as I've kinda been, I'd totally be down with that. I'd be honored. The season is upon us. I'm back. Full disclosure: I've met @litespeedhuskerfan and know him quite well. Good dude. Kong, this would be one hell of a party with this list you put together. Lol.

Like I said, just honored to be on it.
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Damn. This is a tough one. So many cool people I've "met" on here over the years.

@kaz36 Already met him....good dude
@king_kong_ no bullshit. I like that.
@Pennsyhusker love the takes. Always brought a lot to the board
@StoneColdHusker probably not even around anymore. Awesome guy.
@bigboxes as long as he brings a portfolio of girls in yoga pants. Lol
@jawbreakingsafetyplay talked with him quite a bit by phone. We agree. We disagree. Lol. Still always a 30 min conversation. I like the dude.
Rounding out the list: @schuele @dinglefritz @headcard @HBK4life @TampaBaySkers probably ten others I've forgotten that I've forgotten their screen names because I've been so inactive here. Call me out if I missed ya. Lol I'd love to here from ya. Peace HD.
TampaBay, Litespeed, and HBK all seem like similar dudes who love comedy and really into really hot girls. I would definitely hang with them. The internet is kind of my outlet for being different but these guys are essentially my friends and I in real life.

SuperBigFan might be the same way and I think he said he was black. While I’m not black I have always had an above average amount of black friends so we probably get along well

Of course contrarian thinkers like NikkiSix, itseasyas123, c3o and Jae. We would have a lot to talk about

huskerfan66 and I agree on a lot and both come from the farm, plus he has a place where we can all shoot stuff
I just read this a week late. Wow, Someday, Nikki, c3o, Jae and I could have a fantastic visit.

Nikki and I have got along great with a couple exceptions. Soon as we get the HH/Chubba thing handled, we're gold.

c3o is fast becoming one of my favorites, he just seems so "even" in his approach, he's such a good family man I have nothing but admiration for him. He must be a great husband, father, and person. I'd love to have coffee and just chat.

What can I say about Jae? Probably nothing I put in a post.
J/K He's awesome. (I don't give a **** if he's "out" there).

I've enjoyed the hell out of Someday's viewpoints on a lot of topics, and I like the fact he doesn't shy away from contrarians.

We have some really interesting guys on this forum. Way too many to mention.

I'm a contrarian in everything I do.
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Well, glad I’ve made an impression😂😂😂
You would definitely be in the ten of screen names I could remember, spartan. Probably because I'm old now. Lol. Also, @timnsun @HuskAir @tarheelhusker @NYC-Husker @planored . Everyone else'll come back to me.

It's kinda like sex multiple times in one day... now that I'm older. I'll remember every screenname....eventually. Just not in ten minutes. Give me four or five hours. 🤣

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